here and there and so very [OPEN]

Aug 20, 2010 09:34

Who: Kei and YOU
When: Anytime (no, really)
Where: Anyplace (srsly)
Summary: Meeting people, bumping into people, getting hit on by people...people...Basically just drop in a thread to set a locale and time and a Kei will show up for fun and profit! Can be chance, can be planned (poke me about it if planned yo!)...GO TO TOWN LET'S DO THIS THING.
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rochelle, tsunayoshi sawada, kei yuki, *open log, tohru adachi

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piracyinpink August 20 2010, 14:22:40 UTC
It wasn't utterly the boy's fault, that little almost-crash. Kei had turned that corner rather quickly with her attention very much elsewhere. It was getting really unsettling: no matter how far she wandered from the norm, she'd find herself in a strange new section of town and know exactly where and how to go to get back where she'd started. Even worse was the number of alternate routes that came to mind...things she honestly thought nobody would ever think of, but--

"Oh-!" The little impact jolted her back to the present, causing her to take a step back and hold up her hands against whatever else may come barreling into her. Rooted, Kei blinked, looking down at the little cause.

"My!" She'd almost run over a child, hadn't she? The poor thing sounded more than a bit spooked, stammering that way.

"Ah, my, there's no need to worry," she assured, hardly the sort to lash out over an accident. Kei leaned down a little, tilting her head to glance at what face she could find under all that hair. "I know you didn't mean..." Huh. There was something a little more than familiar, considering the stammering...



deflames August 20 2010, 14:49:28 UTC
The voice was female- a young woman. To him, also a little more than familiar, his eyes no longer shut out of fear. A light went off under that poof of hair when his name was said, causing him to tilt his head up to reveal an expression of curiosity and surprise. The face he's seen on video before . . . !

" . . . Kei-san!" Did he- make himself look hopeless a few seconds ago?


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 14:51:36 UTC
Definitely Tsuna. Kei's face broke a warm smile, nodding. "Nice to finally run into you--ah, a bit literally, hmm?" She chuckled, tilting her head a little. "You're not hurt, are you?"


deflames August 20 2010, 16:32:31 UTC
He couldn't help the slight tint on his cheeks as his lips slowly curved into a smile, abashed because of the situation and who he happened to run into so clumsily . . . There was something really warm, kind- almost motherly about Kei in his eyes. Like an older Kyoko-chan.

"I should've been watching . . . But I'm fine! I- You're not hurt either, are you?"


piracyinpink August 20 2010, 20:40:43 UTC
Kei shook her head. "Perfectly fine, no worries." Goodness, he was a squirrely-looking thing in person, wasn't he? And a little accident-prone, from that quirked, practiced apology and demeanor.

A bit of red caught her eye, and Kei leaned a bit to discover the wagon behind him. "What's all this today...?"


deflames August 21 2010, 02:24:59 UTC
"Oh, uh-" He looked over his shoulder at the wagon then, shifting his weight to his other leg. At least he had calmed down quite a bit, compared to first meeting her! "It's Friday . . . Grocery day." The half crumpled piece of paper in his hand crinkled some more when his fingers brought it up higher, revealing a handwritten list of goods.

"I live with a few more people, so- I do what I can to help." Pocketing thee paper ( we have to avoid more walking hazards! ), Tsuna glanced up at the woman, clearly attempting to show less shyness. "There's er- kind of a lot more things this time, and I wanted Gokudera-kun to rest, so . . . " He gestures to the wagon behind him. "So I can bring everything back."


piracyinpink August 21 2010, 04:08:06 UTC
She had to stifle a small giggle behind her hand. There was just something so...well, precious about the image before her and the reasoning backing it. It seemed more fitting for a few country roads and some farm fields than a monster-laden cesspool of a city. Oh, Tsuna. You don't really belong in a place like this, do you?

Then again, who does?

Kei leaned away a little, sizing Tsuna and his wagon up. She made a musing sound. "It's not a long walk from the store to where you live, is it?" For some reason, she couldn't help but imagine a flood of rush-hour pedestrians just waiting to barrel him and his goods over. That wouldn't do. "Either for a little help?"


deflames August 21 2010, 05:18:47 UTC
He- He had a feeling that giggling had something to do with that wagon. There was nothing else he could've brought along with him! And . . . circulation in his arms would've been so cut off if he carried them himself.

That, or tripping and falling on top of the food, which was bound to get messy. "It's not really, so . . . "

His smile brightened up to something a little more genuine at the offer. He didn't want to hound anyone for help, but- ". . . That'd be nice."


piracyinpink August 21 2010, 05:28:22 UTC
Pleased with both his reaction and his response, Kei smiled to match, nodding. "I thought it would be." And some pleasant company wouldn't be a bad way to finish off the morning as far as she was concerned.

She let someone pass before stepping to the side, gesturing with a hand for him to lead the way. "You're heading to that one just a couple blocks down, aren't you?" She could already picture it in mind--an easy, straightforward walk.


deflames August 21 2010, 15:32:22 UTC
"Yeah- it's the closest one." And now that they were walking . . . he felt kind of silly hauling this thing around. No matter, because in the end it would save him a great deal of pain during the walk back!

After a pause, he didn't want things to get quiet, so . . . "Where were you going, Kei-san?"


piracyinpink August 21 2010, 16:32:24 UTC
A slower pace wasn't going to do much to get out of that already-stifling heat, but Kei hardly minded: conversation always tended to speed things up and make short trips out of long ones. As Tsuna asked, she shouldered her purse with a light shrug, swiping bangs away from her eyes as she did.

"I've been giving myself a bit of a tour," she said, turning herself slightly to let someone pass. "I think I'll be moving back to this sector now that money's tighter. Almost everyone I know is still around here, too, so the boost in company would be rather nice."


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