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silme711 December 6 2009, 20:00:55 UTC
Name: Heike
Age: 31
Location: Germany
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: Both. But I tend to be a little bit more squeeful over Jude.
Slash? RPS?: Yes, please.
Other fandoms: Merlin, Lie To Me, True Blood, The Mentalist, Supernatural, Fringe, Angel, Bones
What do you do on LJ?: I write random entries about RL and work, about things that made me happy or people I'd like to stab in the face. I picspam and squee on occasion. I post my icons here even though that poor little thing got neglected lately...
Anything else?:


igrab December 6 2009, 20:36:58 UTC
....wow lol is your name really Heike? is that a common name in Germany? I have a German-British friend who's name is also Heike, and that is preeeetty damn awesome.


silme711 December 6 2009, 20:51:43 UTC
Yep, it is and I'd say it's pretty common. Also? I'd like to add that every person with that name is pretty damn awesome but I guess that's not what you meant *g*


igrab December 6 2009, 20:53:19 UTC
oh no, they totally, totally are. 100%. i will be certain to inform any other heikes of this, too.

...just like people with 'A' names. they tend to be more awesome. *not biased at all*


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:01:41 UTC
That'd be very nice. TY!

'A' names are awesome as well. Trufax. And I tend to friend people with 'A' names asap. If you don't mind.

*still draws hearts around your icon*


igrab December 6 2009, 21:04:22 UTC
that icon is like. my life. right now. hamlet and holmes and ohmygaaawwwwd.

oh, oh yes, i love friends. :D :D :D


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:10:49 UTC
I know...these two are....♥!

Awesome! And done!


flynn_boyant December 6 2009, 21:06:15 UTC
Is that icon one of yours because, OMG, so great!

Also, I have a great love of gifs. Especially when they involve Robert and Jude ...


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:14:55 UTC
Which one? I made the one I used for the meme, the one for the comment was shamelessly stolen ;)

Me too!
But everything that involves Jude and/or Robert turns me into a 12 year old right now...*g*

Also? Friends?


xtinethepirate December 7 2009, 13:51:29 UTC
Ooooh, Jude!girl who picspams and icons. Gonna have to go and fawn over take a looksie at said icons. Heeee, any Jude!picspams I ought to know about? *crazy fangirl eyes*

*dances about* Hallo, new friend!! Also, Angel and Supernatural? Made of win. Haven't seen the others.


silme711 December 9 2009, 20:22:02 UTC
You won't have any luck with finding Jude icons there I'm afraid...RL kicked my poor ass and I haven't made an actual icon post since...yeah, see? I don't even remember *g*
BUT. I'm on winter vacay soon so, yay! There will be icons.
As for picspams? You could take a look at ma Jude tag =)

I was a huge SPN girl but lately...I don't know. I still love J² but S5 managed to bore/annoy me to death. I hope that'll change.
Angel is ♥


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