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Comments 231

silme711 December 6 2009, 20:00:55 UTC
Name: Heike
Age: 31
Location: Germany
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: Both. But I tend to be a little bit more squeeful over Jude.
Slash? RPS?: Yes, please.
Other fandoms: Merlin, Lie To Me, True Blood, The Mentalist, Supernatural, Fringe, Angel, Bones
What do you do on LJ?: I write random entries about RL and work, about things that made me happy or people I'd like to stab in the face. I picspam and squee on occasion. I post my icons here even though that poor little thing got neglected lately...
Anything else?:

... )


igrab December 6 2009, 20:36:58 UTC
....wow lol is your name really Heike? is that a common name in Germany? I have a German-British friend who's name is also Heike, and that is preeeetty damn awesome.


silme711 December 6 2009, 20:51:43 UTC
Yep, it is and I'd say it's pretty common. Also? I'd like to add that every person with that name is pretty damn awesome but I guess that's not what you meant *g*


igrab December 6 2009, 20:53:19 UTC
oh no, they totally, totally are. 100%. i will be certain to inform any other heikes of this, too.

...just like people with 'A' names. they tend to be more awesome. *not biased at all*


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igrab December 6 2009, 20:56:45 UTC
omg new york person, are you in/near the city? i'm going to be organizing a fun watch party at some point, unfortunately not christmas eve (silly family things) and on christmas day i'm rockin' it in the jerz, but after? i know there's at least one other holmes fan in the NYC area who wanted to come.


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igrab December 6 2009, 21:43:43 UTC
THAT IS SO SAD. ): You need to teleport here. For the holidays. Yes. You need to do this.


kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 20:42:31 UTC
Name: Kohaku
Age: 32
Location: Germany
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: Definitely more of a Robert girl, but really both. And since you can't have Holmes without his Watson, I'll take those as a pair, please.
Slash? RPS?: Yes to both. I read and write both RPS and Holmes/ Watson.
Other fandoms: Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Leverage, CSI NY, Supernatural... there might be more things I squee about.
What do you do on LJ?: I either post RL related things or pic spams, it seems. Also linkspams, which are, same as the pics, mostly Robert related at the moment. :) I write a little whenever I find the time.
Anything else?: I feel compelled to say that I cannot wait for the Holmes movie to come out, but that is probably a given. So, no, I think that's it!


igrab December 6 2009, 20:48:31 UTC
ME. EITHER. though i'm sure that shit goes without saying, but.

And good damn point, a Holmes without his Watson is a sad, sad thing. :T



kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:03:37 UTC
I really do prefer Holmes and Watson in old married couple mode. Me thinks there might be quite a few pleasing scenes in the movie! Hurrah!

And RDJ, yessss. I'm partial to that boy.

Oooh, another RPS friendly person? Awesome!


igrab December 6 2009, 21:07:04 UTC
yes, oh, yes. i like them in 'any' mode. as long as together is involved. preferably. and things.

I found fuckyeahrdj on tumblr and it was the end of me ): or maybe the beginning.

I'm promising myself to wait until Interviews with Chemistry before I start shipping it. Promises promises.


igrab December 6 2009, 20:46:14 UTC
Name: iGrab
Age: 21
Location: New Jersey
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: omfgghdshsjsdhgg don't do that, man. DO NOT DO THIS. ... Yeah okay RDJ/Holmes. Maybe. Maybe. They're both so INSAAAANE.
Slash? RPS?: YES PLZ.
Other fandoms: Star Trek, ur... Star Trek... ha Trek RPF, Dorian Gray, Fringe, JS&MN, Torchwood/Doctor Who, The Prisoner, Okami, and yeah, I'm still on board with Kingdom Hearts and Harry Potter.
What do you do on LJ?: I babble about fandom-related things and post excessive lists and write poetry about this girl I like. And sometimes sexy pictures and awesome videos. I'm entertaining, really.
Anything else?: WHAT?

... )


silme711 December 6 2009, 20:57:13 UTC
I have not seen ANYTHING with either of these boys in it before.

But I love your icon so I think I can forgive you ;)


igrab December 6 2009, 20:58:57 UTC


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:03:52 UTC
That cannot be true. The pic you posted proofs it.
*points at her icon*


flynn_boyant December 6 2009, 21:03:30 UTC
Name: Stara
Age: 30
Location: United States
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: Both really --but I adore Robert so very much!
Slash? RPS?: Yes and Yes!
Other fandoms: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Torchwood, House, Bones, Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Leverage, Criminal Minds, Chuck, White Collar, Tin Man, Farscape, Due South, I-Man, The A-Team, Iron Man, various movies, anime and manga
What do you do on LJ?: This and That. Generally involves a lot of fandom related shenanigans and what I like to call my "thinky thoughts" posts (where I try to come up with theories as to what's coming next on my favorite shows). Some fanart. The occasional RL post gets in there from time to time. Oh, and LOLCats. I have a thing for LOLCats--fair warning. ;)
Anything else?: My journal is friends only right now but just comment on the post and I'll add you right away.


igrab December 6 2009, 21:10:06 UTC
TORCHWOOD. And, you know, more rpf fans which I am so glad to see, sob, my depravity knows no bounds. which is now canon?


flynn_boyant December 6 2009, 21:15:08 UTC
RPF is just too pretty to deny!

Oh, yes, TORCHWOOD. (Capslock all the way for that) Hey, mind if I friend you?


igrab December 6 2009, 21:16:33 UTC


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