Gateverse OT3+ Ficathon: Posting is Almost Upon Us!

Mar 04, 2010 12:15

So my calendar has informed me that it is March. No, I don't know how that happened either. Hopefully you've all been writing wonderful fic from the giant post of prompts and are getting ready to think about posting! Posting for the OT3+ ficathon begins this Sunday, March 7th, and runs through March 13th with March 14th and 15th open for posting gateverse OT3+ fic inspired by the ficathon but not fitting any of the prompts.

Fic can be posted anywhere you choose but we ask you post to this community with a link to the fic. If you want to post your fic to the sg1_beyond_otp community, please place the story itself being a cut-tag. If you do not have a livejournal account or prefer not to post here, please let the mods know and we'll post a link for you.

Please post your fic with the following header:

Title: The Best OT3 Fic Ever
Author: SamJackDanielTeal'c4ever
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, [any warnings you wish to provide]
Wordcount: 1337
Prompt: SG-1 ; Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter/Teal'c ; discussing their Wormhole Extreme counterparts
Notes: Thanks to my most awesomest bestest coolest beta ever
Summary: (this is optional, if you want to let people know more than just the prompt)

[link to fic or lj-cut to reveal fic]

ETA: Feel free to use the comments in this post to offer or seek beta services.
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