Supplemental Education by liketheriver (kidfic challenge)

Oct 10, 2008 01:13

Title: Supplemental Education
Category: gen humor team 
Word Count: ~3,000
Rating: T
Characters: Pretty much everyone.
Spoilers: None really
A/N: Because evidently I had a potty mouth from a very young age and my own children apparently inherited that from me.  Thanks as always to Koschka for the beta. Also, this is set about six to eight months in ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: kidfic

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Comments 108

shadowserenity October 10 2008, 14:11:54 UTC
Oh my goodness, *much* love for this story and your prose. Wonderful writing!


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:25:47 UTC
Thank you so very much! I'm so happy you enjoyed the fic.


clpm_9 October 10 2008, 15:22:14 UTC
Very funny, poor Teyla.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:26:33 UTC
Thanks so much! Poor Teyla indeed. *G*


kiku65 October 10 2008, 15:27:34 UTC
Oh, but this brings back memories. I can still feel the bruises from my aunt after her three-year-old daughter proclimed her brother a bastard ^^


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:27:54 UTC
I was ready to pommel my hubby after my own son picked up a few words from him... not so much because of the language but because hubby thought it was hilarious. *G* Thanks!


cat_77 October 10 2008, 15:50:07 UTC
Hee! I think every parent goes through this at some point - I did with both my boys and my sister is going through it with my nephew (best of all, she doesn't blame me... yet). Too funny - loved her reactions and I can just imagine many more as even more of his vocab comes into play.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:29:28 UTC
Oh I have gone through it plenty with my kids... most of this fic comes from my own experiences. And you don't know whether to laugh or cry when it happens. *G* I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!


pegasus_01 October 10 2008, 16:05:45 UTC
*dies laughing!!* OMG! Thank you for making my day sooo much better! I LOVED IT! Hahahahaha!! I have no words to describe how incredibly amused I am by this.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:30:37 UTC
Thank you so very much! And glad to be of service. *G*


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