Title: Faces of a stranger Rating: R Pairing: Jack/Ianto Word Count: 1800 Prompt: 19. White for fanfic100 Summary: Jack musing on Ianto. A/N: Title taken from "The Stranger" by Billy Joel. Contains a missable Jeeves & Wooster reference. Because Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry are the tag-team of awesome. Dedicated to laligin, who I'm informed I have corrupted into multi-
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Title: Love is all you need. Rating: PG - 13 Pairings: Jack/OMC, Jack/OMC(s), Jack/OMC, Jack/Algy, Jack/Captain Jack (hint of Jack/Toshiko), Jack & Owen, Jack/Ianto Summary: Loves of Captain Jack Prompt: 84. He for
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Title: All you need is love Rating: PG - 13 Pairings: Jack/OFC, Jack/OFC, Jack/Rose (bit of Jack/Doctor), Jack/Estelle, Jack/Suzie, Jack/Toshiko, Jack/Swanson and Jack/Gwen Summary: Loves of Captain Jack Prompt: 85. She for
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Title: Drowning on dry land Rating: PG - 13 Prompt: 64. Fall Summary: Jack's not crazy. Really. He's just been thinking a little too long. Word Count: 2095 Warning: Weird format.
Jack has, throughout life, been lectured on the evils of his “shoot first, questions (and apologies) later” methods, and to begin with he tried to take it on board. Always
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