Call for Prompts for 2010 Gateverse OT3+ Ficathon!

Jan 14, 2010 08:19

PROMPTING IS CLOSED (8am MST, Jan 21, 2010). Thanks to all who left prompts!

This is the post for leaving prompts for the ficathon. We're open for prompts from the moment this is posted until the mods close it down January 20th. Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to leave as many prompts as they like, regardless of whether they plan to write for the ficathon. Give our writers something to let their brains chew on!

To make it easier for the mods to sort the prompts into a master list, we're asking you leave them in a specific format, so please read this carefully before commenting. It might seem a little complicated but it will mean making the list of prompts available much more quickly.

Prompts should be of the format:
show; characters; prompt

* note the semicolon between each section
* For show please write either "Stargate" (ie: the movie) "SG-1" "SGA" or "SGU" and list crossovers between shows alphabetically with slashes between each show (SG-1/SGA, SGA/Stargate, SG-1/SGA/SGU, etc). If your request is a crossover between the gateverse and another show, please list the gateverse canon first (SG-1/Being Human, SGA/Farscape, etc)
* Please use full names of characters, connect them with slashes, and alphabetize them by first name (Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran, Ronon Dex/Teal'c/Teyla Emmagan, Cameron Mitchell/Elizabeth Weir/Jack O'Neill, etc)
* You may use "any" for either the character or show category, or both
* Prompts can be any text from a single word to a quote to a description
* Please only one prompt per line. If you have multiple prompts for the same pairing, list them individually (see example)
* Multiple prompts in one comment is great (preferred over lots of comments actually), just start a new line with a new prompt.

Prompt examples:
SG-1; Daniel Jackson/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter; resisting the Ori invasion of Kelowna
SG-1; Daniel Jackson/Jonas Quinn/Sam Carter; they didn't mean to ALL ascend...
SG-1/SGA; Daniel Jackson/Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan; Daniel didn't realize what he was getting into when he asked about Pegasus customs
SGU/Battlestar Galactica; Lee Adama/Matthew Scott/Tamara Johansen; the Destiny didn't bargain on encountering another lost group of humans
any; any; rocks fall, not quite everyone dies - coming together after the end of the world

If this is confusing, just do the best you can and the mods will make it work. The most important thing is that we have your prompts.

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