Nov 13, 2009 09:59

July 2009 - March 2011

Card Post is here
Logs part I, part II, part III

*Past Activity*
7.03.09 - collected secret05 from the Card Shop // received B-cert, magician03, bunter07, ginryuu13, and candy03 for runner-up at Contest 8
7.21.09 - received horse11, evil16, and cynic07 from the Newsletter 2 contest // received seer10 for voting (205) at anime_crops Week 89 // collected lock13 from the Card Shop
7.22.09 - redeemed A-cert for clow26, clow30, and clow48
7.26.09 - redeemed B-cert for stalker17 and stalker18 // got B-cert and C-cert at W27 Lotto
7.27.09 - mastered Christmas 2009 event set - got plum07, kaiser17, kaiser19, lock12, and slippers event card // mastered Valentines 2009 event set - got alien13, alien17, katana event card, scatter02, mafia14, fiance11, hell19, love-a-lot event card, and funshine event card // mastered Flowers event set - got loyal13, loyal15, loyal17, lock01, lock02, yanki07, solar03, fuku10, ise03, heist06, visor02, pedobear event card, and pokeball event card // mastered White event set - got yanki20, lock07, racquet event card, and balls event card // mastered 25 decks - got S-cert, apple04, loveless08, despair18, thrill11, forget11, key14, pan44, snap02, sitar17, and pokedex84 // traded 500+ times - got S-cert, B-cert, sherry19, hunter14, crow13, strike17, gay08 // recieved alien11, suit09, and dove02 for submitting (206) at shounenicontest W20 // mastered Alien deck - got loyal06, loyal11, unwanted18, and tensai20 // mastered Loyal deck - got kaiser01, kaiser05, venus01, and pan45
7.28.09 - received crimson11 for voting (207) at shounenicontest W20 // received palm13, itako12, and strike18 for submitting (208) at anime_crops W92 // received bombay04 for voting (209) at anime_crops W92 // mastered Kaiser deck - got yanki01, yanki04, ainu18, and exorcist18 // received money06, report01, and bow03 for submitting (210) at title_awards W61 // received dove03 for voting (211) at title_awards W61
July - October - HAITUS
10.25.09 - gifted hell07, ginryuu14, wizard03, wizard06, wizard10 by Uri-sama // collected left08 at the Card Shop
10.27.09 - received digidestined02, onigiri19, and purity06 for voting (212) at fullmetal_lims S2R6 // received heist19 for voting (213) at shounenicontest W31 // collected secret07 from the Card Shop
10.29.09 - received disney15 for voting (214) at anime_crops W104 // collected secret15 from the Card Shop
10.30.09 - redeemed S-rank cert for pipe02, pipe03, pipe15 and pipe16 at the Cert Exchange
11.02.09 - Trick-or-Treated with Rashiea, got Wizard18 // received yanki13, summon02, and jellopy03 for submitting (215) at shounenicontest W32 // received trumpet10, rabbit08, and loveless03 for submitting (216) at sm_icontest W189 // received extreme12 for voting (217) at kingdom_chorus W119 // received megane16 for voting (218) at sm_icontest W189 // donated to the Card Shop (10 / 25 points)
11.08.09 - received espada06, fuku07, and rayearth14 for submitting (219) at title_awards W71 // received tail02 for voting (220) at title_awards W71 // got stone09 in Newsletter 3 Trivia // changed gay08 and digidestined05 into lock06 at the Card Exchange // received yanki09, insei12, and bandage02 for submitting (221)( at anime_eloquence W128 // received snap03 for voting (222) at anime_eloquence W128 // received hosts10 for voting (223) at shounenicontest W32 // got rival08, future19, 10th16, and C-rank cert for answering TCG Quiz 1
11.08.09 - got primrose13 and balinese19 for voting on TCG Quiz 1 // collected fuku05 from the Card Shop // mastered Yanki deck - got left09, left10, magician06, and coach07 // received quest55, protect11, and moon09 for voting (224) at ouran_lims R12 W1
11.12.09 - received illegal03 for voting (225) at title_awards W72 // received rival07, sky04, and betrayal17 for voting (226) at fullmetal_lims S2 Ch7 // got celes09, catcher16, four20, future04, evil08, pluto09, hacker12, bite10, pun09, legend13, and A-rank cert for reaching Level 10
11.13.09 - collected megane11 from the Card Shop
11.18.09 - got curse06, silent05, and ginryuu17 for answering TCG Quiz 2 // got pluto06 for winning a Best Response on TCG Quiz 2 // received howl04 and punisher14 for submitting (227) at title_awards W73
12.04.09 - got dice10, pudding11, beloved06, and C-cert for answering TCG Quiz 4 // received exsphere08, armor09, and left02 for submitting (228) at anime_eloquence W130 // received eat01 for voting (229) at anime_eloquence W130 // gifted megane17 by rashiea // received balinese02 and pokedex04 for submitting (230) to title_awards W74 // received bure01 for voting (231) at shounenicontest W33 // received itako11, uranus10, left19 for submitting (232) to shounenicontest W35
1.11.10 - mastered Left deck - got zangan11, digidestined11, magician17, and magician18 // received unlucky20 for winning Best Text at title_awards W74 // received doujin01, ginryuu20, honey10, and dies01 for submitting (233) at sm_icontest W193 // received noa12, zero04, and council20 for voting (234) at fullmetal_lims S2 Ch9 // received snake20, axeman14, and author04 for signing up (235) at fullmetal_lims S2 // received Stocking event card, Infocards event card, judgment08, hosts13, carrot17, and bride09 for Christmas // gifted secret09 by rashiea
1.18.10 - collected espada08 from the Card Shop // my wish came true! - got magician01 // donated to Card Shop (15 / 40 points)
1.19.10 - changed heist06 and heist19 into magician12
1.21.10 - mastered Magician deck - got heist20, magic14, 13th05, and 13th09 // received despair03 for voting (236) at kingdom_chorus W128
1.30.10 - got dice03 and snake20 for submitting quiz questions // received key15 for voting (237) at anime_eloquence W137 // received blitz12, unwanted12, and right03 for submitting (238) at title_awards W80 // received bure04 for voting (239) at title_awards W80 // received phantom17, uranus09, uranus20, revolution13 for submitting (240) at dgray_icontest W37 // received dust16 for voting (241) at dgray_icontest W37 // received rat10 for voting (242) at anime_eloquence
2.12.10 - received nyoron09 for voting (242) at anime_crops W115 // received normal12, stalker08, and pluto06 for responding to Roll Call // received wishes13 for voting (243) at sm_icontest W200 (headers) // received ginryuu19 for voting (245) at sm_icontest W200 (icons)
2.13.10 - bought Chinese New Year Event cards // received 9 Sun event cards
2.27.10 - redeemed B-rank cert for nirvash02 and nirvash03
3.2.10 - received Tiger Event Card // mastered Stocking event set - got 13th18, jagan07, and Rashiea event card // mastered Chinese New Year event set - got 13th12, 13th14, 13th15, Ultraball event card, Egg event card, boots03, necro07, crusnik03, blood05, palm07, and S-cert // mastered 13th deck - got virtue18, dies10, and lock15
3.3.10 - redeemed S-cert for crusnik01 and crusnik02 // mastered Lock deck - got scar19, count20, nano14, phantom04, phantom15, and phantom18 // mastered Phantom deck - got time10, justice16, and espada04
5.15.10 - received cake, kumajiro, wknight, shirokin, wkitten, and pi event cards from White Day event
5.16.10 - received copy18, resist04, and rayearth12 for responding to Roll Call // received hawaii and usa Event Cards from Golden Week event
5.17.10 - wish came true - got wizard04
6.1.10 - received little12 for voting (246) at sm_icontest W213 // received wizard08, genrou08, attack04, and armor13 for submitting (247) at dgray_icontest W51 // received tactics12 for voting (248) at dgray_icontest W51 // received wizard13, ballet18, hosts16, and albhed01 for submitting (249) at anime_eloquence W151 // received heart16 for voting (250) at anime_eloquence W151 // received destiny79, pun17, and distant10 for submitting (251) at title_awards W93
6.23.10 - got S-cert, B-cert, senpai20, crow12, and broom16 for Birthday // received cuffs17 for voting (252) at anime_crops W130 // received knit04 for voting (253) at dgray_icontest W53 // received distant16, heart04, and nobodies11 for submitting (254) at sm_icontest W215 // received wizard14, camorra17, and shuusaku06 for submitting (255) at shounenicontest W55
6.27.10 - my wish came true - got wizard05 // redeemed Pedobear event card for hell02 // redeemed Hawaii event card for espada01 // mastered Wizard deck - got booty08, stalker14, hell03, and hell15 // collected megane03 from the Card Shop // changed nobodies11 and tactics07 into fuku08 at the Card Exchange // mastered Hell deck - got unlucky10, dog03, and espada10// mastered Espada deck - got sadist12, candy09, tone01, and tone06
7.03.10 - mastered White Day event set - got tone02, tone04, fuku06, pluto18, guardian03, shift09, hope15, insei19, Slippers event card, and Friend event card
7.09.10 - received thrill02 for voting (256) at anime_crops W133 // received B-cert for signing up (257) at ouran_lims R13 // received venus04, xxxg06, and shark14 for voting w/ crits (258) at ouran_lims R13 W1 // received ocarina02 for voting (259) at anime_eloquence W155 // received gurren20 for voting (260) at sm_icontest W219
7.11.10 - received ocarina16 for voting (261) at dgray_icontest W56
7.21.10 - received gotei10 for winning People's Choice at ouran_lims R13 W1 // recieved four01, plan13, and flower19 for submitting (262) at title_awards W97 // received pharaoh02 for voting (263) at title_awards W97 // received pun17 for placing at title_awards W97 // received dice06, destiny64, and B-rank cert for submitting 1 set (264) to Mega Challenge at anime_abc // received liek03 for voting (265) at anime_crops W134
7.25.10 - changed pun17 and pun17 into fuku01 at the Card Exchange
7.26.10 - received nun02, sinner08, and police05 for voting w/ crits (266) at ouran_lims R13 W2 // received tone10, kaiser20, council05, and vino11 for submitting (267) at anime_eloquence W156
7.28.10 - received sight10, shaman20, monster19, and white17 for submitting (268) at shounenicontest W58
8.21.10 - got slayer01, slayer05, jagan11, and quest65 for making Slayer deck
8.26.10 - redeemed B-cert for mirror03
10.12.10 - received unwanted10 and jellopy62 for submitting (269) at anime_abc Week F // received betrayal01 for voting (270) at anime_abc Week F // collected shaman19 from the Card Shop
11.08.10 - received materia07, perfect19, and reverie02 for responding to Roll Call // got A-cert and 2 B-certs at W53 Lotto // my wish came true - got tone19 // redeemed B-rank cert for whip09 and whip10
12.12.10 - redeemed A-cert and B-cert for byakugan18, spell05, growl01, adopted05, adopted15
12.13.10 - collected moe12 from the Card Shop
12.20.10 - received dino03 for voting (271) at anime_abc week O // received fuuin19, nirvash04, captain16, and esper11 for submitting (272) at kingdom_chorus W161 // received viola09 for voting (273) at kingdom_chorus W161 // received servant07, simon20, and rayearth12 for (274) at anime_crops W154 // mastered Yellow event set - got secret18, sight20, moe08, fuku02, destiny96, heart04, guardian15, vision17, revenge08, ring event card, and celestial event card

12.21.10 - redeemed C-rank cert for cocoa01
12.23.10 - received secret01, secret08, and secret11 from caterfree10 in Secret Santa event // received Ornaments, Present, and Tree event cards for participating in Secret Santa event // gifted spell05, byakugan18, and growl01 to royalBK in Secret Santa event
12.24.10 - changed hosts13 into secret10 at the Card Exchange // mastered Secret deck - got normal13, light01, tone03, tone20 // mastered Tone deck - got tease18, chaos09, sight08, sight09 // mastered Sight deck - got tree10, pizza03, moe02, moe11 // received attack15 for voting (275) at kingdom_chorus W162
12.30.10 - received thief11 and demon09 for placing (276) at anime_crops W154
12.31.10 - redeemed C-rank cert for hunter13 // mastered Moe deck - got exia17, neptune01, and fuku03
1.2.11 - changed doujin01, pizza03, count20, and axeman14 into fuku04 at the Card Exchange // got blast15, money18, noble04, ego09, morph07, dancer19, kaede06, spell05, thrill05, radical15, mafia15, and A-rank cert for reaching level 11 // mastered Fuku deck - got jenova08, zangan16, revolution07, and revolution14
1.18.11 - changed mafia15 into revolution18 at the Card Shop // mastered Revolution deck - got dies18, manager08, money04, and money05
1.24.11 - received pyro08 for placing at dgray_icontest W76
1.25.11 - received money19, trainer17, warrior14, and neptune06 for submitting (277) at dgray_icontest W76
1.31.11 - collected distant04 from the Card Shop // received knit18 for voting (278) at shounenicontest W79 // received curse20, ginryuu04, pitcher02, and archer01 for submitting (279) at kingdom_chorus W165
2.03.11 - collected morph10 from the Card Shop // received cameo18 for winning 3rd place at anime_eloquence W73 // redeemed B-rank cert for norse08 and C-rank cert // received money20, earring19, trainer19, and pokedex91 for submitting (280) at anime_eloquence W73
2.09.11 - changed 10th16 and archer01 into money01 at the Card Ex
2.13.11 - changed blast15 and blood05 into money02 at the Card Ex // mastered Secret Santa event set - got money03, megane04, tree17, eye03, servant15, distant18, and Slippers event card
2.18.11 - received Ice Rose and Ice Pick event cards from Bid 1 in the Snow Festival event // received Ice Rose, Ice Pick, Ice Crystals, Ice Heart, and Ice Rose event cards from Bids 2 and 3 in the Snow Festival event // received Ice Crystal, Ice Pick, and Ice Heart event cards from Bid 4 in the Snow Festival event // mastered Money deck - got pokedex128, demon14, megane06, and megane19
2.19.11 - changed hosts16 into megane18 at the Card Ex // got megane09, megane10, megane13, youkai16, novelist04, 10th14, phobia09, loyal15, and Feather event card for mastering Icicle event set // mastered Megane deck - got jagan10, left13, and gotei13
2.24.11 - redeemed S-rankcert for maverick15, maverick17, and B-rank cert
3.9.11 - received destiny56 for voting (281) at anime_abc week Y // received ougi13 for voting (282) at shounenicontest Anniversary Challenge // changed warrior14 and youkai16 into weapon02 at the Card Ex // collected silent17 from the Card Shop // redeemed Ice Rose event card for weapon03
3.12.11 - redeemed C-rank cert for orb08 // collected disney16 from the Card Shop
3.27.11 - collected kompeito01 from the Card Shop // received weapon01, kompeito06, dancer02, and puu14 for submitting (283) at dgray_icontest W78 // received homicide10 for voting (284) at dgray_icontest W78
Total Contributions: 284

*Past Trades*
7.03.09 - traded (497) grin13 for alien19 to futatsuninja // traded (498) berry03 for 13th19 to sumeragi_sei // trade (499, 500) revenge04, revenge20, and justice06 for sight11 and lock09 to rashiea // traded (501) plan20 for yanki02 to unchainedfenrir // traded (502) candy09 for magician05 to farsketched
7.21.09 - traded (503) persocom14, curse02, and short08 for pedobear event card to kaurin // traded (504) bombay09 for wizard20 to whitelilies22 // traded (505) blast12 for 13th02 to sairaiyle
7.22.09 - traded (506) cat15 for phantom09 to rashiea
7.24.09 - traded (507-509) cynic07, megane08, and dog15 for magician04, magician07, and magician16 to terza_teabeef
7.26.09 - traded (510-512) clow26, clow30, and clow48 for alien10, phantom02, and phantom13 to kaurin // traded (513) stalker17 and stalker18 for lock10 to rashiea // traded (514) illusion01 for magician08 to shikumo
7.27.09 - traded (515) muga07 for left16 to whitelilies22
7.28.09 - traded (516-518) sword09, chosen17, and cuffs12 for moe17, colonel12, and hell13 to fuckyeahfish // traded (519) dove02 and suit09 for lock08 to rashiea // traded (520) plum07 for kaiser03 to manaka_baku // traded (521) sherry19 for magician13 to tezuka_zone_pot // traded (522, 523) key14 and pan44 for 13th06 and tone18 to sairaiyle // traded (524, 525) scatter02 and snap02 for hell20 and moe07 to farsketched
July - October - HAITUS
10.25.09 - traded (526, 527) yanki07 and bombay04 for secret02 and secret15 to whitelilies22 // traded (528) inferno17 for hell01 to farsketched // traded (529) palm13 for phantom08 to sumeragi_sei // traded (530) bow03 for wizard01 to fuckyeahfish // traded (531, 532) hunter14 and forget11 for 13th07 and left04 to terza_teabeef
10.27.09 - traded (534, 535) venus01 and ruffles02 for left15 and wizard07 to ukiyuki // traded (536) split03 and crow13 for lock11 to decreep // traded (537-539) fiance11, report19, and sms06 for colonel02, money10, and tone11 to terza_teabeef // traded (540, 541) protect19 and rookie09 for left12 and hell10 to tezuka_zone_pot // traded (613)design12 and trainer20 for hell14 and tone14 to rashiea
10.29.09 - traded (542) pan45 and hosts07 for grumpy event card to sairaiyle // traded (543) pokeball event card for egg event card to fiendie // traded (544, 545) onigiri19 and horse11 for 13th16 and yanki08 to xx_lotus_xx // traded (546) solar03 for magician09 to royalbk // traded (547) purity06 for yanki12 to rashiea
10.30.09 - traded (548-550) pipe02, pipe03, pipe15 and pipe16 for lock04, magician20, and yanki18 to rashiea
11.02.09 - traded (551) cat08 for wizard15 to futatsuninja
11.08.09 - traded (552) insei12 for left07 to rashiea
11.10.09 - traded (553) idiot03 for tone16 to mior-ravie
11.11.09 - traded (554) stone09 for hell11 to implication
11.12.09 - traded (555) traded novelist11 for phantom10 to rynankh // traded (556) pun09 for 13th08 and 13th17 to rashiea
11.18.09 - traded (557) illegal04 for megane14 to whitelilies22 // traded (558) frown18 for wizard12 to rashiea
12.04.09 - traded (559) protect11 for colonel11 to corinn // traded (560) moon09 for 13th17 to shikumo // traded (561, 562) hacker12 and report01 for sight07 and tone17 to rashiea // traded (563) rayearth14 for hell17 to tezuka_zone_pot // traded (564) rival08 for magician14 to rynankh // traded (565) rival07 for money09 to rynankh // traded (566) primrose13 for tone05 to implication
1.11.10 - traded (567) scatter03 for money17 to whitelilies22 // traded (568) bure01 for 13th20 and moe05 to ria-chan // traded (569) beloved06 for hell18 to rashiea // traded (570) loveless08 for hell04 to wildmusings
1.18.10 - traded (571) ise03 and zero04 for espada09 to kyriefluffins // traded (572) armor09 for moe20 to kyriefluffins // traded (573) loveless03 and pokedex145 for espada02 to rynankh
1.19.10 - gave (574) snap03 to kidalana
1.30.10 - traded (575) catcher16 and oresama02 for espada03 to rashiea
2.12.10 - traded (576) uranus09 and uranus20 for fuku09 to ukiyuki // traded (577) snake20 for megane02 to kyriefluffins // traded (578-580) dies01, magic14, and pokedex84 for unwanted13, secret13, silent10 to ryankh // traded (581) celes09 for phantom20 to wildmusings // traded (582) key15 and sky04 for lock05 to lefthandpenguin
2.13.10 - traded 1 Sun for 2 Envelope to manaka_baku // traded 1 Sun for 2 Envelope to caterfree10 // traded 1 Sun for 1 Chaser to kyriefluffins // traded 2 Sun and 1 Envelope for 1 Moon to kaurin
2.15.10 - traded 1 Sun for 1 Firecracker to mobiuswolf // traded 1 Sun for 1 Chaser to carnimarie
2.27.10 - traded (583) four09 and four20 for espada05 t carnimirie // traded (584) disney15 for silent12 and silent18 to ryhnankh // traded (585) nirvash02 and nirvash03 for lock14 to carnimarie // traded (586) dust16 for tone12 to caterfree10
3.2.10 - traded (587) Chaser event card for Armband event card to rashiea
3.3.10 - traded (588-590) crusnik01, crusnik02, and crusnik03 for lock03, espada07, phantom05, and phantom16 to rashiea
5.15.10 - traded (591, 592) future04 and ainu18 for moe14 and moe16 to caterfree10 // traded (593) eat01 for sight16 to decreep
5.16.10 - traded (594, 595) 13th17 and zangan11 for ginryuu07 and silent13 to whiteliles22 // traded (596) uranus10 for megane08 to fire_senshi
5.17.10 - traded (597) usa Event Card for crystal Event Card to fire_senshi // traded (598) copy18 for money12 to piraskel // traded (599) trumpet10 for tone15 to fire_senshi
5.17.10 - traded (600-603) resist04, boots03, and pluto06 for revolution04, revolution16, and secret14 to fire_senshi traded (604) ultraball Event Card for hell09, silent09, and tone07 to rynankh // received sight13, silent14, secret19, pyro02, pyro03, pyro04, pyro09, rabbit01, rabbit16, rabbit18, revolution10, revolution19, unwanted15, wishes10, april05, protect04, protect06, protect09, protect10, protect14, protect19, council03, snake06, snake11, snake13, snake14, snake20, cat17, cat18, and dual06 from Uri-Sama
6.23.10 - traded (605) Rashiea event card for tone09, megane07, and pyro15 to Rynankh // traded (606) albhed01 for hell16 to farsketched // traded (607-609) Aka, Aoi, and Egg event cards for hell05, hell06, hell08, megane01, moe01, moe19, revolution11, secret03, tone13 to ryanankh // traded (610) Infocards event card for moe09, silent01, and ginryuu03 to rynankh
6.26.10 - traded (611) Balls event card for moe18, revolution03, and silent07 to ryananhk
6.27.10 - traded (612) heart04 for megane15 to lefthandpenguin
10.25.10 - traded #613 - mislogged, so added most recent number rather than renumbering all subsequent trades
7.03.10 - traded (615) thrill11 for megane12 to kidalana
7.03.10 - traded (616) bure04 for rabbit05 and unwanted11 to rynanhk // traded (617, 618) broom16 and necro07 for revolution08 and revolution15 to mior_ravie
7.09.10 - traded (619) honey10 for pyro06 to whitelilies22
7.21.10 - traded (620, 621) ocarina02 and thrill02 for ginryuu05 and kompeito19 to fiendie // traded (622) auhtor04 for revolution17 to whimsykitsune // traded (623) virtue18 for secret04 to fiendie
7.26.10 - traded (624) dice06 for ginryuu16 to caterfree10
7.28.10 - traded (625) kaiser20 for unwanted17 to birgitriddle // traded (626) insei19 for secret17 to whimsykitsune
8.18.10 - traded (627-630) council05, future19, pluto18, and rayearth12 for curse02, curse19, revolution09, and unwanted04 to rynankh // traded (631) crow12 for money07 to bottledenigma // traded (632) snake11 for silent16 to whimsy_kitsune
8.21.10 - traded (633, 634) nun02 and slayer05 for secret12 and moe06 to rashiea
8.26.10 - traded (635) mirror03 for moe13 and sight12 to whitelilies22
9.12.10 - traded (636-638) xxx06, itako11, and itako12 for shaman18, pyro05, rabbit11, and ginryuu01 to surrel
9.24.10 - traded (639) gurren20 for secret16 to rashiea // traded (640) ocarina16 for unwanted20 to kyriefluffins
10.12.10 - traded (641) unlucky10 for revolution05 to kyriefluffins // traded (642) Slippers event card for money08, moe15, and revolution20 to whitelilies22 // traded (643, 644) scar19 and tail02 for moe03 and money11 to rashiea // traded (645, 646) quest55 and quest65 for revolution12 and kompeito20 to stuffedpanda
11.08.10 - traded (647) apple06 for revolution06 to stuffedpanda // traded (648-650) blitz12, whip09, and whip10 for silent08, sight01, and secret06 to stuffedpanda
12.11.10 - traded (651) candy09 for revolution01 to fiendie
12.12.10 - traded (652) shaman18, adopted05, and cocoa01 for Alchemy to stuffedpanda // traded (653) dice03 for colonel16 to whitelilies
12.20.10 - traded (654) unlucky10 for snake19 to stuffedpanda
12.31.10 - traded (655) hunter13 for moe04 to farsketched
1.2.11 - traded (656, 657) spell05, radical15, and dancer19 for gotei09 and revolution02 to rashiea
1.18.11 - traded (658) armor13 for money14 to kikinioth // traded (659) seer10 and esper11 for gotei11 to mmrobitussin
1.21.11 - gifted gotei14 and gotei15 by piraskel
1.25.11 - traded (660) Celestial event card for Bedtime event card to birigtriddle
1.27.11 - traded (661-664) attack15, norse18, police05 and materia07 for gotei02, heart06, heart10, and heart20 to birgitriddle
2.03.11 - traded (665) norse08 for colonel06 to birgitriddle
2.12.11 - traded (666, 667) attack04 and ballet18 for colonel03, colonel09, colonel17, and megane05 to kyriefluffins
2.24.11 - traded (668) cameo18 for ginryuu08 and ginryuu11 to unchainedfenrir // traded (669) maverick15 and maverick17 for gotei08 to rashiea
3.2.11 - traded (670) betrayal01 for silent20 to airwaveeight
3.9.11 - traded (671) 10th14 for pyro07 to airwaveeight
3.10.11 - traded (672, 673) destiny56, dino03, and sms07 for ginryuu09 and gotei01 to mobiuswolf
3.12.11 - traded (674) orb08 for ginryuu02 to mobiuswolf // traded (675) Ice Heart event card for ginryuu06, ginryuu12, and ginryuu15 to rashiea
3.27.11 - traded (676, 677) shuusaku06 and zangan16 for unwanted05 and kompeito16 to surrel // traded (678) fuuin19 for curse09 to stuffedpanda // traded (679) dancer02 for unwanted02 to rashiea // traded (680) pluto09 for unwanted16 to lefthandpenguin
Total Trades: 680

tcg_exchange, logs

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