The City is at war, a place among the young and rich

Jun 08, 2011 15:07

Who: OPEN to anyone! Tag yourself in.
When: 11:27am and onward
Where: Sector 5, Turnabout Square near Cinnegrad Cemetery and branching out through out as listed below.
Summary: Former Governor Redgrave’s funeral procession goes badly very, very quickly. Agitated spectators eventually devolve into protesters against the former Governor, this ( Read more... )

blaine anderson, re-l mayer, reeve tuesti, claude faustus, hyuuga neji, claudio kilgannon, *open log, tifa lockhart, soul eater evans, sasuke uchiha, kunogi himawari, zoey, naoya, kimihiko ooe, *event, miles edgeworth, bruce wayne | batman, norman jayden, yako katsuragi, laughing beauty, snow white, haruno sakura, misato katsuragi, kurt hummel, garrus vakarian

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12:30, Sector 4 [open] felis_fidelus June 8 2011, 23:40:35 UTC
[Having not been there long, and not really giving much of a damn about Redgrave, Reeve had gone on into work and skipped the funeral... which did no good as the fighting poured through the city, spreading from the well-to-do sectors through AGI and SERO territory into Sector 4.

The chances of him having family or friends caught up in this mess... is fairly high. Innocent people are going to be just as much at risk. And he's seen too much of this already to sit back and watch idly.

So, having spoken with the rest of his office and tried to make plans to shut Urban Dev down/lock it up (whether they'll listen to him is another story), Reeve plunges out into the mess.]

Calm down! Go back to your houses! Move underground if you have to... wait, come here!

[There are already people injured, and he pauses to cast a Cure spell over a gash in a younger woman's forehead before she slips off to find shelter. As soon as she's clear he dives back into the mess, dodging stray blows and shouting at anyone who will listen to calm the hell down.

He has to at least try.]


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:13:08 UTC
[Fighting through the crowds, Jack heads towards the familiar voice. When he arrives near Reeve, there's already a cut slowly healing across his forehead, a bruise quickly fading from his cheek.]



felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:17:47 UTC

[There's a deep sigh of relief- one cut short by a hard shove as a pair of rioters push past him- and he catches himself against a lamppost before grasping Jack by the arm.]

Where- when did all this start? Madness... what are you doing out here?


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:19:44 UTC
I'm an EMT! I have to, I've gotta take care o' them who's hurt-- are you okay?


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:24:39 UTC
I'm fine. I wish I had Cait's megaphone, I could try to shout down this crowd....

[He jerks his head toward the crowd.] Where are you headed?


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:26:05 UTC
Anywhere. I'm just tryin' to find them hurt-- Jesus, Reeve, look, c'mere.

[He pulls Reeve to the side, out of the way of the majority of the crowd. They end up in an alley, and Jack exhales shakily.]


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:31:16 UTC
[Reeve is pulled- not without some initial resistance- and leans against the wall next to Jack, looking at the cut on his head. There's a faint green glow as he tries a light Cure spell to accelerate healing on it.]

Reminds one of the asylum, doesn't it? I keep thinking I'll be fine... as long as I don't run into any fires.


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:37:25 UTC
Hah. No kiddin'. Oye, don't bother, I'll heal meself in a few seconds.

[He pushes his hair out of his face, giving a wry grin as the cut does indeed stitch itself up again, leaving no scar.]


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:41:32 UTC

[Knowing Jack can heal himself and seeing it first-hand are two very different things. Once the cut is sealed Reeve nods.]

How long have you been out in this mess?


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:42:52 UTC
I-- half an hour, maybe. Um. Yes. You?

[He glances back out as there's a yell, and he flinches.]


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:46:13 UTC
About ten, fifteen minutes.

[He notices the yell- and the flinch- and puts a hand on Jack's shoulder, squeezing.]

Why don't I go with you, for a while? Safer to travel in pairs-- we can watch each other's backs.


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 03:52:01 UTC
[He gives a short nod, but leans into that touch.]

Yeah, all right.

[He reaches down to his belt automatically and pulls out one of his knives. He grins when he realizes what he's doing, though.]

Present from Yuffie, ya see? Girl knows her blades.


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 03:58:25 UTC
Yuffie has always had a thing for sharp and pointy weapons. When she's not after materia, anyway.

[He grins a bit, rolling a pair of different-colored orbs between his fingers before pocketing them. Pulling a gun in a crowd is too dangerous, but materia might have a more subtle touch.]

Are you going to be all right?


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 04:00:33 UTC
Course. Course I-- yeah.

[He rubs his face and exhales slowly.]

As all right as I can be, anyway. What were those?


felis_fidelus June 9 2011, 04:06:02 UTC
We'll get through this. Promise.

[He pulls the orbs out again- all three of them, this time, and hefts them in his hands.]

Materia. How we cast magic, at home. One of these is for curative magic, the Contain materia is all offensive- and rather destructive, and Manipulate... it's for controlling monsters. I've never tried controlling another person with it. Let's hope I don't have to.


cowboy_newsie June 9 2011, 04:09:44 UTC
[He stares for a moment before raising an eyebrow.]

One o' these days you'll have to meet me roommate. I wonder-- he can use magic, he's brilliant at it. Maybe he can use your stuff too.


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