Title: Cash Out
kimberlitePairings: Sheppard/Mitchell, Sheppard/Mitchell/O'Neill, (Mitchell/O'Neill, O'Neill/Jackson)
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~5,750
Disclaimer: SG-1 and SGA are so not mine, I'm just having fun.
Notes: This was for
sg_flyboys' John/Cam Thing-a-Thon and
justhuman who wanted 1) Kink! 2) Moresome! Mix in some Jack O'Neill (after all, the only thing better than two flyboys is three) and/or Daniel Jackson (because who doesn't love some archeologist?) and 3) Inspiring lyrics! Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry; find some inspiration or steal a line or two. Thanks, as always, to
splix for encouragement and beta.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Summary: You wanna cash out and get the hell outta town. Vegas AU.
Cash Out