Before applying, please make sure you've read the
premise, and
faq before applying. Also make sure your character isn't taken or currently being held on reserve to avoid any confusion!
Fill out the form below and post it to the comments of this entry. The applications can be screened at the applicant's request by sending a PM to the mod team after the application has been posted. You can view a mod-posted sample application below, it is the first application posted to the comments. If you're unsure about our standards, you can get a good idea there!
Please only apply for one character at a time.
You will receive a response as soon as possible! Things that can slow us down are unknown canons, where we have to seek an outside (but trusted!) opinion. Please don't worry if we respond to applications out of the order in which they were received, it simply means we have a better grasp on that canon or character and can deliver a quicker decision.
Applications will be checked every Friday and Saturday of the week.
Player Info Player Name: (A nickname works here, or whatever name you want to go by.)
Age: (You don't have to provide your age here, but please let us know whether you're over the age of 16 or over the age of 18.)
Personal Journal Name: (Your personal journal.)
Characters Played: (Do you play any other characters here?)
Character Info Character Name: Series: (Please also tell us here whether you're using a specific version of the series, for example: "Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)" vs "Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)".)
Canon Point: (The point in canon you're taking your character from. Could be as simple as "chapter 302" or "episode 4.16" or "before the final boss battle", just let us know.)
Character's Age: Canon resource: (Link me to a canon-specific wikipedia, an info page, or something for your character. If your fandom is so small that you honestly cannot find one, you can skip this.)
How familiar are you with your character's canon? (This is an important question, but not necessarily something we weigh too harshly. Have you read/played/watched your character's canon? How much of it?)
History: (DO NOT COPY/PASTE from any other source, including Wikipedia or other canon resources! Your application, regardless of how good the rest is, will be denied! That having been said, please explain your history in such a way that it would make sense to somebody completely unfamiliar with your canon: in short, explain it to me like I'm in fifth grade. Do not use jargon unless you explain what it is! If your history section is unclear, we do reserve the right to ask for clarification regardless of the quality of the rest of your application. Also, this doesn't have to be an essay. It can be as short as a paragraph or two per game, series, whatever they're in. If you're taking a character from the end of a three game series, expect to write a little more in your history.)
Personality: (Please give us a good idea of your character here. We want 250 words at the VERY LEAST, but make us feel like we know your character as well as you do! We're very serious about this!)
How will you character react to the setting?: Writing Samples First Person: (This is the post made from your character's touch phone. The post can be text, video, or audio. Please check the FAQ for more information on this. Again, there's no limit here since we know some characters are less-talkative than others, but if you have a character who isn't exactly social, he/she could always be making an entry meant only for themselves, noting a reaction to the setting. Please make the first person sample in the setting of the game.)
Third Person: (At least 350 words. You can involve other characters, but please keep the focus on your character. Write us a good piece with some introspection to get us in your character's shoes! This does not have to be in the game's setting.)
Reservations are OPEN.
Applications are OPEN.
"Do not keep company with those who have no faith. For what is there in common between righteousness and evil, or between light and dark?"
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