Face to Face: an analysis of Michael Jackson's face through the years...

Mar 30, 2010 21:52

Recently, a post on Shamone_MJ came up about Michael Jackson's plastic surgeries and how many did he really have. A while ago, I wanted to do a post similar to that and post several comparison pictures for everyone to make their own judgment.

So below is a picspam of MJ from Off The Wall to present day - mostly front and side shots of his face to get a better idea.

First is Off the Wall:

As you can see, nothing serious between the two videos, but then came Thriller. Now, in between this time, Michael broke his nose while dancing and had two surgeries on his nose. The second was to correct a mistake in the first one and to help him breath better.

Now let’s go onto the Pre/Thriller-era

As you can see, there are some slight differences, mostly from the side.

Then comee the transition/Bad-era, when Michael's skin started to get noticeably lighter and where most people believe he started to change himself. Note, this was also after the Pepsi accident where his scalp caught on fire after a mistimed pyro went off close to him.

Captain EO was the only video made during the "Transition" from Thriller to Bad Mike. His skin has gotten a bit lighter and his nose looks a bit different.

It's a bit obvious if you compair this side-by side with this above side shot from Thriller

Not a major difference, but it might be due to the angle and shadows.  There does appear a slight difference, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Ok, I just threw this in because the one thing that never changed throughout the years was his adorable smile.

Anyway, onto the BadEra!Mike

Skin is lighter (he can still be classified as "black"), he's now entering his 30's, and his nose looks a tad different. He also has a cleft in his chin now, signifying another plastic surgery.

So for the moment, there are two nose jobs in between Off the Wall and Thriller, a chin cleft during Bad, and one in between Thriller and Bad.

Dangerous brought out the more mature Michael along with the controversies and allegations...

Skin's lighter now to white and more surgery claims/accusations were made.

But we leave it to the viewers

There looks like there's been some stuff done, but look at this:

Look at his nose here and this is from '91. And compare to:

Almost the same, except for the longer hair and lighter skin. But how is this possible? With all those surgeries he "supposidly" had! Maybe it's a 'fake nose'! *sarcasm*

Maybe it's Maybelline makeup.

So for the moment, there are two nose jobs in between Off the Wall and Thriller, a chin cleft during Bad, and one in between Thriller and Bad. The thinner nose looks to be caused by makeup...

HIStory/Blood on the Dance Floor was Michael's trying period. He was recovering from painkiller abuse and a Child Molestation charge. He marries and divorces twice, becomes a father, and turns 40.

He also goes through several hairstyles. More accusations of overdoing plastic surgery is made.

But what do you think?

Thin nose appears on and off in his videos and concerts. Skin is light and his hair changes, but his facial structure seems to remain the same.

So for the moment, there are two nose jobs in between Off the Wall and Thriller, a chin cleft during Bad, and one in between Thriller and Bad. The thinner nose looks to be caused by makeup, age, and skin becoming lighter.

And now for the Invincible/Court/This Is It era...

Older, wiser, and a FILF (Father I'd Like to Fu.... Friend). This is the era where he wages war with SONY, Invicinble is released, he performs with all his brothers for the first time in almost twenty years, and a new round of alligations rear their ugly head.

But the confusion about his surgeries are still around, especially when it comes to "You Rock My World", his first and only video from Invincible.

His nose looks really thin here... but look at this one from later that year:

Still a bit thin, but not dangerously thin whe it looks like he doesn't have one.

Anyways, onto the pics:

So age and weight lose are an obvious factor (from the stress and pain of the alligations and increasing pain from a back injury in '99 and burns from '84, along with Lupus) and there might've been a nose job, plus the possibilities of botox. In some shots, he looks like how he was during Dangerous or HIStory, just a bit older.

So for the moment, there are two nose jobs in between Off the Wall and Thriller, a chin cleft during Bad, one in between Thriller and Bad, a possible one in early 2000, and possible botox. The thinner nose and face looks to be caused by makeup, age, weight loss and skin becoming lighter.

*Looks at list* Hmmm, so what were all those overdone surgeries he supposidly had? From the count, there's about three or four nosejobs, an added chin cleft, and some possible botox/facelift. Not overdoing it in my eyes.

Overall, only a few surgeries, not dozens of them. He had a skin disease, he had Lupus, he lost weight, he got older, and he only had a few nosejobs, not dozens. I hoped you enjoyed this analysis and hidden picspam that took me two hours to get together.

Oh! And as for the stories of his nose "falling off" during the court cases in 2000?

November 13

November 14

It was a band-aid, you idiots!

I need a drink...

michael jackson, picspam

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