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igrab December 6 2009, 20:46:14 UTC
Name: iGrab
Age: 21
Location: New Jersey
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: omfgghdshsjsdhgg don't do that, man. DO NOT DO THIS. ... Yeah okay RDJ/Holmes. Maybe. Maybe. They're both so INSAAAANE.
Slash? RPS?: YES PLZ.
Other fandoms: Star Trek, ur... Star Trek... ha Trek RPF, Dorian Gray, Fringe, JS&MN, Torchwood/Doctor Who, The Prisoner, Okami, and yeah, I'm still on board with Kingdom Hearts and Harry Potter.
What do you do on LJ?: I babble about fandom-related things and post excessive lists and write poetry about this girl I like. And sometimes sexy pictures and awesome videos. I'm entertaining, really.
Anything else?: WHAT?

... )


silme711 December 6 2009, 20:57:13 UTC
I have not seen ANYTHING with either of these boys in it before.

But I love your icon so I think I can forgive you ;)


igrab December 6 2009, 20:58:57 UTC


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:03:52 UTC
That cannot be true. The pic you posted proofs it.
*points at her icon*


igrab December 6 2009, 21:05:26 UTC


silme711 December 6 2009, 21:17:50 UTC


kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:05:56 UTC
Wait, what? You haven't seen anything with these boys before? Oh, but you must! At least after the movie! Jude made some insane films, and there are so many Robert movies I just adore!

And poetry is always good.


igrab December 6 2009, 21:08:18 UTC
I've been meaning to see Iron Man forever and a half ago, and I nearly bought it before setting out for this vacation, but. Oh lord I have no idea how I missed them. It was simply so my first impression of Jude Law could be sexy mustached Watson. I swear it.


kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:13:20 UTC
You need to see Iron Man! You really really need to. I love that movie a lot.

I think Jude makes a quite lovely Watson. I can't wait to see more of these two in action, really. I might end up head over heels!


igrab December 6 2009, 21:15:25 UTC
i've been told that everyone loves tony stark, regardless of gender, creed, or planet or origin. i can absolutely understand why, and i don't even have any idea who he is.

snerk. hurr. in action.


kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:23:42 UTC
Tony Stark, yes. I won't even pretend to be immune against his charms.

I might have needed a reboot when I found the teaser poster for Iron Man 2.


igrab December 6 2009, 21:32:52 UTC
my bff's boyfriend - this big, manly gorilla guy - has a total mancrush on him. also on dante from devil may cry, but i'm not supposed to know that. >:)


flynn_boyant December 6 2009, 21:09:32 UTC
OMG! That on set pic is just AMAZING!

I've already marathoned quite of bit of their other movies in preparation for the premiere. Definitely a good way to pass the time.


igrab December 6 2009, 21:13:59 UTC
INORITE. RDJ's all 'my pants are undone D:' and jude's all ':| stop whining'

Haha well, I've been in Italy. God knows what will happen when I get home and actually have free time.


flynn_boyant December 6 2009, 21:23:35 UTC
I think I had a appropriate comment and then I was distracted by RDJ's abs in your icon and now....what was I saying....;)

Oh, what part of Italy? I visited Rome, Florence and Venice a few years back. Such a gorgeous country!


igrab December 6 2009, 21:30:46 UTC
Hahahaha they're like. carved. with a KNIFE. idek his ropey fugly chest is still hot somehow. i cannot fathom it.

Oooh, that was the original plan - Rome, Venice, Florence - but it ended up being Rome, Venice, Florence, Genova, Lucca, Pisa, Siena, Assisi... we rented a car in Genova and drove slowly down through the mountains, staying in different places and stuff, until we got back down to Rome. SO AMAZING. But after three weeks of my mom I am so ready to go home and ignore her.


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