[The feed turns on to show Raul at his desk; the night at the club is just starting, but he has much more important things to do tonight.]
At this point, I expect most people have seen the newsfeed about the city signing over the rights to the Tower Apartments to SERO and AGI. The first thing I would like everyone to do is calm down. There will be
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I guess there's no choice. I'll be there, absolutely.
What do we have in terms of security to make sure no one unwanted shows up? We're not catering to criminals, after all.
No, we have security guards that I've asked to come in and work during the meeting; no newcomers, as I want them there because they have a say, but we can trust the ones I have hired. SERO and AGI will also be bringing in people, and nothing gets past them.
[And even more so for the trio of Romdeau citizens.]
Take it easy on yourself, all right? This is going to be a long week and we can't afford to fall apart at the beginning of it.
[They got this. Don't worry so much. They got this.]
I'm fine. It's just been a long night already, I will sleep easily tonight.
I've no doubt about that.
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