The Fall Fandom Free-For-All

Aug 26, 2008 20:35

Welcome to the Fall Fandom Free-For-All, organised by pheebs1 and me.

This is a multifandom, fanworks, free-for-all! Basically, request any piece of fanwork you would like - fic, art, icons, video - in any fandom. In return, you offer to make something for someone else.

This is the opportunity to see that fic you've always wanted written, to clear the pipes of your own unused ideas by making someone else write them for you, to get new icons for the new season, or to find a beta reader for that story you have languishing on your harddrive!

How will it work?

1. You post a comment requesting up to ten items, i.e. no more than ten. The items can be a mixture of different types of work, anything that someone could make for you. This mustn't be anything illegal or anything that requires snail mail (no music uploads or Amazon wishlists for example!), but otherwise, have at it! Ask for any fandom at all, and if you'd like original fic or stock icons, feel free to request those too. Do say, though, if you don't want to share icons.

2. Only one comment per person please. If you think of something after you've posted, well, you can edit your comment to add it (up until someone replies to your comment)!

3. It's in your interest to specify clearly what fandom and genre you would like to be sure you get something you'd like. We'd rather people be positive (I would like X) but if there's something you really wouldn't like, feel free to be specific.

Here are some examples of the sort of details to provide:

Fic: Supernatural, Sam/Sarah, happy future fic (but no babies). Please don't kill Dean!
Icons: Eureka, Jack Carter, with my name (Sophie) on. I love bright icons, and my favourite colours are green and blue.
Vid: An Angel the Series vid, focussing on the last season, set to British Sea Power - All In It.
Wallpaper: Shelter, Zach and Shaun, 1280x800, using lyrics from Time by Pink Floyd.

3. You then trawl the list and offer to make something for someone else (or come back later if it's earlier days for requests). Reply to their comment saying you can make their item for them. If you request something, PLEASE DO make something for someone else too, something NEW, not just a link to something you've made previously.

We are relying on the honour system for this, so we won't be checking up on you, but please, do what you can for other people, it's only fair! You can make as many items as you like, but please do your best to make something once you've offered.

4. There will be no limit on say, fic length or number of icons made. If you can only write a drabble to someone's prompt, or make one icon, that's fine, we'd rather everyone got something, however little. Also, if someone has already made something to a prompt and you want to, go right ahead. However, we do ask you try and fulfil the prompt of someone who doesn't have anything yet, so everyone gets something.

4. When the item is complete, come back and reply again to the requester's comment, with a link to where the finished item is hosted. If you have made an item that will fit into a comment and want to reply directly with it, that's fine too.


This launches Tuesday, August 26.
Deadline for items is Wednesday, October 29. After this date no more requests can be made.

On October 30 or 31 a masterlist of all items made will be posted in my journal, sorted by recipient, and pheebs1's journal, sorted by fandom. Both will be linked to from here.

Items CAN be posted after October 29 - this is by no means a cut off forever date - but they won't be included in the masterlists.

Any questions, head over to the question post in pheebs1's journal. There are icons there too, if you want to pimp out your requests!

Link buttons for pimpage (hotlinking is fine):

ETA: Just to repeat, please do NOT ASK FOR MUSIC UPLOADS here. And please do not post icons made by other people! Also, please don't just take something made for someone else - if it's an icon, for example, ask permission before taking it.

challenge: free-for-all, challenge

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