Live in my house

Jun 05, 2011 15:41

Who: Sakura KaijuuSakura, Fai cursdbludysmile and Yako topslug
When: Starting at lunch time, and ending after sirens on June 5th.
Where: Tower Apartments/Sector 5.
Summary: Sakura and Fai go look at their potential Bistro/Apartment with Yako. They stay out too late, and get caught in the darkness.
Warnings: Normal events. Violence when fighting the monsters.

No day but today )

fai d. flourite, sakura kinomoto, yako katsuragi

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kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:45:37 UTC
[ Place holder for seeing the place, and leading up to Sirens. ]


topslug June 30 2011, 01:06:14 UTC
Now that they'd seen the first of the apartments, Yako was leading them to the second, her (relatively sensible) heels clicking on the sidewalk as they made their way along. Once they arrived at their destination, a local woman came out to greet them, unlocking the building and ushering them inside.

As Yako had promised, the place was something of a fixer-upper: there were still uneven spots on the floors and walls where furniture had once stood, and the wallpaper was peeling off in thick strips and water damage evident. Still, it was a generous amount of space compared to the first one they'd looked at, and she cocked her head, looking at them both.

"Well, here we are. Do you want to go upstairs?"


kaijuusakura June 30 2011, 10:52:11 UTC
Sakura had learned how to look for the potential in places with the last place they visited. It was not exactly something she was used to looking for, but she thought it was kind of easy. Even though she couldn't quite understand how much repairing this place might need, it was still nice to imagine all of the potential.

She nodded eagerly to Yako when she'd asked about the upstairs. Sakura was excited to see everything. Including her potential new bedroom. She looked up to Fai, waiting for his answer. After all, he was the one who had all the questions. She did not want to be rude and wander off. Especially in front of the woman who had let them in.


cursdbludysmile July 2 2011, 20:09:36 UTC
Fai wasn't so much worried about the cosmetic damages - he was more worried about placement and structural stability. The last place was nice enough, but not exactly in a thoroughfare - which would make it harder to draw in customers. Here, the commercial space was open, with plenty of room for small, cosy tables and a good sized storage and kitchen area.

There was even enough room to create a small grocery area for other odd and ends to sell.

Which meant all they needed was an equally passable space upstairs, and they were set. So he nodded and flashed Sakura a quick smile, then glanced around one last time. "Yes, I think we're ready to see the upstairs now."


topslug July 3 2011, 08:08:26 UTC
Apparently, the doors on the upper floors weren't locked, because as Yako made her way up the stairs (which, notably, didn't creak) she didn't need a key to push the doors open. The interiors were bare, as were to be expected; there was no need to draw back the curtains to let in the light. Dust motes and cobwebs were everywhere, but the floors were sound enough, the rooms cozy.

Yako stepped over to the window, sliding her fingers around the edge. They came away covered in dust, but she smiled anyway. "The Darkness-proofing on this building is still sound," she explained. "Not much can be done about the water, though, even if this is Sector 5."


kaijuusakura July 4 2011, 00:22:00 UTC
Sakura hoped up the stairs behind the both of them, admiring the little things, even though there was not much. She felt kind of sorry for this place, as she did with the last place.

It was a shame to see such an interesting place have so many cobwebs and look so run down. All Sakura wanted to do was start cleaning, so she could make this place look as good as it could, and then it would not look as sad as it did now.

"I guess we'll just have to start working hard on fixing it!" She said hopefully.


cursdbludysmile July 4 2011, 19:14:58 UTC
Fai stood by the large window, his eye on the busy street below before he glanced around the open space once again. It definitely needed a dair bit of work - parts of the floor needed replacing, the stairs up to the loft were rusted in places, the kitchen looked a touch filthy...

But Yako was right. The building itself was sound and the location ideal.

So he simply nodded an understanding to her and smiled at Sakura a bit. "Well, if this is the place Sakura-chan likes, then a little bit of work won't hurt us, right? We'll take it."


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