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kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 20:42:31 UTC
Name: Kohaku
Age: 32
Location: Germany
Robert or Jude? Holmes or Watson?: Definitely more of a Robert girl, but really both. And since you can't have Holmes without his Watson, I'll take those as a pair, please.
Slash? RPS?: Yes to both. I read and write both RPS and Holmes/ Watson.
Other fandoms: Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Leverage, CSI NY, Supernatural... there might be more things I squee about.
What do you do on LJ?: I either post RL related things or pic spams, it seems. Also linkspams, which are, same as the pics, mostly Robert related at the moment. :) I write a little whenever I find the time.
Anything else?: I feel compelled to say that I cannot wait for the Holmes movie to come out, but that is probably a given. So, no, I think that's it!


igrab December 6 2009, 20:48:31 UTC
ME. EITHER. though i'm sure that shit goes without saying, but.

And good damn point, a Holmes without his Watson is a sad, sad thing. :T



kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:03:37 UTC
I really do prefer Holmes and Watson in old married couple mode. Me thinks there might be quite a few pleasing scenes in the movie! Hurrah!

And RDJ, yessss. I'm partial to that boy.

Oooh, another RPS friendly person? Awesome!


igrab December 6 2009, 21:07:04 UTC
yes, oh, yes. i like them in 'any' mode. as long as together is involved. preferably. and things.

I found fuckyeahrdj on tumblr and it was the end of me ): or maybe the beginning.

I'm promising myself to wait until Interviews with Chemistry before I start shipping it. Promises promises.


silme711 December 6 2009, 20:54:50 UTC
I'd totally friend you.



kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:04:06 UTC
Not so sure about you. You seem... shady.



igrab December 6 2009, 21:17:26 UTC
and friending is happening now, fyi. :T


kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 21:18:46 UTC
Right back at you!


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kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 22:08:19 UTC
Yes, CSI:NY! I love that show! I don't ramble about it quite as much as I used to, but oh! the love I have for all of them!

*high fives*



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kohaku1977 December 6 2009, 22:34:33 UTC
Flack! That's it, I'm friending you. ;)

And yes, I love the setting, the city, and the characters! I started out with CSI: Las Vegas but then very quickly fell in love with NY almost as soon as it was out.


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