Job 001 :: The Arrival Job [Written/Action] {Backdated to the morning of July 5th}

Jul 06, 2011 17:15

[Waking up in an unknown area - a forest - with all of her clothes and belongings missing, face down in the dirt officially made the morning count as "one of those mornings". It hadn't been the first time it'd happened - hunters were a lot of pranksters when it came to their own - so Ginia couldn't be that surprised by it, but the problem was she ( Read more... )

-lists_to_port; jack sparrow, -derek_bliss; derek bliss, [action], -folkloristic; helios sprensonne, *ginia, this is not a good morning, sigh, -mountain_sage; saleh, -stilldontgotit; riku, [written], -consultmybooks; rupert giles

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Comments 281

mountain_sage July 6 2011, 09:31:55 UTC
I can answer your questions ( ... )


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 10:08:55 UTC
Thank you, sir.

Do you mind explaining more on the barriers? And the Malnosso and their experiments? I've seen them mentioned once or twice, but what are they exactly?

Filters, this is good to know. I suppose that explains the button labeled "hack".

So the wings are now a part of us. Interesting.

It seems it's quite the town. Who maintains these facilities? Employees and/or volunteers? And a welcome center, noted.

"Of our own will". May I assume then there are people that have otherwise left against their will? Another question, how long has this been going on? And the guide would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


[Written] mountain_sage July 6 2011, 10:17:59 UTC
The barrier is what keeps us contained, and also protects us from the Third Party, an enemy of ours and of the Malnosso. The Malnosso are the "scientists" that conduct these experiments. The experiments can range from mind and body alteration to things appearing and disappearing without notice. I'm afraid I cannot explain much about this "science," as I come from a world where such knowledge is unknown.

I believe this has been happening for over three years, though I have only been here for a year myself.

Here is the guide. It includes a list of the facilities and their employees.


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 10:22:39 UTC
I'd ask for more clarification on a few terms, but I suppose the guide will explain everything. I'll spar your eyes.

Over three years? That's quite surprising. If I may ask a personal question, having been here for so long, don't you miss your home?

Thank you, I'll get to reading the guide and working on my way toward the town.


[Written] consultmybooks July 6 2011, 14:01:07 UTC
1.) No one knows how or why - no one has any memory of arriving (that I know of), only of going from their world to this one. There should be a map in the guide [And here a link appears that, if followed, will cause the pages to turn to the map in question] but if you could provide me with any landmarks of your location, I might be able to provide more help. There are New Feather centers scattered around the forest, if you could find one ( ... )


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 20:17:55 UTC
1) Then may I safely assume most people simply wake up in this place with new clothing and wings on their back and answerless. [She's seen the guide and map, but refers back to it still, pausing to check her surroundings.] Not much save a lot of trees, but I've been advised to follow rivers upstream toward the village, which I'm doing so now.

2) Definitely something I'll have to put some time into learning. Big Brother is always watching. Can you tell me anything about the Malnosso that hasn't been covered by the guide?

3) Hovering, that's very interesting. I was thinking the wigs weren't anatomically suited for flight, but a light hover is something. Everyone has wings, no exceptions?

4) Can you tell me what kind of books are at the library?

5) Only as they will it. A strange forced captivity. May I ask how long you've been here?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, sir. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Re: [Written] consultmybooks July 6 2011, 20:33:55 UTC
1. Until they figure out the journal or are found by other villagers? Yes. No memory of the transition from one world to another, no memory of being brought over by the Malnosso and having the wings attached ( ... )


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 20:57:56 UTC
1) A very curious thing. It certainly makes for a very effective kidnapping.

2) Speculation and bits and pieces are greatly accepted when you have nothing to go off on. I'd be very curious about your opinion on things. Perhaps we can meet at some point to discuss things?

3) I've read about these experiments. Anything you'd like to add or is that a topic best talked about at another time?

4) I was. I suppose it'd be too easy if we were provided any sort of reading material on the present situation. Though I am curious about books from other worlds. It's quite the fascinating idea.

5) Really? Did you remember your time here even after you were returned home?

That sounds like a very interesting job you have. May I ask what world you come from?


[written] lists_to_port July 6 2011, 16:39:30 UTC
Dear Mistress S.:

I shall endeavor to answer these to the best of my abilities.

1) We are all prisoners of the Malnosso, and thus are thoroughly bollocksed. But if you find a river and follow it north or east, the village should not be so very hard to find.

Beware the bridge by House 35. It is Not Safe.

2) Other properties?

3) Their loss ends your life.

4) Have you any interesting valuables on your person?

5) One wouldn't.

I hope this has been a help to you, darling.

Yours Etc.,

Admiral James Norrington


[written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 20:25:17 UTC
Please, sir, just Ginia will do.

1) Bridge by house 35, noted. May I ask what is dangerous or otherwise odd about it?

2) Yes, if they had any other functions that weren't immediately apparent. I've since been told about the filters.

3) Curious how something artificially attached can be so crucial to our survival.

4) To me, yes.

5) Pity.

This has been informative, thank you, Admiral.


[written] lists_to_port July 6 2011, 20:38:28 UTC
Dear Mistress Ginia,

1) Best not to know too much about it, really. Dangerous types lurk there.

2) They're marvelous for propping up the wobbly end of the table.

3) Indeed, darling. You might be told that the wings can bring pain, but there's pleasure buried in them as well.

4) Such as?

5) Aye.

You're welcome, of course.


Admiral Norrington


[written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 21:06:00 UTC
Please, just Ginia.

1) Curious, but I'll take your word for it. Wouldn't want to get hurt after arriving.

2) Not fond of the journals?

3) Pleasure.

4) Personal affects that are of my concern only.

Might I ask what you're an admiral of? Curiosity, nothing more.


[action] folkloristic July 6 2011, 17:24:03 UTC
[ And once Ginia gets to town she can find one headmaster browsing the shops as well. Helios will also note your new feather clothing and might come over. ] Ah, miss, are you looking for something?


[action] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 20:42:28 UTC
[All the new information about the current situation was truly mind-boggling and her head spun from everything she was told, but now was a time for survival. The item bazar was proving fruitful as Ginia found a leather satchel, some notepads and pens, a small first aid kit, a compass, her cellphone, and a small sewing kit thus far. She was looking at a small clay pot with a cork to seal it when someone spoke to her. She turns and smiles, giving a small bow and shaking her head. Habitually, she reaches for her cellphone before quickly switching to one of the new notepads. Best to save the battery for now.]

No, sir, only browsing and picking up essentials and what might be mine.

[Her writing is fast, but legible, and the notepad is offered for him to read with an apologetic smile.]


[action] folkloristic July 8 2011, 02:18:57 UTC
[ Oh dear. This...this was bad. Helios couldn't exactly read what the woman had wrote down. His death penalty while bothersome to him, never would he have thought it to interfere with trying to help someone. Helios will rub the back of his head a sheepish laugh as he shakes his head. ] Oh, oh dear you can't talk can you? No of course not...I-I'm sorry. Um circumstances, er, here actually made me...

[ he bites his lip looking completely embarrassed. Just a sigh. She's probably looking for her things. He can improvise, surely. He was a new feather once after all. ] You're looking for your things I assume? You can find them in the shop s-somewhere. They...they take time coming around. But your clothes should be there at least.


[action] shadedsunlight July 8 2011, 02:23:08 UTC
[Oh dear indeed. This did make for a touch of awkwardness. Ginia pauses, quickly realizing for one reason or another he can't read. She nods in agreement to his words, returning the notepad to the satchel and gesturing at the things she's already found.]

/By any chance do you know sign language?/ [The signs are tentative, but it's worth a try. If that fails, there are other avenues of conversation. Pantomime. Yes or no questions. Flailing about.]


[Written] derek_bliss July 6 2011, 20:40:11 UTC
Hello, Ginia. My name is Derek.

1) No one knows.
If you give me a landmark, I might be able to help guide you.

2) They have a nasty habit of activating by themselves; be careful where you leave it.

3) If they're taken off, it will kill you. We can glide for very short distances, but not fly. Most people don't bother.

4) We have a library, a bar, a welcome center, clinic, battle dome, a few shops, and a pizzaria. Everything is free.

5) Only way to leave is by way of the same unknown and uncontrollable force that brought us here.


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 21:00:53 UTC
Nice to meet you, Derek.

1) As advised, I've been following the river. Are there any notable landmarks out here? I haven't seen much that stands out aside from the occasional fallen trunk or memorable tree.

2) Really, an interesting thing to know. I'll be careful then.

4) The lifeline. Morbid as it may sound, how easily are the wings removed? I suppose one would have to saw through bone and muscle, but it's a valid inquiry.

5) So basically I should make myself comfortable.


[Written] derek_bliss July 6 2011, 21:42:21 UTC
1) There are mountains to the east of the village. You'll want to keep the river and mountains to your left and head south, more than likely. Eventually, the river going south terminates at a large lake. If you get that far, you've passed the village, but that means you just need to turn around and head north again until you see houses.

2) If you have a sharp weapon or a lot of strength, pretty easy. But yeah, you'd have to work at it a little at any rate.

3) Not too comfortable, but yeah. If you're going to try something, don't waste energy until you're relatively sure your idea might pan out.

...And so far, no one has had it pan out.


[Written] shadedsunlight July 6 2011, 21:51:49 UTC
1) Duly noted. I think at some point, and after more preparation, I'd like to take a trip to the mountains or the lake. Anything of interest at either point?

2) So they're durable enough. A relief to hear.

3) Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'll have to do some more research into what efforts have been done. Have any suggestions on a starting point?


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