I never seem to hear about these things...
Has everyone seen the
Fall Fandom Free For All? Such a lovely tribute to the sharing, social nature of fandom - you leave a comment with ten fandom-related requests (fic you'd love to read, art or icons or vids you want to see, LJ layouts or headers you'd like to have, whatever) and then trawl through everyone else's comments, looking for a request that you can grant. Spreading the squee far and wide... what's not to love?
It comes as no surprise that very, very few of the requests out there are for gen fic. I finally did find one for "too much alien beer," which seemed rather promising! Once I got the fic well underway, I went ahead and posted
my own requests. (I'm on page 12, heh.) If anyone on my flist has commented there and I missed it and my style fits with what you'd like, please comment at this post and point me in the right direction. And if you haven't yet joined the FFFFA - well, why not give it a try? :)
(I finished my first draft this morning and sent it to the always-marvelous Random for her usual stellar beta, so I hope to post what is currently titled Respect for Ritual some time this week. Yay!)
And on the subject of gen fic not being overly popular... Sigh. When I did my regular tagging for
sg1debrief today, I was delighted to tag two gen fics - the first ones to show up in a week. ::grumbles:: Clearly, it's time for another SG-1 Gen Fic Day! The next six or seven weeks are not conducive to my organizing anything, though, so I'm tentatively scheduling SG-1 Gen Fic Day for October 27th. Let me know if there's a fandom conflict I should consider! You should all know the drill by now :) but if you don't, the very first one took place
last October, and here are the four roundups:
April, and
As has become traditional, we will also be having Alphabet Soup on SG-1 Gen Fic Day! (If you're new to Alphabet Soup, take a look at
Teal'c, and
Hammond. It's Jack's turn this time, so of course it has to be Alpha-Bits instead of Alphabet Soup. :) No, I'm not taking claims now. But I would like to get some prompt suggestions, because I loved the ones you all gave me when I asked for them for our tribute to George. So comment here, please, with suggested prompts for Jack Alpha-Bits.
I know this seems insanely early, but I will be offline for almost two weeks and mostly unavailable for a third week in October, so I want to get everything set up before the end of September. You don't mind, do you? :)