The City is at war, a place among the young and rich

Jun 08, 2011 15:07

Who: OPEN to anyone! Tag yourself in.
When: 11:27am and onward
Where: Sector 5, Turnabout Square near Cinnegrad Cemetery and branching out through out as listed below.
Summary: Former Governor Redgrave’s funeral procession goes badly very, very quickly. Agitated spectators eventually devolve into protesters against the former Governor, this ( Read more... )

blaine anderson, re-l mayer, reeve tuesti, claude faustus, hyuuga neji, claudio kilgannon, *open log, tifa lockhart, soul eater evans, sasuke uchiha, kunogi himawari, zoey, naoya, kimihiko ooe, *event, miles edgeworth, bruce wayne | batman, norman jayden, yako katsuragi, laughing beauty, snow white, haruno sakura, misato katsuragi, kurt hummel, garrus vakarian

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Comments 494

11:30: The Cemetary Gates youcandielater June 8 2011, 22:35:54 UTC
[Misato's in the middle of a fight, kicking and scrabbling and beating people back with about as much force as the officials- if not more, because she's military trained, dammit, not some bullshit police officer. In the ensuing chaos, no one's really pegged her as not being one. She just happened to be passing through and had stopped to watch the funeral proceedings and now she's taking out a hell of a lot of pent up anger out on some faces. It would be worse if SERO hadn't confiscated her gun- thank God for small miracles. Not that she'd use a gun in an area filled with civilians. But if one of these assholes got a hold of it somehow...

One of the protesters goes down with a broken nose and Misato knocks another one's legs out from under him and then pins him down to the ground, one heel pressed against his throat.]

Call them off. Now. Do it!

[Someone comes up behind her. She got sloppy. She forgot to check every angle before stopping to interrogate someone. And now? Well, now she's a few seconds from getting a crack across the ( ... )


Re: 11:30: The Cemetary Gates ive_got_reach June 8 2011, 23:18:50 UTC
[Garrus had turned out to see the funeral procession, at the very least out of a sense of curiosity. If he'd known how badly out of hand things were going to get though, he might have stayed home.]

Excuse me, coming through.

[He elbowed the more violent protesters out of the way, he'd seen a woman fighting...aha. Breaking from the crowd he grabbed her would be attacker firmly around the wrist and pivoted, hurling him to the ground.

Straightening he bared his teeth and flared his mouth-parts at the nearest people menacingly, earning gasps of fear and surprise. People weren't exactly used to a Turian yet.]


youcandielater June 9 2011, 00:09:42 UTC
[Misato whirled at the movement to her left, wrenching her shoe free of the man's throat. Her first instinct was to draw back- what was that thing, anyway? But it spoke- in a male voice, too, and he had saved her, even if she didn't seem all that grateful.]

What do you think you're doing? [Other than saving her ass and being all growly monster thing at the civilians. Meanwhile, her would be victim was limping away with a bruised throat.]


ive_got_reach June 9 2011, 07:58:06 UTC
Saving you from yourself. [He shot back, looking over his shoulder before turning to growl at the circling crowd again.] And a cracked skull I might add.

[A man with a bad edged forward and Garrus planted a kick in his midsection, retrograde legs giving him the power to propel his attacker back into the crowd.]

We should go, they'll get their courage back soon enough.


12:00 pm, Merlotte's Bar and Grill meteor_heart June 8 2011, 23:13:43 UTC
Of all the seemed like some things never changed, and on today it was a particularly bad day to be that way. When the riots broke out, Tifa beat feet to Merlotte's to help keep any rioters away, and to set the place up as a temporary safe-house for those in the area.

"Bring the security shutters down too, I don't want to have to be replacing any of those windows. But leave the skylights open for air." She was handing out instructions to the staff that weren't bouncers, it kept everyone working at something.


5th Sector about Noon. southernreaper June 8 2011, 23:14:52 UTC
[Kevin had been buried under the hood of a bus this morning, doing some really minor repairs. Only reason he got it was because of the other mechanics had been arrested in the last riot.

However, his boss had said that he'd had to take off and get lunch. Kevin was hungry, but he hadn't brought anything this morning, since all of his attempts at bread making had gone... horribly awry.

He hadn't expected to get stuck smack dab in the middle of a riot. Jostled about on all sides, his lunch got dropped and trampled but he wasn't worried about that. Now, he was worried about all the people grabbing at him.]

Let go o' me!


12:30, Sector 4 [open] felis_fidelus June 8 2011, 23:40:35 UTC
[Having not been there long, and not really giving much of a damn about Redgrave, Reeve had gone on into work and skipped the funeral... which did no good as the fighting poured through the city, spreading from the well-to-do sectors through AGI and SERO territory into Sector 4.

The chances of him having family or friends caught up in this mess... is fairly high. Innocent people are going to be just as much at risk. And he's seen too much of this already to sit back and watch idly.

So, having spoken with the rest of his office and tried to make plans to shut Urban Dev down/lock it up (whether they'll listen to him is another story), Reeve plunges out into the mess.]

Calm down! Go back to your houses! Move underground if you have to... wait, come here!

[There are already people injured, and he pauses to cast a Cure spell over a gash in a younger woman's forehead before she slips off to find shelter. As soon as she's clear he dives back into the mess, dodging stray blows and shouting at anyone who will listen to calm the hell downHe ( ... )


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:13:08 UTC
[Fighting through the crowds, Jack heads towards the familiar voice. When he arrives near Reeve, there's already a cut slowly healing across his forehead, a bruise quickly fading from his cheek.]



felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:17:47 UTC

[There's a deep sigh of relief- one cut short by a hard shove as a pair of rioters push past him- and he catches himself against a lamppost before grasping Jack by the arm.]

Where- when did all this start? Madness... what are you doing out here?


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:19:44 UTC
I'm an EMT! I have to, I've gotta take care o' them who's hurt-- are you okay?


4th District, 1:00 pm leading3men June 8 2011, 23:43:14 UTC
[ Zoey has severely underestimated just how strained things have been. She really have no idea. One can say, it's okay, she's been here for barely a month, it should be no surprise that she really doesn't have a clue what's going on. On the other hand, she's been here almost a month now, and should've been on top on the politics as possibly can. While it's easy to say that two major corporations are in control of the island, it only takes a beer bottle to the head to realize just how much control they have over the people. So when she volunteered for grunt work (barely paid at that) and is assigned to the what is apparently the emerging rioting is taking place.

Her head throbs under the bruise that's starting emerge after someone threw a bottle at her. She doesn't notice the blood. She doesn't notice her voice is getting hoarse. She doesn't even remember what the person who attacked her looked like. She's just shoving and breaking up fights and yelling for calm but none is coming.]


1pm gaveherwings June 9 2011, 00:57:58 UTC
[Morning hours at the Newcomer Clinic done with, it was time to trek a few blocks over through the sector towards Skye Medical Center, for afternoon rounds and a few scheduled treatment sessions-

Normally, that would be a five minute cab ride.

Three minutes through the five minute cab ride, police barriers had blocked off the street, and thinning tear gas ahead revealed a mess of a crowd on the sidewalk ahead. The cabbie unceremoniously informs him it's time to get out here, and...baffled, Dr. Yumeno scrambles out of the backseat and onto the busy sidewalk, pressing himself awkwardly against the side of the building, trying not to be trampled while he fumbles out his NV to phone his supervisor.

...That's when he spots a cluster of people on the opposite corner, seemingly frozen in place by some strange use of power. Breathless, he tells the desk to hold on, he'll be in late- shuts his NV, and jogs ahead across the closed off intersection, to see if there is anything to do for it.]


Re: 1pm leading3men June 9 2011, 01:08:34 UTC
[ She was so busy trying to break up the crowd and barely succeeding that she hasn't notice another group of people are just frozen. Not until the small crowd finally dissolves and people went on their way, still grumbling and sending her dirty looks.

Now that the other (frozen) group has her attention, she's at a loss what to do. She spots someone approaching, someone she think she might have saw on the Network. ]

What now?

[ She says this in a dry wheeze. ]


1pm gaveherwings June 9 2011, 01:45:16 UTC
[A year in the Port, and some things still managed to exasperate him. Like magic. When Daedalus circles then, reaching for the inside of a wrist and trying to feel for a pulse...

They are lifeless, hard to the touch, like statues. No air moves past their lips. Medically, by all biological sensibilities, they should be pronounced dead. His expression tightens with concern.

Daedalus Yumeno has been here a year in the Port. He knows better than that now.

He turns sharply to the woman crossing toward him.]

We need a null or a void over here!


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