Job 001 :: The Arrival Job [Written/Action] {Backdated to the morning of July 5th}

Jul 06, 2011 17:15

[Waking up in an unknown area - a forest - with all of her clothes and belongings missing, face down in the dirt officially made the morning count as "one of those mornings". It hadn't been the first time it'd happened - hunters were a lot of pranksters when it came to their own - so Ginia couldn't be that surprised by it, but the problem was she hadn't gone out drinking the previous night. Really, she hadn't done anything the previous night beyond drafting out plans all night in her apartment.

At least the dress was covering enough. Ginia glances down at the plain white dress and smooths it out before she stands and stretches her back.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you find out the hard way you have wings grafted to your shoulders. Forcing away the waves of pain down her shoulder blades and spine, she glances over her shoulders at her new wings, gingerly reaching back to touch the dark blue feathers. Definitely not normal or par for course. Taking a moment to survey her surroundings and figure out what direction north is in, Ginia takes a step to move on, pausing as her foot hits the journal.

Examining the strange book, she finds a fallen tree trunk to sit on as she begins to browse, equally fascinated and confused the more she reads. Well hell. Kansas this is definitely not.]

Hello everyone.

My name is Ginia and I seem to have found myself in this odd situation. I've been browsing and previous entries for information and to gathering my bearings, but I still have some questions I'd appreciate clarification on. Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

1) How and why were were we brought here (Luceti)? On a similar note, if someone could provide directions out of the forest and toward town or at least the closest shelter, that would also be appreciated.
2) A book that is able to record audio, video, and writing as a communication device, it's a curious bit of technology. Are there any other properties I should know of?
3) Do the wings serve any purpose? Is flight possible?
4) What places of interest are there within the town? Any libraries, bars, or other public gathering places around? What kind of currency is used here is or there a bartering and trading system in effect? How about housing?
5) How would one go about leaving this place?

Once more, I thank you for your time and any information you can provide.

-Ginia S.

[With that out of the way, Ginia begins surveying her immediate area a little more, venturing a little down the path and noting everything she sees as she waits for a response.]

((ooc; As of her conversation with Saleh, Ginia is working her way toward the town and will arrive sometime in the afternoon. If someone would like to run into her in the town, she'll be around the shops to find her clothes/belongings.))

-lists_to_port; jack sparrow, -derek_bliss; derek bliss, [action], -folkloristic; helios sprensonne, *ginia, this is not a good morning, sigh, -mountain_sage; saleh, -stilldontgotit; riku, [written], -consultmybooks; rupert giles

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