Triad: Book 2 | SG1 | Daniel/Jack/Sam | NC17 | 6/15

Feb 02, 2010 16:32

Title: Triad
Author: Lady Angel
Fandom: Stargate: SG1
Genre: Threesome, Het, Slash, Action, Adventure, Romance, SciFi, AU, Crossover . . . Damn, I think it pretty much covers every genre I can think of.
Pairing: Daniel/Jack/Sam (main), and various other slash and het pairings
Rating: NC17 for the sex, but for the most part PG13
Disclaimers: If you recognize the name, chances are, they aren’t mine. Also, not betaed.

Author's Note: This is an AU with later Crossovers that has both Ship, Slash, and another Threesome or two. I’m diverging from everything after the Lost City. I also haven’t seen anything after the second season of Atlantis, so everything is AU after that as well.

Oh, one last thing: I like Ferretti. I love Carson Beckett. I LOVE Jacob. Therefore, they are alive and well. Honestly, I’m picking and choosing what I want to use.

And just in case, Book 1:

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |

Chapter Six: Dating While Dealing with Aliens

I apologize for the length between postings!
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