Fifth Activity post for
tcg-exchange Activity Log
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 127, got wizard16.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 17, got honey06 and attack01. (dog17).
Placed at
anime_icontext Week 16, got bite04, evil16, and knit11.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 54, got legend12.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 112, got sugar11.
Voted at
talesof_awards Week 118, got guardian05.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 66, got justice02, justice14, and yanki11.
Voted at
banner_contest Week 88, got rabbit04 and pokedex08.
Voted at
shoujoicontest Week 25/26, got pudding16.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 66, got peace03.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 129, got serial18.
Submitted at
kkm_itest Week 91, got pudding02, souen34, and thief16.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 72, got rabbit16, star13, esper01, and revenge18.
Voted at
title_awards Week 37, got kansai03.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 69, got hope20.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 74, got rabbit05, wolf06, and snacks20.
Got swamp11 at the Card Shop.
Submitted at
kkm_itest Week 113, got black09, ballet04, and neptune05.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 133, got jewel12. (legend01)
Placed at
kkm_itest Week 93, got magic01, producer18, souen03, and berry16.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 112, got relative18.
Submitted at
title_awards Week 43, got sherry14, berry06, judgment15.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 87, got coach20, noa01, and noa06.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 144, got berry13.
Voted at
cg_lims Round 01 icon of the round, got judgment05.
Placed at
title_awards Week 55, got hachi09, advisor04, lynx18, and ise19.
Placed at
la_corda_hush Week 59, got ego02 and lynx12.
Mastered NIGHT, got rayearth05, kailu11, pyro16, and maou13.
Mastered BANDAGE, got kailu14, kailu18, solar02, and gene07.
Mastered RAYEARTH, got kailu19, kailu20, noble01, and magic18.
Mastered KAILU, got flame16, dog07, relative05, and senpai01.
Exchanged 1 Rank R for smile11 and smile12 at the Cert Redemption.
Placed at
title_awards Week 37, got job06 and nya11.
Voted at
talesof_battle Round 06 Challenge 01, got 1 rank C cert, money02 and pokedex136.
Placed at
la_corda_hush Week 83, got 10th11.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 132, got curse04.
Submitted at
anime_crops Week 75, got advisor20, bow20, and unlucky09.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 134, got amnesia07.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 75, got fiance09.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 63, got pizza04, underage04, 10th05, and berry16.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 70, got crimson03, arthur11, and ainu12.
Exchanged 1 Rank R Cert for smile13 and smile14 at the Cert Redemption.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 114, got sos13.
Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 39, got manager19. (staves05)
Submitted at
hc_icontest Week 128, got windam20, oresama11, otaku02, and axe05.
Placed at
title_awards Week 36, got straight08, wizard05, and forget06.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 133, got advisor02, grin07, and celes02.
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 129, got cosplay19, advisor10, and axe18.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 152, got fiance14.
Placed at
shoujoicontest Week 25/26, got fiance05.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 112, got otaku01.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 88, got hachi13 and jenova15.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 95, got airhead08.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 84, got fiance04.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 98, got playboy19.
Participated at
tcg_exchange Contest 05, got otaku11, blast09, and wife19.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 148, got snap13, sakujo02, and star03.
Voted at
cg_lims Round 01 Challenge 10, got playboy08, occult19, and disguise02.
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 88, got sos11.
Submitted at
title_awards Week 50, got coffee11, sky03, and switch19.
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 152, got cat03.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 105, got madamada11.
Placed at
hc_icontest Week 117, got madamada16 and digidestined01.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 79, got advisor14, secret04, and wishes15.
Placed at
la_corda_hush Week 90, got axeman02.
Voted at
title_awards Week 47, got pizza08.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 77, got judgment09, hosts01, celes12, and night10.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 81, got spirit06, esper13, evil04, and fox16.
Voted at
banner_contest Week 96, got honey18 and king02.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 65, got noa11, virtue08, cow10, and money15.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 69, got complex03.
Leveled up(16), got 1 rank A Cert, necro04, pudding13, taijutsu17, captain18, lancelot02, normal07, time03, mist05, firearm18, petals15, deceit15, blitz20, puppet02, crow19, bure04, and light14.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 173, got fiance17.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 18, got writer10 and despair02. (staves04)
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 129, got strike05.
Voted at
banner_contest Week 107, got palm09 and tone10.
Voted at
xxxholic_still Week130, got honey13.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 130, got twin20.
Submitted at
hc_icontest Week 130, got gay16, knit16, howl10, and sherry15.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 152, got guardian14, pan17, and manager20.
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 19, got strike02.
Submitted at
xxxholic_still Week 131, got windam14, tail02, and manager14.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 162, got time15. (gay03)
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 149, got judgment07.
Placed at
la_cord_hush Week 100, got rabbit20, pizza03, and phobia06.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 161, got forget07 and pokedex113. (staves16)
Voted at
game_abc Week R1, got chariot20.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 66, got sword03 and perfect20.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 97, got normal17.
Redeemed 1 Rank R Cert for unsent10 and unsent11 at the Cert Redemption.
Got bunter13 at the Card Shop.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 101, got crow07, bunter05, and fuku03.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 95, got reject18, disguise03, and iris04.
Submitted at
anime_icontext Week 18, got kailu04, sister17, revolver01, and sherry09.
Participated at
tcg_exchange Contest 10, got 13th16 and psynergy04.
Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 40, got puu19. (nya07)
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 161, got crimson12.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 95, got chemist04, pan16, and trumpet11.
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 163, got relative15.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 163, got espada06 and punisher05. (painter01)
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 97, got coach14.
Submitted at
anime_crops Week 57, got morph17, ceo03, and scar08.
Voted at
talesof_awards Week 123, got dual19.
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 124, got axeman18, swamp15, and crossover04.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 134, got rat17. (kibouhou09)
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 101, got balinese14.
Placed at
shoujoicontest Week 18, got swamp20, eye04, and gurren10.
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 20, got friend15.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 96, got chariot15, chariot06, and rekka37.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 116, got time12.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 117, got arthur01.
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 154, got solar07, irony02, moon10, and silent09.
Voted at
brkbck_chllnge Week 150, got right18.
Voted at
game_abc Week Y1, got rabbit11.
Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 41, got chariot04. (chariot12)
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 176, got gemini15.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 21, got eye07 and psynergy02. (chariot08)
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 21, got cow05.
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 164, got chaos04.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 164, got snake04 and despair13. (chariot04)
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 98, got tattoo04.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 151, got ise05.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 93, got balinese06.
Submitted at
anime_crops Week 93, got justice07, booty17, and scatter13.
Got palm08 at the Card Shop.
Got coffee10 at the Card Shop.
Got producer14 at the Card Shop.
Gifted cat16, coach02, lancelot12, madamada18, and peace10 by Uri.
Got volley19 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
cg_lims Round 02 Challenge 07, got candy19, smokes11, and fanservice15.
Voted at
inuawards Week 265, got husband10.
Submitted at
title_awards Week 62, got hosts03 and returners12.
Placed at
kkm_itest Week 117, got coach18, pan21, and producer13.
Placed at
hc_icontest Week 130, got rat09, lynx02, and producer04.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 119, got protect01.
Voted at
talesof_awards Week 156, got chaos09.
Voted at
anime_icontext Week 23, got wife08.
Placed at
anime_icontext Week 22, got rabbit10, kansai12, fanservice05, and protect09.
Submitted at
anime_icontext Week 23, got swamp06, pan20, and digidestined09.
Voted at
title_awards Week 63, got complex12.
Voted at
fullmetal_lims Season 01 Challenge 10, got short20, frown02, and ougi09.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 177, got necro03.
Voted at
tcg_exchange Contest 12, got dove19.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 94, got sms19 .
Submitted at
anime_crops Week 94, got souen09 and protect17.
Voted at
inuawards Week 266, got ice02.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 133, got manager13.
Placed at
hc_icontest Week 132, got seer16, megane11, loyal15, and shuusaku20.
Voted at
banner_contest Week 110, got short09 and hacker06.
Voted at
xxxholic_still Week 133, got design04.
Placed at
title_awards Week 52, got loyal18 and design07.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 155, got rat11, pokedex33, and traitor16.
Placed at
kkm_itest Week 118, got idiot04 and hell10.
Placed at
shounenicontest Week 21, got little11.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 22, got little04 and pantera17. (revolution18)
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 165, got neptune17.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 165, got pan17. (gay12)
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 98, got short07, noble20, and doujin16.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 104, got coach05.
Placed at
title_awards Week 64, got strike08, plan10 and phantom08.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 24, got colonel17 and pantera14. (judgment04)
Voted at
banner_contest Week 112, got forget09 and little06.
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 167, got berry11.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 167, got wolf02 and noa16. (judgment03)
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 99, got loyal14, chemist12, irony17, and producer01.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 100, got shift03, materia04, blitz07, and saturn02.
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 100, got heist15.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 105, got sketch13.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 105, got ashes07 and lostsoul.
Placed at
la_corda_hush Week 105, got star15.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 95, got wizard12, chemist10, and wishes18.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 96, got sleep05.
Voted at
anime_icontext Week 24, got espada07.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 120, got solar15.
Voted at
inuyasha_lims Round 21 week 03, got kailu02, persocom20, and night15.
Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 42, got kaiser12. (kansai14)
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 134, got pan35.
Placed at
hc_icontest Week 133, got short14, psynergy07, and money17.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 95, got honey05.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 94, got photos05.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 23, got star11 and flute14. (kansai08)
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 132, got short17.
Answered trivia at
xxxholic_still Week 130, got palm06.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 113, got loyal08.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 91, got revolution06, producer05, colonel01, and hunter01.
Submitted at
hc_icontest Week 124, got revolution07, forget16, peace19, and guard13.
Exchanged 1 Rank B Cert for phoenix08 and kaleido01 at the Cert Redemption.
Voted at
inuawards Week 268, got dolls06.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 179, got deceit07.
Voted at
brkbck_chllnge Week 153, got zero08.
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 101, got friend14.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 100, got pizza05, jenova18, book02, and taijutsu13.
Placed at
anime_crops Week 97, got arthur01 and hachi20.
Voted at
inuawards Week 263, got drill09.
Voted at
brkbck_chllnge Week 154, got howl09.
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 122, got japan07.
Submitted at
kkm_itest Week 122, got howl02, broom08, sword08, and black10.
Voted at
talesof_awards Week 158, got nyoron06.
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 158, got guardian20, pizza19, key06, and plan17.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 157, got abyssinian08 and zangan09.
Placed at
talesof_awards Week 157, got servant15 and candy12.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 97, got noa20.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 180, got emo19.
Voted at
game_abc Week P1, got relative09.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 135, got police09.
Submitted at
hc_icontest Week 135, got photos09 and prodigy16.
Placed at
shounenicontest Week 24, got disney18.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 25, got pokedex116 and future09. (advisor08)
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 166, got white01. (kibouhou05)
Got bunter08 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 181, got chemist17.
Voted at
hc_icontest Week 136, got hosts04.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 26, got ice03 and pitcher08. (advisor16)
Voted at
anime_icontext Week 32, got photos07.
Submitted at
anime_icontext Week 32, got loyal12, cat19, revolver14, and magician17.
- Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 45, got bite06. (gum01)
Submitted at
anime_melee Week 79, got deceit03, deceit05, ghosts05, moonlight15, and playboy06.
Submitted at
hc_icontest Week 139, got snake07, cynic05, bombay12, and egyptian05.
Voted at
anime_melee Week 78, got trigger02 and mafia15.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 102, got chemist03.
Voted at
game_abc Week F1, got rain09.
Voted at
inuawards Week 274, got plum13.
Voted at
anime_icontext Week 30, got pan30.
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 106, got frown03.
Voted at
xxxholic_still Week 137, got strahl18.
Voted at
brkbck_chllnge Week 156, got chariot10.
Voted at
title_awards Week 68, got bunter16.
Voted at
inuyasha_lims Round 21 week 06 , got hosts05, puppet20, and swallow15.
Voted at
cg_lims Round 03 week 01, got ise17, magician01, and mafia18 .
Voted at
inuawards Week 273, got colonel12.
Placed at
kkm_challenge Round 45, got digidestined07. (knit03).
Voted at
kkm_itest Week 125, got honey05.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 28, got alien01.
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 28, got palm18 and prey06. (knit05)
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 157, got solar13.
Placed at
sm_icontest Week 183, got burn04.
Placed at
title_awards Week 66, got digidestined12, photos19, and disney12.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 99, got scatter09.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 27, got chemist08 and producer06. (knit13)
Voted at
sm_icontest Week 182, got burn04.
Placed at
kkm_itest Week 123, got deceit16 and wolf11.
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 108, got uranus11, phantom19, and protect19.
Voted at
anime_melee Week 76, got short06 and justice16.
Placed at
anime_icontext Week 26, got plum07, burn09, and moe06.
Placed at
shounenicontest Week 25, got tattoo03.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 168, got revolver15 and espada10. (advisor17)
Got volley10 at the Card Shop.
Mastered REVOLUTION, got ise20, painter20, crow03, and oresama19.
Mastered CHARIOT, got ise06, ise18, rain02, and snap13.
Mastered ISE, got coffee01, judgment14, positive20, and medic12.
Mastered PAINTER, got madamada10, cosplay01, coffee14, and fanservice10.
Deck pay got insei10, insei17, insei20, insei03, eat02, rival10, paradise09, curse06, creation14, creation01, council05, tensai15, dino06, dino20, positive20, and princess13.
Submitted at
xxxholic_still Week 138, got windam04, orb17, and knowledge18.
Voted at
xxxholic_still Week 138, got genrou19.
Placed at
shounenicontest Week 29, got scythe16, firearm07, and windam02.
Placed at
shounenicontest Week 29, got council12 and trigger01.
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 30, got coach03.
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 29, got quest67.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 30, got colonel05 and gamuza02. (cosplay18)
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 29, got celes04 and fox14. (cosplay03)
Leveled up!(17) got 1 Rank A Cert, peach05, materia06, rival18, solar15, curse19, palm07, flower01, bandage14, gay05, duck07, camorra20, windam20, mystery05, blitz08, norse15, alien11, and prince07
Exchanged 1 A Cert and 1 C Cert for council10, rival01, rival03, and clow46at the Cert Redemption.
Exchanged fanservice10 for peach01 at the Card exchange.
Voted at
inuawards Week 272, got ougi14.
Got friend18 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
cg_lims Round 03 Challenge 02, got wishes17, secret03, and morph14.
Voted at
anime_melee Week 79, got tattoo09 and kyuubi02.
Voted at
talesof_awards Week 161, got dice09 .
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 161, got thrill17, persocom01, drill06, and senpai10.
Voted at
game_abc Week O1, got southern08.
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 171, got disney11.
Won in the lottery, got 1 B Cert and 2 C Certs.
Leveled up!(18), got 1 Rank A Cert, insei18, council02, revolution14, cosplay02, money09, twin18, prey18, pokedex134, strahl06, hostess07, alien06, ego05, ceo18, souen02, logic20, pokedex77, liek02, and kansai16.
Got wolf16 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
anime_icontext Week 33, got purity17.
Submitted at
anime_icontext Week 33, got crimson11, ice03, and sketch02.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 160, got lion19 and knit15. (staves03)
Voted at
sesshy_icontest Week 160, got phobia10.
Mastered BERRY, got zelda17, zelda20, shukaku06, and bomb06.
Mastered COFFEE, got neptune10, neptune17, co-host20, and eat10.
Mastered JUDGMENT, got clow14, clow15, saturn03, and tail16.
Got palm19 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
title_awards Week 70, got genrou02.
Mastered KNIT, got peach17, peach18, noa08, and thunder08.
Mastered STAVES, got progress19, husband17, white16, and cuffs14.
Exchanged Aka explosive for peach15 and peach16.
Placed at
kkm_itest Week 129 , got shenlong10 and heartless12.
Voted at
kkm_challenge Round 46, got souen40. (monster03)
Voted at
anime_crops Week 104, got stone07.
Voted at
banner_contest Week 116, got stone07 and purity10.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 31, got solar03 and materia05. (insei12)
Voted at
shounenicontest Week 31, got attack13.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 152, got emo06. (moonlight04)
Voted at
inuawards Week 277, got stone14.
Exchanged 1 Rank A Cert for pipe07, pipe08, and pipe13 at the Cert Redemption.
Mastered HUSBAND, got peach19, peach20, archer17, and mafia08.
Mastered PEACH, got monster10, monster11, loveless01 and knit11.
Mastered MOONLIGHT, got morph13, jailbait17, cosplay20, tactics08, gemini12, and seventh17.
Mastered KIBOUHOU, got
morph03, morph04, curse11, and ginryuu14.
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 172, got lion09 and yanki09. (monster02)
Submitted at
sesshy_icontest Week 173, got stone20 and dino13. (genrou01)
Mastered PROGRESS, got stone11, stone12, hachi01, and muga19.
Mastered ADVISOR, got pudding09, pudding19, madamada19, and unwanted17.
Mastered COSPLAY, got stone13, stone18, deceit15, and hell03.
Gifted hope13 by
rashiea for the Halloween Event.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 32, got sakujo13 and light09. (genrou03)
Mastered PARTS Event Set, got zelda12, pudding01, zodiac, left01, liek10, plum09, seer14, knives18, homicide10, detective03, and irony13.
Voted at
anime_eloquence Week 128, got cat20.
Submitted at
anime_eloquence Week 128, got legend04 and sakujo14. (genrou04)
Mastered ZELDA, got insei13, insei15, phobia16, and materia03.
Mastered PUDDING, got monster17, monster20, uranus11, and wizard10.
Mastered INSEI, got genrou07, genrou08, sister03, and justice06.
Mastered MONSTER, got genrou09, genrou10, ego12, and paradise11.
Mastered GENROU, got paradise07, thief02, and hope07.
Exchanged 1 Rank C Cert for bride04 and ego07 at the Cert Redemption.
Got manager01 from the Card Shop.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 217, got varia15.
Placed at
title_awards Week 107, got pokedex147, typhoon05, and sos04.
Placed at
anime_icontext Week 25, got tone13, star05, beloved20, and axeman07.
Placed at
anime_icontext Week 21, got nyoron16, burn06, and author12.
Submitted at
talesof_awards Week 153, got rabbit05, cherry14, distant18, and jailbait14.
Voted at
animanga_itest Week 31, got complex05.
Voted at
manga_itest Week 88, got destiny104.
Voted at
icon_tournament Round 11 Challenge 1, got right06, sakujo02, and ise12. (bad04)
Voted at
inuawards Week 335, got complex04.
Voted at
la_corda_itest Week 166, got peace07.
Placed at
la_corda_itest Week 165, got council16 and dies20.
Submitted at
la_corda_itest Week 166, got esper01, fanservice14, and nun04.
Voted at
la_corda_hush Week 167, got justice12.
Placed at
la_corda_hush Week 166, got crimson06, taiyoukai11, and earring07.
Voted at
anime_eloquence Week 163, got spell14.
Submitted at
anime_eloquence Week 163, got shenlong10, sos09, and dual07. (viola02)
Placed at
anime_eloquence Week 163, got shenlong04.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 63, got crimson15 and moe09. (flower14)
Submitted at
anime_eloquence Week 168, got strahl02, gamuza14, and necro14. (bad01)
Got justice04 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
icon_tournament Round 11 Challenge 3, got captain09 and bomb11. (viola11)
Submitted at
la_corda_hush Week 168, got coach07, guard11, and memory08.
Submitted at
clamp_icontest Week 304, got southern19 and unwanted15. (bad03)
Submitted at
clamp_icontest Week 300B, got bandage05 and future18. (symmetry01)
Voted at
manga_character Week 49, got relative03.
Voted at
inuawards Week 334, got manager15.
Submitted at
title_awards Week 107, got varia02, carrot08, and hat17.
Exchanged homicide10 for bad02 at the Card Exchange.
Voted at
manga_itest Week 90, got design01.
Got at strike04 at the Card Shop.
Voted at
kouga_stills Week 219, got noa15.
Voted at
inuawards Week 336, got bad11.
Voted at
anime_crops Week 154, got rayearth05.
Submitted at
shounenicontest Week 75, got straight09 and white01. (viola05)
Submitted at
animanga_itest Week 32, got bad06, ice17, tensai18, and quest43.
Voted at
icon_tournament Round 11 Challenge 2, got growl03, rival20, and sketch01. (tristan10)
Exchanged 1 Rank B Certificate for growl15 and growl19 at the Cert Redemption.
Got guardian18 at the Card Shop.
Got virtue14 at the Card Shop.
Activity logs
1 2 3 5|| Trade logs
1 2 3 4 5||
Card Post || Mastered Decks
1 2 3 4 SP ||