Supplemental Education by liketheriver (kidfic challenge)

Oct 10, 2008 01:13

Title: Supplemental Education
Category: gen humor team 
Word Count: ~3,000
Rating: T
Characters: Pretty much everyone.
Spoilers: None really
A/N: Because evidently I had a potty mouth from a very young age and my own children apparently inherited that from me.  Thanks as always to Koschka for the beta. Also, this is set about six to eight months in ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: kidfic

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Comments 108

trystings October 10 2008, 12:51:20 UTC

This is so what's going to happen in six months. Poor Teyla. And John's child raising methods are hilarious. XD


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:21:24 UTC
Thanks so much! I really think John takes a very simplistic approach to most things and I could see it carrying over into child care very easily... with less than successful results. *G*


cookiemom6067 October 10 2008, 12:59:04 UTC
I loved this!!!!!

It was so adorable and I loved the team interaction.

Trying to teach Torren by slugging Rodney was a master stroke.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:22:20 UTC
Poor Teyla... she tries to make it better and it ends up being even worse. *G* Thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


leesa_perrie October 10 2008, 13:03:15 UTC
ROTFL!!! Very good! Poor Teyla - and poor boys I suspect when she gets them back for this!!! *bg*


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:23:10 UTC
Thanks so much! I think Teyla's methods of teaching a lesson were as unsuccessful at the boy's lesson for Torren. *G*


vain_glorious October 10 2008, 13:24:29 UTC
Ahahaha! This is great, I love it!


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:23:48 UTC
Thanks so very much!


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liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:25:22 UTC
It really is amazing how kids to target in on the words you don't want them to. I was the one as a baby who learned shit from my great-grandmother and would *sing* it whenever we were out in public... much to my parents horror. *G* But I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic. Thanks!


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liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:36:31 UTC
Oh, it's one of my mom's favorite stories to tell about me now that I'm grown. Evidently everything becomes funnier with time. *G*


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