here and there and so very [OPEN]

Aug 20, 2010 09:34

Who: Kei and YOU
When: Anytime (no, really)
Where: Anyplace (srsly)
Summary: Meeting people, bumping into people, getting hit on by people...people...Basically just drop in a thread to set a locale and time and a Kei will show up for fun and profit! Can be chance, can be planned (poke me about it if planned yo!)...GO TO TOWN LET'S DO THIS THING.
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rochelle, tsunayoshi sawada, kei yuki, *open log, tohru adachi

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Comments 34

Random cafe place +maybe today in the morning? Hope this is cool! axemeaquestion August 20 2010, 13:46:51 UTC
[Rochelle had to wake up early for work in particular today, so she stumbled out, got dressed before heading out the door in this goddamn heat. For these last few days she tried not to stay outside so much, but a coffee fix in particular was kicking in today, and she made her way down to the cafe she usually went to.

She opened the door and got in line, sighing to herself about the weather.]

Sweet lincoln's mullet...


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 14:14:44 UTC
[Temperature was never really an issue in space, but being no stranger to Earth should really condition a person, shouldn't it?]

Ah, my...

[There really must be something wrong with the atmosphere; it felt hotter than it ought to have. Hot and humid. Kei generally wouldn't care one way or another, was making her hair a mess. Seven blocks in her walk and she had to stop.

She'd decided on a little cafe along the way she'd passed a dozen times over; something she could find no matter where she was, oddly. Her drink was already ordered, but Kei mulled through the tiny menu while she waited. Money was just a little bit tighter, so...]


axemeaquestion August 21 2010, 00:39:41 UTC
[Eventually Rochelle was waiting on hers. She had some time left before she had to leave. Anything else she was just lingering on.

And thus she wound up standing next to Kei inexplicably.]

God DAMN, this weather...

[Nothing wrong with cranky chit-chat, right?]


piracyinpink August 21 2010, 04:03:03 UTC
[The familiar voice drew Kei's eyes away from the menu, eyebrow perked. She smiled, sympathetic.]

A little much, isn't it?


FRIDAY@10ish. . . GOING TO THE GROCERIES SOMEWHERE??? deflames August 20 2010, 14:04:03 UTC
Friday was grocery day at Outer Heaven- and, Tsuna was in charge of that most of the time. Always given a list by either one adult or the other, sent to buy exactly what they needed ( or else he might buy the wrong thing ), then bringing them back with both arms occupied by full, white plastic bags. He did it alone most of the time- other times, Gokudera-kun insisted in going with, which he didn't mind at all! The other boy had had a run-in the other day though ( with who I wonder??? ), so Tsuna sneaked out to let the boy rest. The list was rather . . . long this week, so behind him, the boy was hauling a small wagon by its handle, wheels quietly squeaking with every step. Tsunayoshi, unfortunately, was distracted as he walked down the street, his head down and his eyes scanning over the list of things, word by word. This could cause a problem, especially right now- when he's found himself literally bumping headfirst into someone in the way ( ... )


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 14:22:40 UTC
It wasn't utterly the boy's fault, that little almost-crash. Kei had turned that corner rather quickly with her attention very much elsewhere. It was getting really unsettling: no matter how far she wandered from the norm, she'd find herself in a strange new section of town and know exactly where and how to go to get back where she'd started. Even worse was the number of alternate routes that came to mind...things she honestly thought nobody would ever think of, but ( ... )


deflames August 20 2010, 14:49:28 UTC
The voice was female- a young woman. To him, also a little more than familiar, his eyes no longer shut out of fear. A light went off under that poof of hair when his name was said, causing him to tilt his head up to reveal an expression of curiosity and surprise. The face he's seen on video before . . . !

" . . . Kei-san!" Did he- make himself look hopeless a few seconds ago?


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 14:51:36 UTC
Definitely Tsuna. Kei's face broke a warm smile, nodding. "Nice to finally run into you--ah, a bit literally, hmm?" She chuckled, tilting her head a little. "You're not hurt, are you?"


Forward-dated to Saturday morning for a working man's schedule; in front of some random building??? implausibility August 20 2010, 14:54:19 UTC
An unfamiliar neighborhood, an unfamiliar block, but a city was a city no matter where it was, and even an city infested by monsters at dusk was no exception, despite its rather unique tourist attraction (if you could call it that). When you walked, the bottom of your shoes hit the pavement with the distinct dead echo of a path that took you nowhere.

Hands slipped in his pockets, eyes focused on something ahead of him no one else could see, it was inevitable that even a man of such slight, albeit lanky build would eventually collide with someone (something that usually happened when you weren't looking where you were going). Luckily for him, for those who hadn't simply gone out of their way to avoid him, not one of his victims had complained so far (though they threw glares over their shoulders, no doubt).

But his luck always had this knack of ending one way or another. Adachi almost stumbled, this time, shouldering into someone as he swerved around the corner. The collision was hard enough for him to nearly stumble, but ( ... )


oh shi piracyinpink August 20 2010, 15:05:56 UTC
For what it was worth, Kei wasn't going out of her way to make a habit out of literally running into people. It wasn't worth too much, apparently, because the days seemed determined to not end without someone stumbling into her in some fashion, be it her own lack of attentiveness or the other's. In that particular case, she hadn't had a chance to even see the impending collision to avoid, only a split second of shape that filled her vision before being shoved backwards on unruly heels. "Ah, i--!"

She was too far from the building to reach over and steady herself, but her bracelet snagged on the young man's clothing at the cuff. With him moving so swiftly and resolutely, she hadn't had much of a say which way she was getting tugged until she could reach over with her other hand and try to stop him by the shoulder. "Hold on! I'm a little, ah--" Stuck, looks like.


implausibility August 20 2010, 15:17:17 UTC
...Oh. A tall blonde in heels stuck on an impromptu leash.


These sorts of things (women attaching themselves on to him) just tended not to happen to Adachi, so upon noticing, he took one glance at her, one glance at their outstretched and unfortunately locked wrists, and let out a sharp, piercing bark of laughter before he could help himself. Granted, he did slap his hand over his mouth immediately afterward, and though the look in his eyes was almost apologetic, there was still obviously a hint of a smile still hiding under his fingers.

He raised his arm, consequently raising hers, and quirked a brow at her. "What, ah, happened here, exactly?" He almost blurted entirely tactless out like, Solicitation's illegal, you know, but no. Women tended to be pretty touchy about that sort of thing, didn't they?


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 15:30:53 UTC
It was a rather unusual situation, so Kei could hardly blame him for his strange reaction. Her own expression was a twisted half-smirk, stuck between doubt and amusement as her wrist lifted up along with his. Weirder things had happened, sure, but...

"A...little wardrobe malfunction, I think," Kei replied, gently giving a tug with her hand to see if it wouldn't break free on its own. No longer in danger of toppling over, she turned to better face their little problem, her mouth puckering as she looked to see how it had caught. Being just a plain bangle, she was fairly sure it wouldn't have done too much damage..."Ah. I'm a little stuck right here, hold on."

Kei twisted the bracelet until the end that had slid in under his cuff was free, giving her hand a light shake once that was all done. "There!" She smiled, apologetic but no less amused. "No damage done, I hope?"


[Friday afternoon; around RIku's Apartment, sector 4] madeinoblivion August 20 2010, 19:03:04 UTC
[No sign of him so far.

After a day and a half of looking, and stuff no response from the NV, Joe was starting to worry. As soon as the game god out at Grant Stadium (another win for AGI's Grimmsocks, yawn) he was back on the roaming hunt, waiting for any sign that the missing keybearer had been around, even a sensation of familiar darkness in the neighborhood ( ... )


piracyinpink August 21 2010, 04:00:31 UTC
[It wasn't a very familiar neighborhood as far as Kei was concerned, but she was starting to worry less about ever feeling lost. Perhaps that ever-present route back to where she'd started was the cause(more disturbing than comforting at first, but...), or perhaps it was just the fact that this sector was full of people she knew on some level. Everyone seemed to stick relatively close to where they started. Good for them; it didn't get them caught under a busted building when the earthquake hit ( ... )


madeinoblivion August 21 2010, 06:37:20 UTC
[A swift, guarded look upwards. Yep, those Riku's eyes staring back at her...though a little more piercing with shorter bangs, and perhaps a little less mellowed that his counterpart, a restless energy in them.]'s nothing.

[He said quickly, standing and shoving map away into his pocket, a little defensive to be caught in a moment of worry so noticeable as to catch the attention of a passerby.]

Just...looking for someone.


Hideaway Lake - late evening. Sorry for the late! zealouspeter August 21 2010, 08:21:20 UTC
It was a nice place; the entire underground mall was a nice place, with the heatwave that was rolling through, but the lake tended to be better than normal on usual days, and with the temperatures, well-- the chill of the place was welcomed. It might have been a bit dulled, with the air wafting down from the above, but not too badly. And if too badly, one could always take a dip, couldn't they ( ... )


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