July Gen Fic Day Round-Up

Jul 09, 2008 20:12

Wow, we really celebrated Daniel's birthday with style! Lots and lots and lots of fantastic stuff!

Here's the round-up of all the gen squee that got posted yesterday:

Twenty-six different authors collaborated to give us a delightfully hearty serving of Teal'c Alphabet Soup. Thanks, guys. :)

Other new fic:

Checking Up, by sg_betty. Daniel visits Jack's clone and doesn't get to control the conversation (surprise, surprise). PG-13.

Janet Fraiser’s Five Worst Nightmares, also by sg_betty. These range from amusing to poignant to anguished, especially the canon one. PG-13.

lokei wrote three Teal'c ficlets for the price of one! Besides her Alphabet Soup fic, there are two more "L is for..." stories over here. All G.

samantilles wrote Published Memories, in which recently-orphaned Daniel spends a weekend locked in a library. Daniel-whump ahead! PG.

redbyrd_sgfic gives us the hilarious Missing Pieces, which is a sequel to her older Picking Up Pieces. Sam and Cam in Arthur's Mantle, and some other-dimensional leftover... bits. PG.

maychorian wrote delightful teamfic: Little Yellow Touchstones, in which SG-1 takes communication to their own unique level. Rated G. Spoilers for SGA S4.

Some obsessed gen fan named sg_fignewton wrote Guilty Pleasures. Is it Jack and Sam's fault that rescuing Teal'c and Daniel is so much fun? PG.

Older fic:

sg_betty (who really got into the swing of things!) linked to her Of Ruins and Soldiers, in which Teal'c offers Daniel some perspective on the shooting of the symbiote tank in Bloodlines. PG.

beanpot linked to her cracky kid!fic, which also crosses over with SGA: Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat. G.

sidlj gave us an older fic of hers as commentfic: an OC POV "love letter to Daniel" double drabble. Holy Crap. Rated G.


sg_fignewton recced Translations by night_spear1287, because the Benevolent Dictatrix of the Realm of Ship-free Stargate is more than a little enamored of this marvelous AU. :)


Let's hope sg_betty never loses her gen enthusiasm! Here's her Southpark SG-1 banner.

Whew! My thanks to all of you: those that wrote, those that commented, and those that spread the word and the squee. We'll definitely be doing this again!

...Only not right now. ::collapses::

gen fic day

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