But Seriously... - Sequel to Truly, Madly, Deeply - Part 5a

Mar 29, 2010 10:23

New part for But Seriously for all to see and due to it's length, it's being split into two parts.

Here's the first half, in which Julie ponders Melissa's sanity, Paul and Tony learn about Julie's feelings, and ice cream is involved.

Title: But Seriously….
Author: Shinigami518
Rating: PG-13, but with some bits of R in it for mpreg, swearing, some violence, and insanity
Main Character(s) and/or pairings: Ryan/Colin, Tony/Paul, Josie/Richard, Jeff/OFC, Stephen/Hugh (growing), OFC/OMC 
Summary: few weeks after their wedding, Paul and Tony take the next step in their relationship: Parenthood. Paul undergoes the "Mpreg Operation" as Alicia and the trio calls it and now he and Tony are to be parents. Keeping this a secret from the news is going to be a bit hard, but with the help of their friends, they are ready.

View Affirmation here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View Against All Odds here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View Truly, Madly, Deeply here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View last chapters here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5 - In the Air Tonight

March 23rd
            Albany, NY
            Albany Airport
            Melissa and Julie stood side-by-side at the arrival terminal, the former sporting a giant grin on her face while the latter stood looking annoyed.
            “Are you going to tell me NOW who we’re supposed to be waiting for?” Julie asked, the question been asked several times before, ranging from curiosity to slight aggression to utter annoyance.
            “Just have to wait, they’ll be here.” Melissa replied, checking her watch. Melissa had picked up Julie from campus instead of her father and drove her to the airport, only saying she had a big surprise for the brunette. Since then, they’ve waited at the airport and Melissa has said nothing about the surprise.
            “Lis, I’m warning you.  If you dragged me down here for some stupid joke, I swear I’m going to-.” Julie began to warn when.
            “Do what? Can we watch?” A man said from behind the brunette.
            “Nothing too disturbing, I hope. I don’t think I can handle something like that after a flight like that.” A second voice, also male, remarked, also from behind Julie. Julie spun around, a look of surprise and joy on her face.
            “Tony, Paul, hey!” Julie exclaimed, hugging Tony first. Melissa laughed in glee, hugging Paul. “I missed you guys so much!” Julie remarked, pulling back from the hug.
            “Awww, we saw each other in January. Hey, you’re growing your hair out again?” Tony grinned, then noticed. Julie fingered the small pigtail she was sporting that was sticking out the back of her baseball cap.
            “Felt like it. And hey, glad you ditched that full beard you had a while back.” Julie replied, then noted with a small grimace.
            “I thought it was nice.” Melissa stated, already making her way over to say “hello” to Tony.
            “Yeah, but that’s your opinion, Mel.” Julie rolled her eyes. She then moved over to hug Paul, who looked a bit paler than usual. “Rough flight?” Julie asked, taking Pauls hand in hers. Paul nodded grimly.
            “Vertigo plus being up the duff isn’t a great combination when you’re flying, kid.” Paul stated plainly.
            “Poor you.” Julie laughed gently, hugging the taller man. “I’m glad to see both of you guys, but why are you two here?” Julia asked, pulling back.
            “Her idea.” Paul answered, pointing at Melissa. Julie spun around to face her friend, clearly wanting an explanation.
            “I thought some of our guys could give a talk or show off some improvisation and improve games for your Acting 1 class. I talked with Yvonne and she loved the idea.” Melissa explained. Julie stared at Melissa in disbelief. It was true that Julie was in an Acting class due to her growing interest in performing, but she didn’t want to stand out in anyway because of her friends or how she was. What surprised her even more was the fact that Yvonne, her professor, would agree with this.
            “Are you serious?” Julie finally asked, slowly and incredulously.
            “Very.” Melissa smiled with a nod.
            “Tony and I were the only ones with some free time to fly over and well… this’ll probably be our last chance for a while for a break before well…,” Paul paused, pointing to the grown bump in his middle, “these two arrive in June.” Paul finished explaining.
            “So, how about it? Let’s give those classmates of yours an example of good performing.” Tony grinned. Julie stared at the two men, pondering what to say.
            “Why not, let’s see how those guys can handle making shit up as they go.” Julie smirked. Tony and Paul smiled, loving how Julie phrased her comment, while Melissa looked smug.
            “Alright, let’s get our things and get out of here before people start wondering what the four of us are doing.” Tony said, taking Paul’s hand in his.
            “What, you think they’d think we’re a couple of prostitutes’ picking you guys up?” Melissa laughed. Paul barked out a laugh before covering his face with his free hand while let out a childish giggle, looking away in embarrassment. Julie meanwhile buried her face into both of her hands.
            “Now THAT is wrong!” Paul remarked, pulling his hand from his face.
            “Come on, Lissy, that’s dirty, and besides, only you could pull off the prostitute look.” Julie groaned, then smirked. She then skipped off towards the baggage claim, a grin on her face.
            “Oh, you are soooo dead, Sanders!” Melissa growled, running off after her friend. Paul and Tony shot each other confused looks.
            “We better go after them before they kill each other.” Tony said. Paul nodded as they began to walk after their two young friends.
            “Before Melissa gets Julie for the prostitute comment or before Julie kills Melissa when she finds out we’re suppose to be crashing at her house for the week?” Paul wondered.
            “Probably the latter, love.” Tony predicted.

That night…
            Sanders House
            Julie found herself creeping down the stairs silently and into the living room, wearing an ash grey sweat shirt and dark purple flannel pyjama pants. Paul and Tony were, indeed, crashing in the guest room for the week, which annoyed Janet when Melissa announced it to Julie’s family. After a few minutes of calming the matriarch of the Sanders family, Janet relented, but told Melissa that she really owed them.
            Augie woke up and started to get up once he heard Julie’s presence, letting out some soft whimpers. The brunette shushed the dog.
            “Go back to sleep, Aug.” Julie whispered to the dog, making a “lay down” gesture with her right hand. The dog laid back down and immediately went back to sleep.
            “This scene is quite familiar, isn’t it?”
            Julie nearly jumped when she heard the voice. She turned towards the archway separating the living and dinning rooms and saw Paul, leaning against the arch. He wore a beat up light blue sweatshirt and a pair of black sweatpants, but was missing his glasses. Julie sighed in relief when she saw him.
            “At least I don’t have to worry about Jeff talking about condoms in his sleep. What’re you doing up?” Julie remarked, then asked Paul. Paul put a hand to his stomach.
            “One of the twins was using my bladder as a football, then they both wanted a snack.” Paul stated bluntly.
            “Sorry I asked.” Julie winced. ‘Stupid question.’ She mentally kicked herself.
            “What about you?” Paul asked, pushing away from the arch and walked over to Julie.
            “What about me?” Julie blinked.
            “Why’re you up?” Paul asked, now standing in front of the shorter brunette. Julie looked down, playing with her bangs, twisting them with her fingers.
            “Couldn’t sleep. Might be nerves, might be excitement, might even be fear over what’ll happen tomorrow- today in Acting. You know, performing with you, Tony, and Mel.” Julie replied, looking up at the ceiling while talking. Paul raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised at Julie’s confession.
            “You, nervous? What’re you so nervous about? From what I’ve heard and seen, you love performing in front of people.” Paul asked, rubbing his back with one hand.
            “Yes, only if I have something pre-prepared like song lyrics or a script, but I never did improv in front of people,” Julie explained. She let out a small huff. “Especially if I’m semi-forced into performing with guys who’ve got more experience in doing this.” Julie added, frowning while muttering loudly.
            “I noticed Melissa does this a lot, going behind your back and planning something that you hate.” Paul frowned, remembering Melissa’s ‘plan’ during the Lolita fight.
            “Even more so in the past.” Julie nodded, still frowning, but now in remembrance.
            “Then why are you still friends with her?” Paul asked. Julie turned away, walking over to the couch and plopping down on it.
            “Because she’s one of the few people I know who share the same interests I got. She really wants to get involved in what you guys do, aside from getting into law. At least tom- today I won’t be the only one embarrassing themselves when we’re performing with the guys I’ve got crushes on since she- oh shit.” Julie explained, then stopped when she realized what she said. She had just blurted out her long time secret: that she had feelings for Tony and Paul.
            “What did you say? Especially that last bit.” Paul asked, slowly making his way over to Julie.
            “That…I have… a crush on you an’ Tony.” Julie replied, blushing. Paul just stared at her in disbelief, making Julie blush more. “Erm, I guess you want an explanation, huh?” Julie asked, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Paul nodded.
            Then the moment was broken by a low rumble from Paul’s stomach. It was his turn to blush in embarrassment. Julie couldn’t help by let out a giggle, the twins were hungry.
            “Ice cream?” Julie suggested, starting to smile.
            “Ice cream.” Paul agreed. Julie got up off the couch and began to walk to the kitchen, Paul following close behind. In the back of Julie’s head, she could help but think of the last time she did this, way back in December over a year ago. But back then, it was Tony she was with and the reasons for being up were different as well.
            Opening the freezer, Julie grabbed the Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry ice cream while Paul grabbed a different one - Mint Chocolate Chip. Julie cocked her head at Paul, staring at him in bemusement.
            “I… feel like Mint Chocolate Chip, what can I say?” Paul stated, holding the ice cream in emphasis.
            “Not judging you.” Julie held up one hand in defence. She then turned and walked over to the utensil drawer and pulled out three spoons.
            “Why three?” Paul asked curiously.
            “In case Tony wakes up and joins us.” Julie replied matter-of-factually. Paul just nodded, he remembered doing the same over a year ago. The two then made their way over to the counter table and sat on two of the three stools. Opening their respective ice cream containers, they begun to eat their midnight snacks with much joy.
            “Mmm, nothing better than ice cream to sooth the nerves.” Julie murmured, savouring the taste.
            “Sure is. So, are you going to answer my question? What did you mean about having crushes on me and Tony?” Paul nodded, then asked, lowering his spoon. Julie stuck her spoon into the ice cream and took a deep breath.
            “It’s true. I do have crushes on you and Tony. I also have ones of Ryan and Colin. That’s why Melissa teased me that day when we rescued the guys. I admit, it’s odd to have feelings for guys who’re old enough to be your dad or uncle, but like Alicia told Chris last year: ‘Different strokes for different folks’.” Julie explained, blushing softly from the ice cream and from embarrassment over telling the secret.
            “So, why do you love me?” Paul asked, resting the spoon in the ice cream he was eating.
            “Where do I start?” Julie asked with a small laugh. “I’ve got many reasons. First… well, your sense of humour was the first thing that got my attention. I mean, you’re a deadpan god! You also got a great mind, coming up with some of the most random shit that even I couldn’t think of. The badger that stole the woman’s identity and your Policeman’s bit are two of my favourites.” Julie explained.
            “Is that all?” Paul asked. Julie grinned, talking a bit of her ice cream.
            “Not even close. I love your laugh, especially when it’s genuine, because you smile. And that’s another thing I love about you. You really got a great smile.” Julie went on. Paul started to blush from the compliments Julie gave him and tried to hide it with another spoonful of Mint Chocolate Chip.
            “Then there’s your blue eyes, they so… bright and filled with mischief. Sometimes, they just seem to shine when the light hits them just right. I also dig your ever-changing hairstyles, too.” Julie continued. Paul took a moment to stare at her, then raised a hand to his almost shoulder-length hair and began to play with it nervously. Julie couldn’t help but smile.
            “We also got similar tastes in movies and music. It’s so hard to find a friend that likes Laurel and Hardy, the Marx brothers, and the Beetles, especially for those my age.” Julie remarked, smiling. Paul looked at her in surprise.
            “You… like old movies?” Paul asked slowly. Julie nodded.
            “A lot more fun to watch than some of the new stuff out there. Finally got to see Psycho a few days ago in my video editing class, along with the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.” Julie replied, then took another bit of ice cream.
            “And you don’t mind having a crush on, well, a guy about to turn 51?” Paul asked. Julie just smiled.
            “Melissa’s still has a crush on Brad, she’s hooked up with Jeff, and she’s got a crush on Michael Jackson and he’s what, 50? Besides, I don’t really care all that much. You maybe 50 and a bit chubby, I don’t care. You’re like a giant teddy bear.” Julie stated, then grinned as she leaned over and gave Paul a hug to emphasis the truth. Paul was a bit surprised, but couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t everyday someone half his age complimented him like that.
            “There you are!”
            Paul and Julie broke apart and turned in surprise when they heard the voice from the living room. There stood Tony, wearing an old black sweatshirt and flannel pants.
            “W-what are you doing up?” Julie asked, blushing.
            “When I realized that my partner was missing.” Tony replied, eyeing Paul.
            “The kids were restless and hungry.” Paul stated, raising his spoon in emphasis.
            “Come join us, we got vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry and mint chocolate chip.” Julie offered. Tony just shook his head, smiling at the immaturity and joined the two.
            “So… you have a crush on my husband, do you?” Tony asked casually, taking the last seat, which was in between the two. Julie blushed more and nodded.
            “She’s got one on you, too.” Paul noted, a smirk on his face while he ate his ice cream. He then handed Tony the spare spoon. “Dig in, love.” Paul offered. Tony just nodded and dug into the Mint Chocolate Chip, earning him a small glare from Paul. Tony just grinned and ate the spoonful without hesitation. He then turned to face Julie.
            “Alright, kid, what do you find attractive about me?” Tony asked the only female in the room. Julie froze in mid-bite and blushed more.
            “W-well, for one thing, your giggle and laugh is incredibly infectious. It nearly got me kicked out of the library because I was watching a clip of you and you were cracking up, making me laugh until someone told me to be quiet.” Julie began. Tony started to laugh.
            “Are you still allowed in there?” Tony asked, laughing. Julie nodded, starting to smile.
            “There’s also you sense of humour, plus your naughtiness. Like Paul, you come up with some crazy stuff that I don’t think anyone could ever think of. You also got a wonderful voice, especially when you sing.” Julie went on.
            “He’s still got it, too. Remember New Years when we all first met?” Paul agreed, nudging Tony in remembrance. Tony nodded as did Julie.
            “Still can’t believe I sang “Living on a Prayer” with you.” Julie shook her head.
            “You’re not bad; if that’s what you’re thinking, kid.” Tony told the young woman. Julie turned and raised a finger, about to correct him for calling her “kid”, but decided not to.
            “You’re eyes also got my attention. They’re like big spears of chocolate, especially when you’re being passionate or dirty. Then there’s that smile of yours. I swear, I’ve talked with a few girls on the net and they agree that you could melt some people’s hearts with that big grin of yours.” Julie went on. “Plus, the big thing that broke my heart was… your breakdown.” Tony shuddered slightly on hearing Julie’s last two words. He knew what she meant.
            “What about it?” Paul asked.
            “I didn’t find out about it until a few months before the Lolita thing. I was checking out some Whose Line sites and they mentioned what happened to Tony. I looked it up and my heart broke. I couldn’t believe someone so funny and so kind had to go through all that. Same with you, Paul, with what happened to... you know.” Julie explained, looking down at the spoon she was playing with in her hands.
            “You’re an odd girl, but sweet.” Tony commented, patting Julie’s shoulder. Julie nodded, leaning forward on the counter.
            “I get that a lot.” Julie said, closing her eyes for a few seconds, almost ready to doze off.
            “It’s getting late. We do have to get up early today.” Paul noted, placing his spoon down and stretched his arms.
            “Plus Julie’s several seconds from conking out.” Tony noted, pointing at the girl in question with his thumb.
            “I’m not *yawn* that tired.” Julie protested with a yawn.
            “You’re not fooling anyone, kid. Time for bed.” Paul smirked, slowly getting off of the stool. Julie sighed and nodded.
            “Alright, let’s get cleaned up. Class starts at 10:15, so try to be up by 8.” Julie acknowledged, also getting off the stool.
            “Oh, lovely.” Paul groaned, not looking forward to it, especially when you’re trying to get used to the time difference.

Will be posting the other half sometime later this week, so keep an eye out.

whose line fanfic but seriously, tony slattery, paul merton

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