OT3+ ficathon: Trampolines for all!

Jan 12, 2010 14:28

Announcing the 2010 Gateverse OT3+ ficathon!

Have you been craving that story about what happens when Vala, Sam, and Cam get stranded on that planet with the sunny beaches and clear blue waters? Do you want to know what happened when Elizabeth, Teyla, and Cadman decided to leave Atlantis and become Pegasus space pirates together? Or what really happened when Teal'c and Jack took Daniel jell-o wrestling? Are you weeping for the lack of good Jack/Daniel/Sam/Teal'c/Jonas/Cam/Vala OT7 trampoline porn? Then I think it's about time for another gateverse OT3+ ficathon!


* Fics for any aspect of the Stargate universe are welcome, including the original movie, SG-1, SGA, SGU, and that cartoon that supposedly exists
* Fic can be any rating from G to NC-17 and should involve at least one pairing of more than 2 characters
* Prompts will be submitted by anyone and authors can write as many fics as they like from the list of prompts
* Prompts do not need to be claimed, which means multiple writers may use the same prompt


January 14-20: Prompt submission will be open for anyone and everyone to leave prompts
January 20-21: Mods put together prompts into one master list for grabbing
January 22: Prompts list posted
March 7 - 13: Fic should be posted sometime during this week
March 14 - 15: Posting open for gateverse OT3+ fic inspired by this ficathon but not directly fulfilling a prompt


* Please no character bashing in fic
* This ficathon is limited to fictional characters (no RPF)
* Please no underage characters (<18) involved in the pairings (ie: Cassie reacting to Sam/Jack/Daniel is okay, Cassie WITH Sam/Jack/Daniel not so much) and no incest
* Otherwise, go wild! Canon inserts, AUs, Crossovers, whatever makes you happy


* Please don't post fic ahead of time. If you finish early, choose another prompt, or just sit smugly while the rest of us panic
* We'll make a post a week before fic is due for people to ask for/offer beta services, if you need
* Fic can either be posted directly to sg1_beyond_otp or to a (publicly-accessible) location of your choosing with a link to the fic posted to sg1_beyond_otp (so you can post the actual story on dreamwidth or AO3 or ff.net or whatever archive you use for your fic). If for some reason you can't post a link to the lj comm, let the mods know and we'll post it for you. [alternately, I am considering talking to the people running AO3 about using their site to make initial posting anonymous, if enough participants would be interested in an initial anonymous posting and later reveal]

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Pie?

-abyssinia4077 and princessofg

ETA: Click here to leave prompts
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