Stone age love and strange sounds, too

Jul 07, 2011 18:16

When: Friday night! The show starts at 7:30, but the doors have been open since noon. The party ends at 6am, after morning sirens. Tag yourself in whenever!
Where: Purgatory! Gabriel and Jinx's cabaret night club in Sector 5.
Summary: IT'S A ( Read more... )

blaine anderson, sander cohen, deathstroke the terminator, demyx, frau, maka albarn, chuck shurley, gabriel/the trickster, jinx, roxie hart

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being ironic like the cool kid he is brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 04:31:52 UTC
Soul was a Hell (no pun intended) of a lot more relaxed than what he had been opening night. The atmosphere was intoxicating, and since he feels like being ironic tonight he starts his set off with a little Billy Joel song known as Piano Man, followed by Hotel California.

The last song he plays says pretty much everything, but depending on how well someone knew him it might not make sense for Soul to have played it. Still, it was his choice, which is what he liked about the Purg.

After his performance he slips off stage, mingling with the crowd and generally helping the other staff out if needed.


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 05:05:03 UTC
Maka let him mingle with his friends for awhile before she finally slid out of the chair at the table she was sitting at, shoving her way through the crowd to get to him. She felt pretty small in this place; it was full of adults, and it made her feel kind of small. Still, it was nice to see where her partner worked, and to watch him play. He seemed pretty at ease with the whole thing, though it wasn't quite the same as when he played for her.

Or at least, that's what she wanted to think.

She stepped up beside him, bumping her shoulder into his in greeting. "Hey."


brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 05:22:11 UTC
He'd come a long way from that first moment they'd met as far as being willing to play openly was concerned. To be honest he was a little surprised but he'd finally managed to convince himself nobody had anything to criticize him against like they had back home. Here, nobody knew his brother even existed. Well, Kurt was pretty much the only one he'd told, but that aside it wasn't like he could be compared to Wes here.

Here, it was all about him.

Soul glanced out the corner of his eye when he felt Maka bump his shoulder, grin on his face. "Hey. Having fun?"


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 05:33:34 UTC
After getting some soda water from the bar, because alcohol wasn't agreeing with her in the least, Jinx had taken to walking around to actually meet and greet. In her lingerie costume, she shook a few hands, checked up on some of the staff, and then she saw that shock of white hair in the full house. Of course she had to go say hello to her surrogate little brother and tell him what a great job he had done. Half the club was practically singing along to David Bowie when he played. He was a much different person than the kid she hired when this place first opened.

No paying any mind to who he was talking to, she the sorceress just came right up to him and draped her arms over his shoulders. Grinning big, she pecked his cheek with a light kiss. His boss was definitely happy tonight.

"Tell me how much of a genius I am for stealing you. Go ahead. I'm brilliant, right? Tonight would suck without you." She told him this all the while messing up his hair, violating his personal bubble. But he was probably more than just used to it by now ( ... )


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 05:40:54 UTC
Maka was literally about a half second away from opening her mouth to answer when some...skank came literally from out of nowhere and draped herself all her partner. Maka wasn't sure what the heck she was supposed to be wearing- whatever it was, it looked cheap and slutty in her opinion -and the Meister could feel her temper boiling instantly beneath the surface.

Her face told it all. Her cheeks puffed out a little bit, and her fingers curled into fists. Either there was something totally wrong with this girl, or there were some big things that Soul hadn't told her about.

"Who the hell are you?" she practically growled, brows furrowed angrily. For the moment, they're both lucky that this is a private place, and she saw the big bodyguards that were roaming the place. Not that she didn't think she could get away, but getting kicked out of Soul's place of work wouldn't look good. Her eyes slid over to her partner, filled with accusation. "....Soul?"

Answers. She wanted them.


brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 05:51:20 UTC
Soul's attention was drawn away from Maka the moment Jinx had chosen to drape herself over his shoulders. He was used to the weird form of affection by now, and he'd pretty much learned to say goodbye to any personal space bubble while in the Purg. It was Jinx anyway, like he could say no to his boss.

It was the look on Maka's face that drew his attention back to her when he glanced at her out the corner of his eye though. Alarm bells rang off inside his head - he probably should've warned her about some things before now but they'd slipped his mind, honestly! He looks a bit put out before he smooths his hair back with a hand, gesturing to the sorceress hanging off his back with it.

"Jinx, this is Maka, my Meister. Maka, this is Jinx. My boss."

Hopefully that would say everything he wasn't able to say out loud.


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 06:02:11 UTC
Really, Jinx hadn't noticed the other girl. At all. Until she started speaking. She was very young looking, meaning she had to know someone in the club. Obviously, it was Soul. Usually, she reacted poorly to people demanding to know who she was, but in this case? She stayed quiet, if only to look the girl over.

Because she was having such a good night, she didn't respond with any anger. Really, she was trying to keep the bitch levels down to try and counteract Joan. Gabriel definitely got her right. So, when Soul took it upon himself to introduce the two of them, she removed herself from the young boy and came to stand beside him in her expensive and slutty getup.

"Your what?" she asked, but continued before anyone could respond. "You never told me you had a girlfriend. I've never seen her before, so she has got to be new." Talking about someone like they weren't there? Well, maybe her social skills weren't the best. She also decided to add, "You still haven't told me how great I am."


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 06:10:25 UTC
Okay, so that was a little better, but not by much. The girl looked like some sort of prostitute, which made what she was wearing cheap regardless of how much the garment actually cost.

Gross. She wanted to wipe that expression right off her smug face.

"I'm his Meister, not his girlfriend. Can't you hear?" Okay, so she should probably be more polite to Soul's boss since, well, she was his boss. But no respectable person would walk around in something like that, begging for attention. "And I'm right here."

If there was one thing she hated, it was being ignored. And talking like wasn't even standing here was grating on her last nerve. Her fingers fidgeted with the fabric of one cuff, as if she were desperately trying to keep from pushing up her sleeve to...take care of business.


brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 06:39:54 UTC
"She's not my girlfriend." Erk. It had been bad when Anna had presumed he meant girlfriend when he said partner back when Maka hadn't even been in the Port, but to have it actually be said now, when she was here...well... Soul rubs the back of his head, starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"She's the one who uses me in Weapon form," he said, responding in a way that meant he was turned towards both of them, including Maka in the conversation. "Technician's another word we use back home, just not as often."

He rolled his eyes at Jinx's last choice of words before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah yeah, you're brilliant."


hexyoutotuesday July 8 2011, 06:53:54 UTC
It was actually pretty funny out bend out of shape that Maka girl was getting, and even funnier how they were both so adamant on not being considered together. Cute, really. Jinx wasn't even 20 yet, and she was already reminiscing about young love and being in denial.

"I know you're right there, kiddo, and I have no idea what--" She cut herself off when Soul finally answered, then blinked at the both of them. "You really don't look like the scythe kind of girl."

There, she acknowledged Maka's existence. Was she happy? As Soul called her brilliant, she snaked an arm over his shoulder and grinned at him, touching her nose to his cheek. "Oh, I know. I just like making you say it."


brbwitchkilling July 8 2011, 07:13:58 UTC
Maka crossed her arms over her chest petulantly, her narrowed eyes never leaving the girl's face. She didn't like how amused she was acting, not at all.

"I'm not a kid," she muttered, her expression somehow darkening further at her words. "My Weapon is a scythe, my father was the Death Scythe, and my Mama wielded him. So don't tell me what you think I look like."

Nope, not at all. If anything, she was even more pissed off, especially when she felt the need to get all up in Soul's personal space again. "Don't you have customers you should be attending to?" Maka took a couple steps forward, closing the space, and grabbing Soul's collar with tightly clenched fingers before she tried to yank him away from her grip. And no, she wasn't nice about it.


brbomnomsouls July 8 2011, 07:37:42 UTC
Soul let out a small 'ghrkk' sound when Maka grabs for his collar. When was she ever nice when it came to physical contact while she was angry? It was probably about time to get her out of there before she started anything. Besides, his set was over. He flails a bit before he places his hand on her shoulder.

"Ahh, we shoullld go out and get some fresh air, right Maka? It's a little stuffy in here after that." He gives a small, kind of nervous laugh and grins in Jinx's direction before he manages to wrestle himself out of Maka's grip, rubbing his throat when he gets free. "I'll see you later, Jinx."


hexyoutotuesday July 9 2011, 04:43:29 UTC
How could she take such a tiny, angry thing seriously? Huh, maybe this was how people used to perceive Jinx. Funny, that. She watched her throw a fit and possessively grab Soul with a smirk on her violet tinted lips. Stifling a laugh, she let the boy go completely. Oh, this was his problem, not her own. It was cute. Really, really cute.

"I don't have customers. My boyfriend and I own this place and I'm a performer tonight." Oh, Jinx definitely know what Maka was insinuating. If she were a few years older, all of this would have definitely started a fight. However, the little girl posed no thread and there was some part of her that enjoyed seeing the normally apathetic Soul suffer. "So long as Soul's working, I don't mind the jailbait running around here." Which was her way of telling Maka that she was welcome.

Unable to contain a snicker, she grabbed Soul by the collar. Not nearly as roughly as Maka had, but enough to pull him close. She leaned in quickly and whispered in his ear, "She is so into you." As she said it, her hand ( ... )


brbwitchkilling July 9 2011, 23:33:22 UTC
Funnily enough, Maka hadn't been insinuating that, though the fact that the other girl had automatically come to that conclusion amused her. After all, if the idea was on her mind, it only proved her point. "If you own the place, then they're still your customers. Or your patrons. Whatever the heck you want to call them."

"Besides, if you have a boyfriend, go hang on his shoulder. He'll appreciate it more, I'm sure." Instead of draping across her partner.

Maka glared daggers at Jinx, barely holding in yet another retort. This girl didn't know her, and it pissed her off to hear her make such accusations, especially with her standing here. Ugh, she hoped Soul wouldn't be awkward about it.

Besides, it was still up in the air over whether or not it was true.

"Good riddance," she muttered under her breath as Jinx finally walked off. With the two of them alone, or as alone as two people could be in a crowded club, Maka turned her angry glaring eyes toward Soul. "What the hell was that all about?"


brbomnomsouls July 9 2011, 23:49:43 UTC
Soul gave a small sigh as Jinx left, rubbing at his head. That had been a confrontation he hadn't seen coming, but with the way Jinx was and Maka's dislike of women like her, he should've guessed it would happen. He didn't bother responding to Jinx's accusation - heck there was no way nobody else wouldn't be pulling that tonight - before he turned his attention to Maka as he settles his hands into his pockets.

"That's just the way Jinx is." He shrugs lightly, completely not fussed at all. He'd had four months to get used to it after all. "She hangs over everyone, it's not just me that gets that treatment."


brbwitchkilling July 11 2011, 08:26:16 UTC
"That's not helping my impression of her," she muttered in annoyance. That just meant she was obnoxious all the time. To everyone. "Seriously, though, I don't get why you'd put up with it. That would be so irritating."

Maka turned her head to glance after her retreating figure, her nose scrunching up distastefully. "Does she always dress like that? Or is it a costume?"


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