Gateverse 2010 OT3+ Ficathon Prompts Post

Jan 22, 2010 08:10

Welcome to the 2010 Gateverse OT3+ Ficathon! Behind the following cuts you will find all sorts of prompts to help inspire your way to fic.
Just a few reminders:
* Ficathon Guidelines are Here (please comment on that post with questions)
* Fic can be any length (though ideally at least a few hundred words) and any rating from G to NC-17
* Please no character bashing in the fic and no incest or underage characters in any pairing
* Fic should be posted the week of March 7-13. Sometime before that posting instructions will go up as well as a post for finding a beta
* March 14 and 15 posting will be open for any OT3+ fic inspired by this ficathon not directly fulfilling a prompt
* Prompts do not need to be claimed, but if it helps you, feel free to comment with prompts you intend to write
* It's okay to have permutations of a pairing within your fic (ie: if the prompt is Sam/Daniel/Teal'c you can have Sam/Daniel and Daniel/Teal'c as well as Sam/Daniel/Teal'c)
* Write lots of fic! Link far, link wide! Have fun!

Prompts are sorted by show and listed alphabetically. Also, due to characters appearing on both SG-1 and SGA, check both SG-1, SGA, and Gateverse sections for some character crossovers. These can be set anywhere in the gateverse unless specified by the prompt.

Stargate SG-1 Prompts
SG-1 ; Android Daniel Jackson/Android Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; vive la difference
SG-1 ; Anise/Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter ; diplomacy
SG-1 ; Ba'al/Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter ; If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available.
SG-1 ; Ba'al/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran (Qe'tesh) ; turning the tables on the Goa'uld
SG-1 ; Brenna/Thera (Sam)/Jonah (Jack) ; Beneath the Surface, exchanging favors with the boss

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/ Alt!Daniel Jackson (and/or Alt!Cameron Mitchell) ; (from the episode "Ripple Effect"):
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you're young at heart
For it's hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If you're young at heart

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on its way
---Frank Sinatra, "Young At Heart"

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; 1970s bathhouse AU
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; BDSM AU
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; bringing in a 3rd was a terrible idea
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; dinner party that ends in the basement dungeon
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; figuring this out
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; hooker AU
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; Star Trek AU
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; what if it started with Daniel/Cam, not Daniel/Jack

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; the aliens just supplied the trampoline

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter ; Cam's starting to understand why they were so willing to walk away
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter ; not an Air Force-approved coping method
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter ; now *that's* what I'm talkin' 'bout
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter ; the year that never happened (Continuum)

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; Cameron wasn't supposed to get back to Daniel's place so soon
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; new guy
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; SG-1 shoulder patches

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; It is team tradition after all
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; Sam's on leave from Atlantis and SG-1 has missed her.
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; Sooner or later the galaxy breaks everyone
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; During "Unending" - they never actually expected the luxury of growing old together

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Teal'c ; blue suede shoes
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Teal'c ; Star Trek AU

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran ; Forever is Not Enough (set during the episode "Unending")
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran ; interesting if somewhat limited gene pool
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran ; Vala is finally allowed by the SGC to live off-base, but only with "supervision".

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; recovery
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/Teal'c ; Somebody has to be in charge
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/Vala Mal Doran ; Cam and Vala aren't coping well with Daniel being missing after 'The Quest 2,' and Jack steps in
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; Teal'c holds them together during "Unending"
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; 'If Daniel knew what he was missing'

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; "Well, hell."
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; definitely something new
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; showing the newbies how it's done

SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; happiness is a warm gun
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; muscles
SG-1 ; Cameron Mitchell/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; Daniel's captured by the Ori, Sam disappeared in a lab experiment, and Cam is starting to feel like SG-1 is disintegrating around him.

SG-1 ; Carolyn Lam/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; pray for rain
SG-1 ; Charlie Kawalsky/Jack O'Neill/Sara O'Neill ; can't take another loss
SG-1 ; Chloe/Jay Felger/Sam Carter ; homecoming queen
SG-1 ; Claire Ballard/Jack O'Neill/Melburn Jackson ; last call, Alexandria, 1969
SG-1 ; Clone Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; Daniel faces the truth: if he is still Daniel despite his new body, then the clone is Jack - and always was. IMPORTANT NOTE: the clone MUST be an adult.

SG-1 ; Colonel Reynolds/Jack O'Neill/Pierce ; imprisoned
SG-1 ; Colonel Reynolds/Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter ; bloodied and broken

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson /Harry Maybourne/Jack O'Neill ; the king's harem
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill ; quantum mirror event AU
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Elizabeth Weir (Jessica Steen)/Jack O'Neill ; some other things the Ancient repository in Jack's head compelled him to do during 'Lost City'
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Harry Maybourne/Jack O'Neill ; we need this information

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Janet Fraiser ; episode tag for 'The Curse'
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Jenny/Michael/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; Sam Carter's guide to practicing free love in 1969 without destroying the timeline.
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Kerry Johnson ; careful what you wish for
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Kerry Johnson/Sabrina Gosling ; heartbeat

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Paul Davis ; a question of balance
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Paul Davis ; fun in Washington
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Paul Davis ; gentlemen's club
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Paul Davis ; spies get rewarded

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sabrina Gosling ; summer fling
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sabrina Gosling ; Sabrina at Daniel and Jack's house after this exchange from 'Moebius 1': Sabrina: 'You know, my aunt used to talk about you all the time. It's funny, I always used to picture some Indiana Jones type with a bullwhip and a pistol, chasing bad guys through some ancient temple.' Daniel: 'Yeah, well I generally leave the whip at home, so ... ' Sabrina: 'Right. Yeah, me too.'

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; "I love it when a plan comes together"
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; "This domesticity stuff is weird to you guys too, right?"
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; a chance meeting in Europe, way before the Program
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; compromises
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; having their relationship hilariously misread in public
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; how it all began
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; invisible!Jack
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; it's about time they had a vacation
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; jargon
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter ; they've lost too much to keep dancing around each other

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; At some point they realized they were ruined for anyone else
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; at the cabin
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; Daniel came back....different
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; discussing their Wormhole Extreme counterparts
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; how did they get together?
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; post "Upgrades", making it up to Teal'c
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; post-season 8, the real band back together
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; stranded in Egypt during "Moebius", either original team or new team
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; stranded off-world in a high-tech society without space travel
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; they always knew it would come to this
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; They lost the war - last Night on Earth.
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; thinking they're permanently stuck off-world when they're not
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; this was a mistake
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; tradition

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sha're ; an untraditional happy ending
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sha're ; What if Jack had stayed on Abydos after the movie?

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Teal'c ; A safeword shouldn't make you laugh
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Teal'c ; Aliens strongly encouraged them to do it
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Teal'c ; humans doing battle in a pit of Jell-o

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter ; last stand in a Goa'uld invaded Earth
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Janet Frasier/Sam Carter ; trapped in the wrong timeline

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter ; Trying to rescue Jonas from an Ori-overrun Kelowna gets them more than they bargained for
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Martouf/Sam Carter ; the Tok'ra don't share the Taur'i limitations on relationships.
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Paul Davis/Sam Carter ; in the alternate Moebius timeline - "worth it"
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Robert Rothman/Sam Carter ; someday we'll look back at this and laugh

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; after season 8, putting things back together
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; comfortable old clothes
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; It's been the three of them since the beginning and it's beginning to seem like it always will be.
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; perks of command
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; with a little help from your friends

SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; So maybe the tequila was a good idea after all
SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; sometimes he (or she) remembers the things he (or she) can't talk about

SG-1 ; Drey'uac/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; this is your home now
SG-1 ; Fifth /RepliCarter/Sam Carter ; almost human
SG-1 ; Frank Cromwell/Jack O'Neill/Sara O'Neill ; one last time before Iraq (pre-Desert Storm)
SG-1 ; Graham Simmons/Siler/Walter Harriman ; coming up with a cover story
SG-1 ; Ishta/Janet Fraiser/Teal'c ; battle scars

SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Captain Sam Carter/Doctor Sam Carter ; AU of the canon AU "Point of View"
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter ; pegging

SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; hazing the new guy
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; Jonas finishing what Dr. Jackson started

SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; grief
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; loss
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; protection
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; stranded off-world
SG-1 ; Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; warriors

SG-1 ; Janet Fraiser /Sam Carter/Sarah Gardner(post-Osiris) ; healing
SG-1 ; Janet Fraiser/Jennifer Hailey/Sam Carter ; "Did she just seduce us?"
SG-1 ; Janet Fraiser/Joe Faxon/Sam Carter ; drunken night
SG-1 ; Janet Fraiser/Sam Carter/Walter Harriman ; great with his hands

SG-1 ; Jonas Quinn/Kianna /Sam Carter (from Fallout) ; chalkboard dust
SG-1 ; Kerry Johnson/Sam Carter/Sara O'Neill ; no regrets
SG-1 ; Sam Carter/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; emollient

Stargate Atlantis Prompts
SGA ; Abraham Ellis/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay /Samantha Carter/Steven Caldwell ; (From "Be All My Sins Remembered")
"Caldwell: Colonel.
Ellis: [to Caldwell] Colonel.
Caldwell: [to Samantha] Colonel.
Carter: [to both] Colonels.
Ellis: [to Sheppard] Colonel.
Sheppard: [to both] Colonels.
Dr. Rodney McKay: What, seriously? "

SGA ; Aiden Ford/Amelia Banks/Ronon Dex ; AU or AR or Post Series-everyone is shocked to see Aiden return, but he's shocked to see his old girlfriend Amelia on Atlantis dating Ronon Dex.
SGA ; Aiden Ford/Evan Lorne/Laura Cadman ; it's complicated
SGA ; Aiden Ford/Kanaan/Teyla Emmagan ; AU or AR or Post Series-Ford returns and joins Teyla and Kanaan in a poly marriage.
SGA ; Aiden Ford/Katie Brown/Miko Kusanagi ; getting back was the easy part

SGA ; Aiden Ford/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Teyla Emmagan ; They said SG-1 did this all the time…
SGA ; Aiden Ford/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Teyla Emmagan ; What else are you supposed to do when you're stranded in another galaxy?

SGA ; Amelia Banks/Anne Teldy/Ronon Dex ; singing in the shower
SGA ; Amelia Banks/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; San Francisco

SGA ; David Parrish/Evan Lorne/Katie Brown ; come to bed
SGA ; David Parrish/Evan Lorne/Laura Cadman ; Protecting the scientist offworld.
SGA ; Dusty Mehra/Jennifer Keller/Teyla Emmagan ; trapped off-world

SGA ; Elizabeth Weir /Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; using their minds as weapons
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Evan Lorne/John Sheppard ; chain of command
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; close call
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; the clones from This Mortal Coil survived to fight another day
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; can I keep him?
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Kate Heightmeyer/Teyla Emmagan ; three people who can't be with anyone else
SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan ; passing the torch

SGA ; Evan Lorne/ Radek Zelenka/Ronon Dex ; politics makes strange bedfellows
SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Laura Cadman ; pegging
SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; alien ritual involving body paint

SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; warrior bonding
SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; weapons kink
SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; what happens after the end of season 5?

SGA ; Evan Lorne/John Sheppard/Sam Carter ; most awkward morning-after ever
SGA ; Evan Lorne/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; Rodney and Ronon are in a relationship, and at first Evan just likes fooling around with them--then it gets serious.
SGA ; Evan Lorne/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; Post series in Pegasus.

SGA ; Jeannie Miller/Kaleb Miller/Ronon Dex ; trampoline
SGA ; Jennifer Kelle/Katie Brown/Laura Cadman ; the Rodney McKay survivors club

SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; awkward
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; getting them both in the infirmary at once was the thing she'd dreaded
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; making this work
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; pegging
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; puppies
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; sometimes what you want is right in front of you
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; Star Trek marathon

SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; it's never going to get simpler
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/John Sheppard/Ronon Dex ; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid AU
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Kanaan/Teyla Emmagan ; probably a bad idea
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Kate Heightmeyer/ Sam Carter ; women's poker night

SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; home
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; hostage situation
SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan ; high heels

SGA ; John Sheppard/Kanaan/Teyla Emmagan ; they're in Pegasus, what does it matter that this is weird in the Milky Way?
SGA ; John Sheppard/Kanaan/Teyla Emmagan ; trampoline

SGA ; John Sheppard/Katana LaBrea/Larrin ; the Traveler concept of marriage is different than what John is used to (note: Katana LaBrea is the Traveler captain from Lost Tribe)
SGA ; John Sheppard/Laura Cadman/Rodney McKay ; caught in a downpour
SGA ; John Sheppard/Radek Zalenka/Rodney McKay ; Vegas-verse- confused
SGA ; John Sheppard/Radek Zelenka/Teyla Emmagan ; they both like John on his knees

SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; Did you know he could bend like that?
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; double penetration
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; during "The Shrine" - "one last time befre I lose my mind"
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex ; sex pollen/AMDTI

SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; "It's not a sheep ranch, McKay. For one thing, those aren't sheep."
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; "I've never tired that before!"
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; a day in the life
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; breakfast in bed
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; curling team AU
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; from a house down the road, from real love
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; it's only arson if you did it on purpose
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; naked and unashamed
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; no more time to waste
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; on the run
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; only connect
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; planning a family
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; presumed dead
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; the team as con-men ala Leverage.
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; They're like tribbles with tentacles!
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; weddings and funerals, and maybe a bar mitzvah
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; working hard and playing hard
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; Post "Epiphany" It may only have been hours for them, but John really missed his team.
SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; Post series on Earth, Rodney and John are captured by [Insert Villains Here] and Teyla and Ronon have to rescue them.

SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Steven Caldwell ; curiosity (dub-con?)

SGA ; John Sheppard/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; for a minute there, I lost myself
SGA ; John Sheppard/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; who cares what people do on Earth

SGA ; Kanaan/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan ; here comes the sun
SGA ; Katie Brown/Laura Cadman/Teyla Emmagan ; stuck offworld
SGA ; Larrin/repli!Elizabeth Weir/repli!Teyla Emmagan ; this is not how Elizabeth expected her time in Pegasus to finish up
SGA ; Radek Zelenka/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; panic kissing during Tabula Rasa

SGA ; Ronon Dex/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; rematch
SGA ; Ronon Dex/Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan ; Everything Sam wasn't expecting to find when she went to Pegasus

Gateverse Prompts (SGU and crossovers)
SGU ; Chloe Armstrong/Ronald Greer/Vanessa James ; the last three
SGU ; Everett Young/Matthew Scott/Ronald Greer ; situational ethics

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Evan Lorne ; (Writer's Choice)

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; leave no man behind
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; only logical
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; this kind of experience

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard ; author's choice
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard ; basketball
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard ; D/s
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard ; hooker AU
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard ; worth the risk

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Evan Lorne/John Sheppard ; making it work across two galaxies

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; authority
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; author's choice AU
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; flyboys
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; future AU
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; Mary Sue/Gary Stu
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; noncon
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; pushing boundaries
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; Real Housewives of the SGC!
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; reality show AU
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; slave AU
SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas [or substitute somewhere else for 'Vegas']

SG-1/SGA ; Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard/Sam Carter ; old friends, new friends
SG-1/SGA ; Carolyn Lam/Janet Fraiser/Jennifer Keller ; 'first, hasten to help'

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Elizabeth Weir/Jack O'Neill ; Atlantis means something different for each of them, but it still draws them together

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; an Ancient gene sandwich
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; Bon voyage present
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; flirt
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; the gloves come off

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; a very special room on Atlantis
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; Atlantis loves the ATA-gene carriers
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; celebrating
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; cosmic symmetry
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; retirement in the Pegasus Galaxy

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Rodney McKay ; feather bed

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; commiseration
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; They both talk all the time--nothing says John has to listen.
SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; wherever you go, I'm following you

SG-1/SGA ; Daniel Jackson/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; their combined brainpower can only do so much against the inevitable

SG-1/SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; post "The Real World" - she can't choose
SG-1/SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard ; post "The Return" - warming Jack up
SG-1/SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan ; leadership
SG-1/SGA ; Elizabeth Weir/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; agree to disagree

SG-1/SGA ; Evan Lorne/Paul Davis/Ronon Dex ; a guy in every port (galaxy, whatever)

SG-1/SGA ; Jack O'Neill /Ronon Dex/Teal'c ; male bravado
SG-1/SGA ; Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Rodney McKay ; the spice of life
SG-1/SGA ; Jack O'Neill/John Sheppard/Sam Carter ; surprise visit
SG-1/SGA ; Jack O'Neill/Radek Zelenka/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; the trouble with scientists...

SG-1/SGA ; Janet Fraiser/Jennifer Keller/Sam Carter ; recruiting

SG-1/SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan ; everything was fine until she had to leave
SG-1/SGA ; Jennifer Keller/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; Jennifer's batchelorette party
SG-1/SGA ; John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; two geeks are better than one
SG-1/SGA ; Jonas Quinn/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; Great minds think alike.

SG-1/SGA ; Sam Carter/Ronon Dex/Teal'c ; wingfic
SG-1/SGA ; Sam Carter/Teyla Emmagan/Vala Mal Doran ; the best part about Earth

SG-1/SGU ; Camile Wray/Sam Carter/Sharon ; cozying up to the IOA representative
SG-1/SGU ; Sam Carter/Tamara Johansen/Vanessa James ; they are soldiers first and foremost. (rescued future!fic)

SG-1/SGA/SGU ; Camille Wray/Elizabeth Weir/Sam Carter ; leading ladies

Other Crossovers
SG-1/Blake's 7 ; Daniel Jackson/Kerr Avon/Roj Blake ; dangerous idealists
SG-1/Blake's 7 ; Kerr Avon/Vala Mal Doran/Vila Restal ; just another one of your deals (Dire Straits)

SG-1/Heroes ; Ba'al/Matt Parkman/Sylar ; mistaken identity

SG-1/Leverage ; Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker/Teal'c/Vala Mal Doran ; Vala can't decide which one she's most interested in seducing, so she opts for all three. Teal'c's her wingman

SG-1/Lost ; Jack O'Neill/James Ford (Sawyer)/Sayid Jarrah ; Jack O'Neill was undercover piloting the plane

SG-1/MacGyver ; Daniel Jackson/MacGyver/Sam Carter ; "time for plan B"
SG-1/MacGyver ; Daniel Jackson/MacGyver/Sam Carter ; great minds think alike
SG-1/MacGyver ; Daniel Jackson/MacGyver/Sam Carter ; Swiss Army Knife
SG-1/MacGyver ; Janet Fraiser/MacGyver/Sam Carter ; can I help you, ma'am?
SG-1/MacGyver ; MacGyver/Sam Carter/Vala ; interstellar Boy Scout
SG-1/MacGyver ; MacGyver/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; one of them out-Macgyver's Mac
SG-1/MacGyver ; MacGyver/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran ; undercover

SG-1/Pushing Daisies ; Chuck/Ned/Vala or Charlotte Charles/Olive Snook/Vala Mal Doran ; 'Memento' AU where the Pie Hole is the restaurant where Vala wound up waiting tables

SG-1/SGA/Lost ; Daniel Faraday/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion (Einstein)

SG-1/SGA/MacGyver ; MacGyver/Rodney McKay/Sam Carter ; "you're a genius and you can't figure this out?"
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