Contact Nineteen [ Video ]

Apr 12, 2011 03:20

[The feed turns on to show Raul at his desk; the night at the club is just starting, but he has much more important things to do tonight.]

At this point, I expect most people have seen the newsfeed about the city signing over the rights to the Tower Apartments to SERO and AGI. The first thing I would like everyone to do is calm down. There will be ( Read more... )

c: the joker, c: suou tamaki, c: magneto, c: france, c: rochelle, c: phoenix wright, !: raul creed, c: daedalus yumeno, c: replica riku, c: re-l mayer, c: harry dresden, c: franziska von karma

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Comments 126

[Video] madeinoblivion April 12 2011, 08:11:03 UTC
The companies.

They're actually going to sent people down to listen to us? For real?



[Video] rapturescreed April 12 2011, 17:56:56 UTC
Because contrary to popular belief, they are not the ultimate evil, and they can be talked to if the right pressure is applied.

I also talked to them and convinced them to listen to us.


[Video] madeinoblivion April 12 2011, 17:58:16 UTC
What kind of pressure did you use? I mean- AGI's been trying to take our club away for more than a week now...


[Video] rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:27:48 UTC
Many of the people who come to the club are from higher offices within SERO and AGI. I merely talked to them.


[Video] gaveherwings April 12 2011, 08:28:14 UTC
Commendably executed, getting them to hear out our position, but now we'll have to see how well the rest of it goes.

And open floor negotiations, Chief Raul? You really are taking the democratic ideal seriously.

I will be along of course, though I'll need to come up with a fair reason to skip out on the tail of my shift. We doctors can't just write up our own excuse notes, after all.


[Video] rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:05:31 UTC
It's only one thing to check off the list, but it is a start.

Of course; people need to trust that their needs are being met, and with this, everyone will now know. As long as peace and order is maintained, I see no reason why this should not work out well.

And when has that ever stopped you before?


[Video] gaveherwings April 12 2011, 18:16:34 UTC
A good start. You must have pitched a convincing point. You sound very optimistic, all things considered.

...and as I told you, I will be along.


[Video] rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:26:24 UTC
A convincing point made by someone they have placed their trust in multiple times.

Yes, you said that.


[Voice] lawyerific April 12 2011, 09:42:02 UTC
I'm supposed to be on medical leave, but I'm going stir crazy. Is there anything I ought to bring with me?


[Voice] rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:07:04 UTC
I can promise that this will not exacerbate any condition; I merely need you there to show that we are unified. I suggest a pen and paper, if you're feeling ambitious, otherwise we have someone taking the minutes, as well as video.


[Voice] lawyerific April 14 2011, 08:06:05 UTC
A pen and paper, got it. I'll bring along any documents I think might be useful, but I'm afraid this is all rather sudden, and housing law isn't really my strongpoint.


[Voice] rapturescreed April 14 2011, 15:46:39 UTC
That's fine. I realize it is all rather sudden; unfortunately I did not have much say in the time this would be happening.


video; proxysearch April 12 2011, 12:22:54 UTC
[It's early, goddammit. Oh well.]

I guess there's no choice. I'll be there, absolutely.

What do we have in terms of security to make sure no one unwanted shows up? We're not catering to criminals, after all.


video; rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:15:48 UTC
[Yeah, well, he wasn't given much choice either.]

No, we have security guards that I've asked to come in and work during the meeting; no newcomers, as I want them there because they have a say, but we can trust the ones I have hired. SERO and AGI will also be bringing in people, and nothing gets past them.


video; proxysearch April 12 2011, 20:07:01 UTC
Good. I wasn't going to volunteer anyone, but I'm glad we're ahead of the game with that one. Is there anything you want me to do before the meeting?


video; rapturescreed April 12 2011, 21:19:24 UTC
Like I'm telling everyone, something to write your own notes down with. You may need some coffee as well; I can already feel the headaches coming.


dresden4hire April 12 2011, 14:03:23 UTC
No riots? What about protests? I've got some great slogans for signs.


rapturescreed April 12 2011, 18:17:17 UTC
I would prefer no protests at this point as well; if we handle this as calmly and diplomatically as possible, then they will be sure to hear us out again if something happens.


dresden4hire April 12 2011, 18:51:26 UTC
But "Hell no, SERO has to go" and "Don't buy the lie, down with AGI" are so catchy. And I'm sure the corporations that are into human slavery and experimentation will be completely willing to have rational, diplomatic discussion.


rapturescreed April 12 2011, 19:27:54 UTC
Save them for another time, then, if you must. And yes, actually, they are willing to have a rational, diplomatic discussion; that is what this meeting is about.

Just because they happen to deal with rather unsavory things does not mean they are all depraved and close-minded at the top. We're dealing with businesses. That's all they are. People put too much stock into what they do rather then what they are.


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