I was walking the dog today and noticed a car with a keypad until the door handle. There were five buttons on it: [1-2] [3-4] [5-6] [7-8] [9-0]. I couldn't figure out why they didn't just go with [1] [2] [3] [4] [5
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So Sara and I decided to watch an episode of Babylon 5 on her laptop, which has Windows Vista on it. Keep in mind that this is an legal DVD of Babylon 5, Season 4
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So when we moved into the apartment, there was a pile (maybe 5) of Indianapolis Stars on our back doorstep. The next day we got another paper. And another one on the next day
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"Greater than or equal to" is not the same operation as "Greater than" with a slightly different value (for floating point numbers). More specifically, if I have the statement "ColumnA is valid if it is greater than or equal to 150", it should not be implemented as "ColumnA > 149.9".
Software Engineering lesson 3b: When two forms have identical functionality and identical code but are called from two different places in the program, the suggested method is to create one form and make two instances of it, rather than duplicating the code in two files under two different (but equally vague) names.
Software Engineering Lession Number YOU-SUCK-MR-FORMER-PROGRAMMER: When deprecating old code, UI objects, columns in data grid, remove the code. Don't set it to be invisible, column width = 0, etc. If you have to leave it in, LEAVE A COMMENT SAYING WHY.