Feb 08, 2009 18:12

January 2009 - June 2009

Card Post is here
Logs part I, part II, part IV

*Past Activity*
1.02.09 - HOME! // bought 3 newspaper with straight16, nfu09, and japan03 // bought 2 gunpowder with disney20 and disney20 // bought 1 ruby with legend04, logic14, and friend17 // bought 1 sapphire with C-rank cert // received seer08 for voting (144) at anime_crops W62 // received dog15 for voting (145) at title_awards W31 // received shift15, prey04 and duck11 for submitting (146) at title_awards W31 // received hosts11 for voting (147) at shoujoicontest W22/23 // built aoi rocket with 2 newspaper, 1 gunpowder, and 1 sapphire // built aka rocket with 1 newspaper, 1 gunpowder, and 1 ruby
1.03.09 - mastered Christmas 2008 Event set - got gene13, gene20, hope18, bure05, and Ass // mastered Gene deck - got hope16, hope17, cat14, nun13// mastered Hope deck - got photos13, phots18, persocom14, and firearm14 // mastered Photos deck - got smokes01, smokes02, dog05, and pokedex37
1.05.09 - received pudding11 for voting (148) at anime_crops W63
1.06.09 - redeemed S-cert for orb10, clow01, and B-cert // received B-cert, alien14, esper16, and mafia03 for signing up (149) and voting (150) at ouran_lims R11 W1
1.07.09 - received beloved02 for voting (151) at title_awards W32 // received smokes08, short01, ainu05, and rose13 for submitting (152) at shoujoicontest W24 // received hosts12 for voting (153) at shoujoicontest W24 // redeemed C-cert for sharingan11 at the Cert Exchange
1.10.09 - collected kakumei08 from the Card Shop // got sharingan20, extreme08, zero20, jellopy77, alien08, pervert11, cuffs16, colonel19, twin16, and A-cert for reaching Level 9 // donated senpai12, light19, duck11, underage01, and celes13 to the Card Shop (5 points)
1.18.09 - received friend19 for voting (154) at anime_crops W64 // received gum16, heart07, trigger03 and slacker20 for submitting (155) at kingdom_chorus W98 // received trainer08 for voting (156) at kingdom_chorus W98 // received left01, crow11, and idiot13 for submitting (157) at title_awards W33 // received gay05 for voting (158) at title_awards W33
1.18.09 - collected brother11 from the Card Shop // mastered Smokes deck - got noa06, splat03, sitar04, and sitar05 // received gurren20, fiance11, pokedex36, and camorra12 for voting (159) at ouran_lims R11 W2 // received fanservice05, betrayal02, twin17, and thief09 for voting at ouran_lims R11 W3
1.24.09 - redeemed B-cert for clow02 and clow03 at the Cert Exchange // received loyal18 for voting (159) at title_awards W34
1.28.09 - received moonlight13, april16, design02, and wizard09 for submitting (160) at anime_crops W66 // received captain17 for voting (161) at anime_crops W66 // redeemed C-cert for switch12 at the Cert Exchange // received sitar09, doujin19, and prey18 for submitting (162) at shoujoicontest W27 // received trainer20 for voting (163) at shoujoicontest W27 // received author16, swamp17, and gekidasa02 for submitting (164) at title_awards W35 // received phantom19 for voting (166) at title_awards W35
2.08.09 - received splat05, positive12, celes07 for voting (167) at ouran_lims R11 W4 // received hell19 for voting (168) at anime_crops W67 // received pokedex80 for voting (169) at title_awards W36
2.10.09 - received april06, normal04, and pokedex78 for voting (170) at ouran_lims R11 W5 // received despair17 for voting (171) at anime_crops W68 // received nano06, revenge20, monkey15, booty05, and nervous05 for submitting (172) at kingdom_chorus Layout Challenge // received secret03, cynic09, curse11, dynames18, gurren08 for submitting (173) at kingdom_chorus W100 // received jenova16 for voting (174) at kingdom_chorus W100 // received palm14 for voting (175) at title_awards W37
2.13.09 - received friend03, hyotei09, april06, protect13, emo06, megane08, bite20, rain04, and Friend event card for mastering Orange event set
2.16.09 - got heart, letter, bunny, rose, d.ring, and wing event cards at Valentines 2009 event // received blue11, slacker17, swallow11, and burn10 for submitting (176) at kingdom_chorus W101 // received ruffles02 for voting (177) at kingdom_chorus W101
2.24.09 - received cleaver17 for voting (178) at title_awards W39 // received puu02, jagan02, ceo16 for submitting (179) at title_awards W39 // received exia09 for voting (180) at anime_crops W70 // received yanki05, trigger11, hikikomori09 for submitting (181) at anime_crops W70 // received friend20, light11, ice05 for submitting (182) at shoujoicontest W31 // received revolver08, tree04 for submitting (183) at title_awards W38 // received digidestined01 for voting (184) at title_awards W38
3.05.09 - received star07, ginryuu17, and bokuto19 for voting (185) at ouran_lims R11 W6 // received alien18, apple19, chemist16, judgment01, judgment06, loyal04, revenge04, sight04, sight05, sight06, sight18, slacker16, star10, and west11 as a gift from Uri-sama
3.16.09 - received iris06 for placing (186) at title_awards W33 // received pyro12 for placing (187) at title_awards W35 // received wishes12, twin09, maou01, and tree19 for submitting (188) at kingdom_chorus W104 // received moe10 for voting (189) at anime_crops W73 // received coach11, norse04, and star19 for submitting (190) at shounenicontest W3 // received cook08 for voting (191) at shounenicontest W3 // received unwanted01 for voting (192) at shoujoicontest W34 // collected loyal08 from the Card Shop // mastered Friend deck: got sword09, kansai11, star08, and star16 // mastered Star deck: got dark18, SOS15, sitar08, and sitar10 // mastered Sitar deck: got wolf20, deceit06, cynic06, and cynic14
3.25.09 - got B-cert and Balls at W19 lotto // received illusion01, snap15, liek02, sherry06, four09, muga07, justice06, youkai01, pokedex62, bombay09, and A-cert // donated to Card Shop (5 / 15 points)
3.27.09 - received candy09 for voting (193) at title_awards W42 // redeemed B-cert for smokes03 and C-cert // received lotus, tsutsuji, momiji, sakura, lily, and himawari event cards at Spring 09 Event // mastered Cynic deck: got sight02, protect19, esper15, and esper18 // mastered Esper deck: got jagan16, sakujo11, shift05, and shift07
4.08.09 - received scatter03, splat03, secret20 for submitting (194) at title_awards W44 // received curse02 for voting (195) at title_awards W44 // received volley01 for placing (196) at title_awards W44 // received shift09, grin13, demon10, and hosts07 for submitting (197) at shoujoicontest W36 // received mafia19 and lancelot12 for submitting (198) at anime_crops W75
4.09.09 - received photos10 for voting (199) at anime_crops W59
4.11.09 - collected yanki10 from the Card Shop // collected yanki19 from the Card Shop
4.13.09 - changed digidestined01 into shift16 at the Card Exchange // received judgment04, wolf05, and plan20 for submitting (200) at shoujoicontest W38 // received cat15 for voting (201) at shounenicontest W7 // received tone08 for voting (202) at anime_crops W77 // got Easter present from Mango: judgment05
4.17.09 - collected yanki17 from the Card Shop // received 13th10, report19, and norse18 for submitting (203) at title_awards W46 // received deceit10 for voting (204) at title_awards W46 // mastered Shift deck - got judgment10, judgment12, ice04, and berry03
April - June - HAITUS
6.7.09 - gifted A-rank and R-rank certs by raynehargreaves on her departure (Apr 22) // gifted phantom03 by rashiea (Apr 27) // received shukaku04, pokedex113, scatter03, S-cert, and B-cert for birthday
6.9.09 - mastered Judgment deck - got alien03, alien05, blue11, oresama02 // received cuffs12 for Servant deck images (Apr 18)
6.15.09 - received hell12, rat06, chosen17, and frown18 for participating in Contest 6
Total Contributions: 204

*Past Trades*
1.02.09 - traded (390) venus05 for smokes13 to kaurin // traded (391, 392) switch11 and wank06 for judgement16 and judgement18 to rashiea
1.03.09 - traded (390) bure05 for photos08 and photos11 to rashiea
1.05.09 - traded (390) pudding11 for sitar03 to inanefreeloader // traded (391) cherry07 for friend05 to ukiyuki
1.06.09 - traded (392) clow01 for sitar13 to stuffedpanda // traded (393) orb10 for sitar11 to royalbk // traded (394) dog05 for esper14 to tezuka_zone_pot
1.07.09 - traded (395) black15 for kaiser07 to azurial
1.10.09 - traded (396) short01 for cynic11 to azurial // gifted (397) morph01 to den_liner // traded (398) hosts12 for smokes12 and phantom12
1.18.09 - traded (399) sharingan11 for esper12 to hitomik // traded (400) bride20, palm03, and seer08 for Ring event card to mobiuswolf // traded (401) mafia03 for smokes15 and smokes19 to taynis
1.19.09 - traded (402) trigger03 for friend12 to shikumo // traded (403) design12 for cynic17 to ukiyuki // traded (404-408) gum16, pudding12, slacker20, slacker13, and beloved04 for star09, star13, cynic13, judgement07, and jugdement14 to sumeragi_sei
1.24.09 - traded (409) swamp18, clow02, and clow03 for Zodiac event card to stuffedpanda // traded (410) splat03 for sitar01 and phantom14 to bottledengima // traded (411) gay05 for cynic20 and shift02 to mobiuswolf // traded (412) fiance11 for judgement19 to rashiea
1.28.09 - traded (413) switch12 for sitar17 to rashiea // traded (414, 415) blast20 and theif09 for cynic15 and esper02 // traded (416) betrayal02 for sitar18 to stuffedpanda // traded (417) white10 for esper08 to ukiyuki
2.08.09 - traded (418) gay05 for star17 and loyal02 to tezuka_zone_pot // traded (419) nun13 for friend02 to whitelilies22 // traded (420) author16 and snake07 for esper04 and cynic04 to ukiyuki // traded (421) ainu05 for star05 to downpours
2.10.09 - traded (422) splat05 for star04 and star18 to azurial
2.13.09 - traded (423) nun09 for sitar15 to whitelilies22 // traded (424) normal04 for sitar14 to xx_lotus_xx
2.24.09 - traded (425, 426) hyotei09 and april06 for judgment20, esper10, and shift03
3.05.09 - traded (427) protect13 for alien01 to rashiea // traded (428) ruins15 for sitar06 to whitelilites22 // traded (429) secret03 for shift13 to stuffedpanda // traded (430) despair17 for kaiser08 to shikumo // traded (431) balinese18 for loyal16 to sumeragi_sei
3.09.09 - traded (432) hosts11 for sitar16 and judgment03 to azurial
3.15.09 - traded (434) shark03 for kaiser13 to azurial // traded (435) ceo16 for shift10 to manaka_baku // traded (436, 437) pokedex37 and pokedex37 for shift20 and left03 to stuffedpanda // traded (438) tree04 for esper06 to mobiuswolf
3.25.09 - traded (439) trainer08 for loyal12 to inanefreeloader // traded (440) positive12 for wizard17 to corinn // traded (441) hacker13 for sight19 to manaka_baku // traded (442, 443) pride05 and maou01 for shift18 and loyal09 to mobiuswolf // traded (444, 445) rain04 and bokuto19 for judgment09 and shift17 to rashiea // traded (446) exia09 for phantom07 to sumeragi_sei // traded (447) kansai06 for esper05 to fiendie // traded (448) snap15 for cynic18 to whitelilies22 // traded (449) puu02 for shift08 to xx_lotus_xx
3.26.09 - traded (450) ice05 for sight14 to hitomik
3.27.09 - traded (451) cat14 for shift06 to sairaiyle // traded (452) smokes03 for cynic16 to hitomik
4.08.09 - traded (453) dark18 for alien09 to whitelilies22 // traded (454) key05 for alien20 to unchainedfenrir // traded (455) tree04 for loyal14 to fuckyeahfish // traded (456) iris06 for left17 to vv_hyperion_vv
4.09.09 - traded (457) norse04 for alien07 to sumeragi_sei // traded (458) tail05 for sight03 to corinn // traded (459, 460) lucky19 and pokedex137 for magician15 and magician19 to stuffedpanda
4.11.09 - traded (461) curse11 for alien15 to shikumo // traded (462, 463) captain17 and emo06 for loyal03 and loyal16 to xx_lotus_xx // traded (464) trainer20 for shift14 to whitelilies22
4.13.09 - traded (465) nano06 for left14 to whitlilies22 // traded (466) sakujo11 for yanki06 to sairaiyle
4.17.09 - traded (467) design02 for loyal19 to corinn // traded (468-473) jenova16, firearm14, itako15, megane08, sherry06, and gurren20 for kaiser10, yanki07, yanki11, yanki15, yanki16, and magician02 to rashiea // traded (474) mafia19 for loyal01 and wizard19 to fiendie
April - June - HAITUS
6.7.09 - traded (474) ice04 for loyal05, and gifted (475) thunder18 to unchainedfenrir // traded (476) pokedex80 for sight17 to xx_lotus_xx // traded (477) jellopy77 for yanki14, and gifted (478) demon10 to vv_hyperion_vv // traded (479) fanservice05 for 13th01 and 13th13, and gifted (480) scatter03 to royalbk // traded (481) persocom14 for judgment15 to terza_teabeef // traded (482, 483) cleaver17 and sos15 for kaiser08 and left05
6.9.09 - traded (484) captain02 for left06 to xx_lotus_xx // traded (485, 486) wolf05 and camorra12 for loyal10 and wizard02 to fuckyeahfish // traded (487, 488, 489) lancelot12, tree19, and palm14 for left18, wizard11, and wizard16 to rashiea
6.15.09 - traded (490) locket08 for loyal20 to terza_teabeef // traded (491) knives17 for alien04 to xx_lotus_xx // traded (492) pokeball for infocards to ukiyuki // traded (493, 494, 495) ginryuu17, unwanted01, and booty05 for phantom01, phantom06, and yanki03 to ukiyuki // traded (496) crimson13 for 13th03
Total Trades: 496

tcg_exchange, logs

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