Live in my house

Jun 05, 2011 15:41

Who: Sakura KaijuuSakura, Fai cursdbludysmile and Yako topslug
When: Starting at lunch time, and ending after sirens on June 5th.
Where: Tower Apartments/Sector 5.
Summary: Sakura and Fai go look at their potential Bistro/Apartment with Yako. They stay out too late, and get caught in the darkness.
Warnings: Normal events. Violence when fighting the monsters.

No day but today )

fai d. flourite, sakura kinomoto, yako katsuragi

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Comments 72

kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:43:45 UTC
[ Place holder for the rest of lunch/going to sector 5. ]


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 00:51:32 UTC
It was the warm scent of food that drew Fai from his slumber. Which was for the best, all things, considered since he still had several calls to make before Yako got there that morning. So he gave a soft sigh and pushed up to sit on the edge of the bed, ran a hand over his face, then stagged slowly to his feet.

He was starting to hear it again, that steady whisper of a beat pounding louder in the back of his mind. He ignored it, of course, even now. Instead he crossed to the closet and pulled on his clothes - this time a pair of black slacks and a long-tailed black button-up, then slipped into his boots.

Last thing he did was make the bed, so that Sakura would have a neat bed when she went to sleep that night, before he stepped out into the living room, called lightly, "Good afternoon, Sakura-chan."


kaijuusakura June 6 2011, 01:30:08 UTC
"Good afternoon!" Sakura called back to him. She sets up the table, placing plates, forks and knives neatly on the table. Then, she grabs a couple of cups, placing them next to the plates. She looks over at Fai.

"I made some breakfast" She smiles at him, "Pancakes with strawberry topping!"


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 15:35:06 UTC
"Mmm, they smell delicious. Thank you for making them for me."

He flashed her a small yet warm little smile as he stepped over into the kitchen to peek at the food, because he was telling the truth there - it really did smell good - warm and rich with that just right hint of sweet to the scent.

He glanced down at her and curved his smile up a notch as he asked lightly, "Is there anything I can do to help?"


kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:45:37 UTC
[ Place holder for seeing the place, and leading up to Sirens. ]


topslug June 30 2011, 01:06:14 UTC
Now that they'd seen the first of the apartments, Yako was leading them to the second, her (relatively sensible) heels clicking on the sidewalk as they made their way along. Once they arrived at their destination, a local woman came out to greet them, unlocking the building and ushering them inside.

As Yako had promised, the place was something of a fixer-upper: there were still uneven spots on the floors and walls where furniture had once stood, and the wallpaper was peeling off in thick strips and water damage evident. Still, it was a generous amount of space compared to the first one they'd looked at, and she cocked her head, looking at them both.

"Well, here we are. Do you want to go upstairs?"


kaijuusakura June 30 2011, 10:52:11 UTC
Sakura had learned how to look for the potential in places with the last place they visited. It was not exactly something she was used to looking for, but she thought it was kind of easy. Even though she couldn't quite understand how much repairing this place might need, it was still nice to imagine all of the potential.

She nodded eagerly to Yako when she'd asked about the upstairs. Sakura was excited to see everything. Including her potential new bedroom. She looked up to Fai, waiting for his answer. After all, he was the one who had all the questions. She did not want to be rude and wander off. Especially in front of the woman who had let them in.


cursdbludysmile July 2 2011, 20:09:36 UTC
Fai wasn't so much worried about the cosmetic damages - he was more worried about placement and structural stability. The last place was nice enough, but not exactly in a thoroughfare - which would make it harder to draw in customers. Here, the commercial space was open, with plenty of room for small, cosy tables and a good sized storage and kitchen area.

There was even enough room to create a small grocery area for other odd and ends to sell.

Which meant all they needed was an equally passable space upstairs, and they were set. So he nodded and flashed Sakura a quick smile, then glanced around one last time. "Yes, I think we're ready to see the upstairs now."


kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:47:32 UTC
[ Place holder for after sirens. ]


cursdbludysmile June 7 2011, 14:33:42 UTC
After settling on a building and exploring the area around it, along with the stop in at a particularly appealing diner a few blocks away, they made their way quickly to the subway station...and got on only moments before the evening sirens sounded.

Fai cut Sakura a sideways glance as they settled into their seats and bit back a sigh before he offered her a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry, Sakura-chan. I should have paid better attention to the time, but we'll be alright so long as you stay close. I won't let anything happen to you."


kaijuusakura June 8 2011, 09:54:28 UTC
Sakura knew that Fai was telling the truth about not letting anything happen to her, but the tears still came. She tried her best to keep them in, but all of her fear turned against her will-power.

She nodded in response to his directions. The belief that everything will be alright if she just stayed close to Fai kept her strong enough not to be a nuisance. She still thought about the possibilities of something going wrong, but at least she had the cards.

The only problem with the cards she had, was that she had yet to tell Fai about them. She knew this world gives people powers, as she kept listening to the feed, but she just wasn't ready to announce her abilities to the world like the rest of the people here.


cursdbludysmile June 9 2011, 14:34:02 UTC
For a moment, after Fai had slipped an arm around her frail shoulders and he watched those tears fall, he wondered if it'd be best to simply teleport them to his apartment.

Only there were several others in their subway-car and he was still disinclined to use his powers so openly.

Which meant there wasn't much he could do for the moment, save rub her shoulder reassurungly and murmur gently, "It's alright to be afraid and it's okay to cry if you need to, Sakura-chan."


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