Truly, Madly, Deeply - Sequel to Affirmation Epilogue

Jun 06, 2009 22:05

Well, it's over. Truly, Madly, Deeply ends tonight and the final part of this four parter is starting to be transfered to type as I finish up the handwritten phase. The finaly part is, at the moment, called "But Seriously...", after one of Phil Collins' albums, unlike the other bits which are named after just songs. Also, each chapter will be named after songs from Phil's "Serious... Hits" album (his concert album), with excerpts of the song as a slight hint to how the chapter will relate to.

Maybe... I'm still working out the kinks for that.

Anyhow, here's the Epilogue and final part of this story: In which Julie and Will make a video diary of the reception minutes after the end of the last part, lots of warm words are said, and Melissa's secret dream boy is revealed, leading to a 'cat-fight'.

Title: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Author: Shinigami518
Rating: PG-13, but with some bits of R in it.
Main Character(s) and/or pairings: Ryan/Colin, Tony/Paul, Josie/Richard, Jeff/OFC, Stephen/Hugh (growing near the end)
Summary: Taking place in early-mid June of 2007, Good news rings out through the Whose Line community: Ryan and Colin are geting married! (YAY!!!) But with all weddings, there's always problems along the way. From plane rides to Bachelor parties to relationships either gonig sour or rekindling to relatives. This includes Ryan's father, who wants Ryan to call off the wedding, saying that he's ruining everything he ever had with Patty. Will there be a happy ending around the corner?

See previous chapters here to get refreshed:
View Affirmation here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View Against All Odds here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View last chapters here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Epilogue: I want to stand with you on a mountain


A digital video camera screen focuses on a party table, covered with cups and plates, plus a small vase of flowers.

“Is it on?” someone asked off-screen.

“Yeah.” Another person replied, also off-screen.

“Alright.” Julie stepped into the camera frame and sat down, smoothing out her hair. “Hey Ryan, Colin, its Julie…”

“And Will.” Will added, swinging the camera to face him. He swung it back to face Julie.

“Here with a special Wedding video commentary for you two. Willie and I are gonna record everyone saying comments about you and the wedding. This’ll include words of luck, joy, and, hehe, warning.” Julie went on, giggling as she spoke the last words.

“Just get on with it, will you?” Will groaned. Julie glared at the young man standing off camera.

“Alright, smartass, let’s get this video rolling.” Julie growled, reaching off-screen to stop the camera.


“Hey guys, it’s Greg and Jen wishing you all the best in getting married.” Jen smiled, waving at the camera.

“Just try not to fuck this all up months later down the road, ok.” Greg put in, grinning. Jen playfully slapped Greg’s arm.

“Don’t swear, what if little children are watching this?” Jen scolded.

“Eh, better they learn it here than off the street. That’s all I gotta say.” Greg shrugged. He then winked at the camera for added fun, making Jen laugh.


“Hey it’s Brad-,”

“-and Sean’a-,”

“Wishing you two lots of luck-,”

“-and love in your new life as a married couple.” Brad and Sean’a said together, finishing off each other’s sentences.

“And remember, us newlyweds gotta stick together!” Brad grinned.

“So call us if you need anything.” Sean’a winked.

“Or you can just ask me next time we get together for the tour, Colin.” Brad muttered, earning a playful slap from his wife.


“Ok, everyone ready?” Chip asked Patty and their children, the five of them standing in front of the camera. Taylor, Addie, and Chase nodded, the young boy frowning and wanting to get out of his suit.

“Ok, on the count of three: One, Two, Three!” Patty counted down.

“Congratulations Ryan and Colin!” The family shouted out, not entirely in unison.

“Hope you have a wonderful life together.” Chip grinned once they were done.

“Can I change now, dad?” Chase asked, whiningly. Chip laughed.


“Hey, guys, it’s Wayne and good luck and best wishes on getting married. Mandie and Maile also send their love, but…” Wayne looked downcast for a few seconds before speaking again. “I’ll tell you more later when you come back from your honeymoon. So congrats on getting married.”


Samantha smoothed out her dress as she and her parents stood in front of the camera.

“Hi guys, it’s Samantha wishing you lots of luck and love on your new life.” Samantha said with a smile.

“This is Stephanie and I hope you have a wonderful life together.” Stephanie gushed.

“It’s Martin and, erm… good luck and best wishes and all that.” Martin muttered. Samantha and Stephanie shot the man matching dirty looks.


“Oh bugger, Richard, we’re on, stop that!” Josie whispered loudly, nudging Richard, who was kissing Josie’s neck. Richard pulled back quickly, a look of horror on his face. The two were sitting at one of the tables, enjoying some cake.

“Oh, Christ, sorry, ah, uh, what? How long have you been there?” Richard exclaimed, then asked, confused. A giggle came from behind the camera, belonging to Julie.

“Alright, it’s Josie and Richard and I’d like to say Congratulations to you two on behalf of both of us. I hope you two have a wonderful marriage and try to stay out of trouble, ok?” Josie smiled, occasionally nudging Richard to keep him up. She then turned to face the man and gestured subtlety at the camera.

“Right, and, uh, beware anyone trying to tell you otherwise ‘cause you got some people here that’ll kick anyone’s arses if they try to break this up.” Richard added, a bit nervously.


“Hi guys, its Melissa and I wish you congratulations and many happy returns on finally getting together.” Melissa smiled. Jeff, who was sitting next to her, let out a soft groaned, his head on the table. Melissa sighed and kicked Jeff in the leg. “Jeff… Jeff, wake up!” Melissa hissed. Jeff sat up, eyes half open

“Hm? Oh, right! Ah, *ahem*, hi guys, its Jeff, uh, good luck and congrats of gettin’ married, Ryan and Colin. It’s about time you sonsofbitches got together and-.” Jeff slurred. It was now obvious that the raven haired young man had been drinking for some time.

“How many glasses of champagne did you drink?” Julie asked from behind the camera, cutting Jeff off before he said anything else. Jeff blinked his blurry eyes.

“Glasses?” He asked, stumped. Melissa covered her face in embarrassment.


“Hi Ryan, Colin, it’s Sandi and I want you to know that if you run into any problems, give me a call, especially if its prejudicial homophobic arseholes that think you two are disgusting or doing something horribly wrong in their demented point of view. In other words, good luck and hope you two are happy together. Now to get that 20 pounds Mike owe me. He didn’t think you’d go through with it and that we’d have to wait a few hours for it to be official.” Sandi smiled, then got up and walked away off camera.


“Ready mom, dad?”

“Yes, honey. Hello Ryan and Colin, congratulations on behalf of the Sanders family. Welcome to married life.” Janet smiled, raising a glass of champagne.

“And thanks for letting us come to see this. If you need any help, give us a call. That includes anything relating to appliance repairs and marriage talk.” Robert added.

“Dad, is this really the time or place to offer appliance talk?” Julie groaned from behind the camera.


“Do I have to?” Christine groaned.

“We all are doing one, so buck up and smile for God sakes.” Will retorted from off-camera. Lennie sighed and spoke.

“Hello Ryan, Colin, its Lennie and Christine, and I hope you don’t run into too much trouble in your new life together as a married couple.” Lennie said with a wistful smile. “Being here always makes me remember Alexandra on our wedding…” Lennie paused, memories of his past flooding his mind.

“It’s ok, dad, they understand.” Christine told her father. She then looked at the camera. “So, uh, is that it?” she asked. The camera shook from side to side. Christine groaned. “Do I have to?” she asked again. The camera moved up and down. Christine slapped her hands on the table she was sitting at and groaned. “Alright, good luck and congrats, is that Ok!?” Christine snapped, growing very annoyed.

“Perfect.” Julie sighed from behind the camera.


“Hey, it’s Mike, and I hope your enjoying your special day. Too bad I’m out of 20 bucks thanks to betting with Sandi. Just promise me and everyone that you’ll stay out of trouble, alright? Also, we ought to hang out again sometime in the future. We haven’t seen each other like this in a long time. Maybe next time you think of hitting England, ok?” Mike grinned, raising a glass of champagne to the camera.


Luke, Mackenzie, Sam, and Claire stood in front of the camera, Mackenzie holding Ethan and Luke holding Lea.

“Hey dad, Uncle Ryan, congratulations on getting married today. Now I guess you’re now ‘papa-Ryan’ now. At least for Lea when she can speak.” Luke smiled. Lea let out several babbles of words and cooed for her response.

“And dad, Uncle Colin, congratulations from all four of us. Now we got two new siblings and Uncle Colin is now ‘daddy-Colin’.” Sam added with a grin.

“So now I got two daddies now?” Claire asked her older siblings.

“You sure do, Munchkin.” Mackenzie nodded, ruffling Claire’s hair playfully. Claire let out a giggle that got Ethan and Lea to join in, the two babies laughing for no reason than to just laugh. This then got Sam and Luke snickering, then laughing and finally Mackenzie let out a few giggles. The new group of Step-brothers and Step-Sisters were getting along wonderfully.


“Alright, on three… Three!” Drew announced.

“Ryan and Colin are finally married and we’re sending out our congratulations and best wishes to the lucky couple!” Drew, Nicole, Craig, Diedrich, and Kathy exclaimed together, not entirely in sync, but close enough.

“Now where’s out 50 bucks, Carey?” Kathy asked, hands on her hips in her “Mimi” voice. Nicole groaned, covering her face with her hands while Craig and Diedrich cracked up over Drew’s fearful expression.


“Hello, you two. I’m sure you’re getting a bit tired of all of these comments, so I’ll just keep it simple and to the point then. Good luck and congratulations. I hope you two have many new and happy moments together.” Clive smiled. He then frowned and looked at someone off-screen. “What is that Melissa girl doing with that Davis boy?”

The camera spun around quickly, catching lots of cheers, gasps, and whistles from the surrounding people.

Jeff and Melissa were dancing together to “Sex Bomb”, both acting very hot around each other as they danced like extras from the original “Dirty Dancing” movie.

“I wonder how drunk Melissa is right now?” Julie wondered from off-screen.

“I doubt she’s hammered. I think she’s high on her love for Jeff.” Will remarked, stepping into frame.

“Should we stop filming?” Julie asked. Will shook his head.

“Not yet…” he paused as Jeff began to take off his shirts, making Greg, Christine, and Chip rush onto the dance floor to drag Jeff and Melissa to the nearest table. Will turned back to the camera, wide eyed.

Clive then stepped into frame. “I think now is a good stopping point.” He told the camera.


“Hi guys. I hope you’ve enjoyed this day as much as we have.” Hugh smiled.

“We also hope you two don’t get involved in anymore kidnappings and/or chaotic episodes.” Stephen added.

“Not unless there are other crazy ladies out there that has a thing against improvisation and you guys.” Hugh noted. Stephen shot his friend a subtle dirty look, silencing him.

“Anyhow, we wish you two good luck with this new step in your lives and, please, stay out of trouble.” Stephen finished off for the two of them. Hugh shot a cheeky grin and winked at the camera, causing Julie, who was filming, to giggle and shake the camera slightly.


“Hello, Ryan. I hope you’re having a lovely time and that you have a wonderful time together with Colin.” Irene smiled. Sonny let out a small grunt, turning away. “I know you’ll run into trouble, but always remember that I still love you and I’ll always be here for you.” Irene continued on. She turned to look at Sonny. “I know your father doesn’t share the same feelings, but I know he feels the same way.”

“Whatever.” Sonny muttered. Irene slapped his arm, glaring at him.


“Hello, Ryan. Hello, Colin. I think you know exactly what we’re going to say, right, so why make a big deal about it?” Tony began, “So I’ll just say good luck and be happy together.” He smiled.

“And I hope you’re not upset over what Tony and I did during the party. What with getting engaged after the bouquet and the…,” Paul held up the stuffed cat doll, “bridal cat toss. But we’ll make it up to you next time your in England.” Paul added.

“So have fun and, Colin, try not to break him with too much sex.” Tony finished, flashing a cheeky grin.

“Now that’s not appropriate, love.” Paul laughed, putting his arms around Tony’s waist. Tony continued to grin.

“But that’s why you love me.” Tony replied, leaning into the embrace.


“So, guys, Julie and I are the last ones to give you the congrats and such, so here’s to you, Ryan and Colin,” Will said, raising a can of diet coke in one hand, “Hope you have a great life together and stay out of trouble. I don’t want me or my sister and her friends having to bail your asses out of a jam again.”

“Gee, thanks, Will.” Julie sighed from behind the camera.


“Ah, hey guys, its Julie again. So, uh, I hope you enjoyed the video and all the comments everyone made. Will helped a lot with the taping so if you got complaints on how it’s edited, yell at him. Anyways, congrats of getting hitched finally. You’ve made a lot of people happy… and a lot of fangirls on the net ecstatic, too.”

“Hurry up, the tape’s almost out!” Will snapped from behind the camera.

“I’m trying to give a good message, you dumbass, don’t interrupt!” Julie yelled in annoyance.

“God, you’re such a pain in the ass. Are you gonna be like this at Tony and Paul’s wedding or is this just because your PMSing.” Will groaned.

“Both.” Melissa answered bluntly, walking up behind Julie. Julie looked up at Melissa, shot her a glare and returned to looking back at the camera.

“Well at least I don’t dream of a ménage à trois with Jeff and-.” Julie began, still annoyed.

“Julie, don’t you dare-.” Melissa began, growing angry.

“Daniel Radcliff, the boy who plays Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movies.” Julie finished without Melissa stopping her, a proud smile on her pale face.

“You fat little-!” Melissa snapped, pissed off.

“What did you say, you little-!?” Julie snarled, attacking her friend, leading the two to start wrestling with each other. With a sigh, Will turned the camera to face him.

“I think what she’s trying to say is ‘Good Luck’.” Will sighed, talking directly to the camera.

“Will, turn off that damn camera or I’ll shove it so far up your as-.”

(Static, end tape)

"But Seriously..." will come in due time once I've typed enough and overviewed it so that it's good to go, so you're gonna have to wait for a while for it to be posted. So to keep you busy, re-read my stories and check out my latest project on my livejournal: "the Paul Project".

So read and review and I'll catch you on the flip side.

tony slattery, jeff davis, josie lawrence, steve frost, wayne brady, paul merton, clive anderson, chip esten, sandi toksvig, hugh laurie, ryan stiles, colin mochrie, whose line fanfic truly madly deeply, greg proops, brad sherwood, mike mcshane, stephen fry, drew carey, richard vranch

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