Live in my house

Jun 05, 2011 15:41

Who: Sakura KaijuuSakura, Fai cursdbludysmile and Yako topslug
When: Starting at lunch time, and ending after sirens on June 5th.
Where: Tower Apartments/Sector 5.
Summary: Sakura and Fai go look at their potential Bistro/Apartment with Yako. They stay out too late, and get caught in the darkness.
Warnings: Normal events. Violence when fighting the monsters.

No day but today )

fai d. flourite, sakura kinomoto, yako katsuragi

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kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:43:45 UTC
[ Place holder for the rest of lunch/going to sector 5. ]


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 00:51:32 UTC
It was the warm scent of food that drew Fai from his slumber. Which was for the best, all things, considered since he still had several calls to make before Yako got there that morning. So he gave a soft sigh and pushed up to sit on the edge of the bed, ran a hand over his face, then stagged slowly to his feet.

He was starting to hear it again, that steady whisper of a beat pounding louder in the back of his mind. He ignored it, of course, even now. Instead he crossed to the closet and pulled on his clothes - this time a pair of black slacks and a long-tailed black button-up, then slipped into his boots.

Last thing he did was make the bed, so that Sakura would have a neat bed when she went to sleep that night, before he stepped out into the living room, called lightly, "Good afternoon, Sakura-chan."


kaijuusakura June 6 2011, 01:30:08 UTC
"Good afternoon!" Sakura called back to him. She sets up the table, placing plates, forks and knives neatly on the table. Then, she grabs a couple of cups, placing them next to the plates. She looks over at Fai.

"I made some breakfast" She smiles at him, "Pancakes with strawberry topping!"


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 15:35:06 UTC
"Mmm, they smell delicious. Thank you for making them for me."

He flashed her a small yet warm little smile as he stepped over into the kitchen to peek at the food, because he was telling the truth there - it really did smell good - warm and rich with that just right hint of sweet to the scent.

He glanced down at her and curved his smile up a notch as he asked lightly, "Is there anything I can do to help?"


kaijuusakura June 6 2011, 19:31:20 UTC
"No." she shakes her head, "I think I've got everything!"

She thinks about it for a moment while walking over to the table, and pulling out a chair for Fai to sit on, "Ah! Would you like some orange juice, or coffee?"


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 20:11:38 UTC
It's sweet, the sincere way she was trying to do everything for him - someone that didn't really deserve it. Thus he left the kitchen be and slid into the offered seat with a gentle smile, slouched down as his gaze roamed the table.

"Coffee, please, Miss Sakura. With just a touch of milk."

Orange juice was more'd hurt more, later. Not that he was going to actually say that.


kaijuusakura June 6 2011, 20:46:47 UTC
"Okay!" She walks back to the kitchen, and starts preparing the coffee maker by scooping, pouring and button pressing. She smiled to herself thinking about the times where she watched her father make coffee in the morning. She missed him dearly, but with Fai's promise, she was very hopeful she could return home soon. As the coffee steeped, she went back to the table and sat down across from Fai.

"I just.. wanted to say thank you," A blush crept up on her face. "for being so kind, and for all the work you have done for us."


cursdbludysmile June 6 2011, 22:24:57 UTC
It was cute to watch her bustle around the kitchen like that - and it sent a pang through him for his own Sakura, guilt and concern and regret vying for his attention at what he'd done to her.

There was a flash of memory there, hidden behind his serene little smile, that sickening feel of the blade piercing her, sliding through so very easily, effortlessly - as well as that look of understanding and acceptance and (worst of all, concern) as she tried to reassure him.

His friend and princess, the copy of a girl that was much like this one, mortally injured by his own hand.

A blink before he offered her a reassuring smile and lifted his silverware, cut into the fruit covered pancakes. "You're quite welcome, Sakura-chan. Though I wish I could do more to get us out of here."

And then a hum with the first bite and a nod as he pointed to the pancakes, chews around the dry, choking, dusty taste in his mouth. "These are really good - maybe once the cafe opens, you can make them sometime."


kaijuusakura June 7 2011, 01:45:11 UTC
Sakura often caught Fai's sad glances, and the smiles he always gave her never seemed to reach the eyes. She assumed it was just because he didn't have the rest of his friends here, but she could not help feeling that it was deeper then that. She often wondered why, but he was very tight lipped over what happened to his friends, and she didn't want to press any buttons.

"You are doing all you can. I understand." She said as she put some strawberries on her own set of pancakes.

"It is a good recipe, isn't it?" she smiled at him, "I would really like to. Maybe for the breakfast menu?"


cursdbludysmile June 7 2011, 14:13:50 UTC
He gave a slight not at her 'understanding' and forced the bite down with a sip of the coffee, managed another bite before he reassured, "It's a very good recipe - they're light and rich, yet the fruit gives them that just right touch of sweet. I think they'll be a lovely addition to our menu."

He smiled then and added with a slight laugh, "You'll have to teach me your secret though. Every good recipe has one. But for now...were you alright last night after I went to work?"

A beat and a sigh as he watched her thoughtfully.

"I don't like having to leave you here all night, but between the darkness proofing and the protective barriers I set, I can promise nothing will get in here."


kaijuusakura June 7 2011, 19:31:43 UTC
She looked down at the question, her smile went away and her body slouched a bit. It was no secret by now that she was afraid of the monsters out there, waiting in the darkness. Sometimes getting to sleep was very difficult. The noises the monsters made terrified her even more. When she eventually got to sleep, it only took a few hours before the sirens went off, and she would be awake again, and she started to prepare for Fai's return.

"Yeah. I was okay," She continued to avoid eye-contact, "I was just wondering if maybe next time you could put up a silencing barrier too?"


cursdbludysmile June 9 2011, 14:05:28 UTC
Guilt softened Fai's expression for just a moment at the realization that he'd left her alone to listen to those creatures all night. He should have been more careful to ensure both barriers had been in place, but they'd stayed out all afternoon exploring the city and by the time he'd returned... he'd barely had time to get ready for work.

Not that it excused him for leaving her alone like that, at all.

So he fought back the sense of guilt - it's not something she needed to see - and reached out to place his hand over the crown of her head as he offered a gentle smile. "Ah, forgive me, Sakura-chan. I'll be more careful with the barriers tonight. As a matter of fact, tonight is my off night, so I'll be here all night long. Right out here on the couch if you need me."


kaijuusakura June 17 2011, 03:02:09 UTC
"R- really?" Sakura looked up at Fai and smiled up at him, "You'll be here?"

The monsters outside didn't seem half as bad now. All her worries were put aside. Hopefully tonight she could get a good night's sleep, one she had been lacking since before she got here.

For once she wouldn't be huddled up in the bed, the anxiety would not lull her into sleep tonight, and that thought picked up her spirits considerably. She took another big bite out of her pancakes, and let out a sigh of appreciation.



cursdbludysmile June 22 2011, 01:08:40 UTC
"Yup! I'll really be here, all night." Fai simply chuckled as he settled back in his seat, turned his attention to polishing off his own breakfast in short order.

He could already feel his body beginning to reject it.

Even so, he smiled and nodded as he dabbed the napkin to his lips and pushed up to his feet. "That really was an excellent breakfast, Sakura-chan. I look forward to having it again sometime! But for now, I should finish getting ready to go before it's time to meet Miss Yako. But leave the dishes - it's only fair I was them after all that hard work, alright?"


kaijuusakura June 22 2011, 01:41:54 UTC
Sakura nodded, taking another bite out of her pancakes. Today was going to be wonderful, and she knew it. Everything that was happening was just so exciting. Things were looking up, and even if she was very far away from home, she was glad the rest of her family was not here. It was far too dangerous.

Reminiscing about her family did make her miss them, but she did prefer they weren't stuck in this situation like she was. She thought about this while she cleaned off the table, storing away the rest of the strawberries in the fridge. Life certainly would have been a lot different if Fai had not been around. She hoped that her message this morning had been clear.


Meeting Yako After Breakfast cursdbludysmile June 7 2011, 14:58:06 UTC
Breakfast taken care of and kitchen cleaned, Fai slipped his NV into place on his hand and followed Sakura out the door. He paused just long enough to reset the barrier in place around the apartment, then smiled down at the young lady.

"Ready to meet Miss Yako, Sakura-chan?"


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