Activity logs 3

Aug 06, 2008 12:34

Third Activity post for tcg-exchange

Activity Log

- Mastered ICE, got judgment20, scar20, phantom19 and lost20.
- Mastered HAT, got silver07, lost01, distant06 and distant11.
- Mastered WOOBIE, got puppet14, colonel11, gene01 and gene08.
- Asked for shuusaku17 at the Card Shop.
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge Week 136, got gekidasa01.
- Voted at inuawards Week 228, got sketch15.
- Mastered DISTANT, got bombay20, writer20, gene20 and phobia20.
- Mastered GENE, got boots, queen16, princess04 and princess08.
- Mastered PHANTOM, got hyoutei06, irony05, princess17 and wank02.
- Voted at hc_icontest Week 94, got dragon06.
- Placed at kkm_itest Week 79, got virtue20 and oresama10.
- Placed at title_awards Week 25, got cosplay07, alien19, and armor18.
- Voted at banner_contest Week 86, got twin07 and memory02.
- Voted at sesshy_icontest Week 126, got beloved19.
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest Week 126, got iris07 and flower07. (wank04)
- Voted at la_corda_itest Week 60, got tease11.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest Week 60, got count20, necro20, chosen11, and oresama01.
- Placed at anime_crops Week 55, got ashes11 and yanki18.
- Leveled up (12), got friend10, noa16, copy12, madamada08, reverie10, reject10, pokedex62, tensai13, knives05, exsphere13, perfect05, jellopy45, and a Rank-A Cert.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Week 16, got esper19 and lancelot01. (wank12)
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge Week 137, got legend10.
- Voted at inuawards Week 220, got hunter12.
- Voted at anime_crops Week 53, got oresama14.
- Submitted at anime_crops Week 53, got king15, itako04, and nishiura09.
- Voted at la_corda_hush Week 64, got april01.
- Voted at kouga_stills Week 110, got milk03.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest Week 59, got seal02, sky06, bow09, and orb07.
- Exchanged1 Rank B Cert for heist08 and heist10 at the Certificate Redemption.
- Voted at title_awards Week 26, got hunter11.
- Submitted at title_awards Week 26, got sky18, distant06, and trumpet13.
- Halloween 2008 event, got H.Fai, H.Mokona, and Halloween01.
- Voted at la_corda_itest Week 51, got phobia19.
- Voted at la_corda_hush Week 58, got smokes20.
- Voted at la_corda_hush Week 62, got empathy08.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush Week 62, got fiance02, esper12, and rabbit18.
- Voted at inuawards Week 219, got jailbait08.
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge Week 127, got grin18.
- Voted at inuyasha_lims Round 17 week 07, got shuusaku18, itako12, and peace16.
- Voted at talesof_awards Week 114, got snake18.
- Submitted at talesof_awards Week 114, got beast03, souen06, and pizza12.
- Voted at kouga_stills Week 108, got resist19.
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge Week 128, got dog20.
- Voted at anime_crops Week 47, got rekka38.
- Deck pay, got cook18, cook08, hikikomori01, snacks09, hope19, hope04, visor13, siberian02, trigger04, trigger17, visor20, legend12, blue04, blue03, uranus13, exsphere04, mist08, mist04, blitz13, mist15, husband03, husband06, zangan12, fiance16, and swamp17.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Week 17, got dynames14 and disguise01.(kakumei05)
- Deck pay, got amnesia04, amnesia06, balinese04, and digidestined14.
- Voted at inuyasha_lims round 18 week 05, got wizard09, hachi03, and jellopy77.
- Placed at kkm_itest week 81, got sketch15.
- Voted at sesshy_icontest week 128, got visor03.
- Placed at title_awards week 26, got dynames18, grin11, bomb19, and archer09.
- Submitted at title_awards week 27, got digidestined07, rat12, and tensai19.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 121, got plan14.
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 121, got swallow07. (nishiura07)
- Voted at sesshy_icontest week 121, got trumpet12.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest week 18, got sitar19 and french09. (jagan02)
- Voted at shoujoicontest week 18, got flame13.
- Placed at shoujoicontest week 17, got sherry18 and reject12.
- Voted at inuawards week 231, got secret18.
- Voted at kkm_challenge round 23, got ashes20.(jagan12)
- Mastered WANK, got boots18, nervous05, memory17, and memory20
- Mastered PRINCESS, got gurren18, inferno19, lucky13, and lucky06.
- Mastered KAKUMEI, got black05, sky01,memory16, and bombay11.
- Mastered NISHIURA, got seventh08, kaiser17, protect20, and protect09.
- Placed at shoujoicontest week 16, got frown05, scatter02 and hosts14.
- Voted at la_corda_hush week 66, got protect17.
- Mastered BOMBAY, got stalker06, locket20, secret08 and secret09.
- Mastered LUCKY, got trigger10, underage03, secret12 and secret13.
- Mastered MEMORY, got kyrios18, summon13, secret14 and secret16.
- Mastered PROTECT, got perfect11, phantom06, secret17 and secret19.
- Mastered JAGAN, got spirit10, seer06, secret20 and muga01.
- Mastered SECRET, got slacker17, dark19, muga02 and muga03.
- Voted at kkm_itest week 83, got cook20.
- Submitted at kkm_itest week 83, got legend08, horse17, and prince03.
- Placed at title_awards week 27, got prey11.
- Voted at title_awards week 28, got relative14.
- Submitted at title_awards week 28, got palm20, half14, and nishiura07.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 122, got apple17.
- Voted at sm_icontest week 147, got balinese04.
- Voted at kkm_challenge Round 24, got ashes14. (muga10)
- Placed at la_corda_itest Round 63, got puu13, lolicon19, and palm19.
- Placed at la_corda_hush Week 70, got muga09 and unlucky16.
- Submitted at anime_crops Week 60, got pharaoh10, secret18, and oresama14.
- Placed at anime_crops Week 60, got gum17.
- Placed at kkm_itest week 83, got muga01, rabbit03, half14, and dies04.
- Placed at talesof_awards week 122, got mist16.
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge week 140, got rikkaidai14.
- Submitted at talesof_awards week 122, got pharaoh05, gurren07, and seer02.
- Traded 500+ times got Rank S and Rank B Cert; beloved04, branch10, brother01, egyptian07, and positive18.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 99, got pokedex124.
- Submitted at banner_contest week 89, got relative03, wizard05, and revolver07.
- Voted at banner_contest week 89, got prey15 and moe15.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest week 20, got half07 and normal19. (muga05)
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 130, got secret11 and esper10. (muga08)
- Voted at kkm_challenge Round 25, got ideals20. (muga07)
- Submitted at anime_crops week 61, got rikkaidai12, book03, and sky13.
- Voted at anime_crops week 61, got legend07.
- Voted at kouga_stills week 119, got rabbit06.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest week 66, got cook04, puu05, attack02, and pudding18.
- Voted at la_corda_itest week 66, got firearm14.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush week 73, got zero12, possess11, and nobodies13.
- Voted at la_corda_hush week 73, got strahl12.
- Placed at la_corda_itest week 65, got revolver01, souen26, and dust06.
- Placed at title_awards week 29, got moonlight09.
- Placed at kkm_itest week 85, got muga17, cosplay10, and berry14.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest week 19, got dog11 and alien10. (muga20)
- Exchanged Rank B Cert for thunder02 and thunder08 at the Cert Redemption.
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 124, got pokedex78. (mafia16)
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 131, got muga10 and shift03. (muga16)
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 132, got cosplay13 and nyoron17. (muga12)
- Voted at title_awards week 31, got rookie14.
- Placed at title_awards week 30, got peace20 and dark09.
- Voted at inuawards week 263, got mystery05.
- Voted at anime_crops week 62, got trigger19.
- Voted at la_corda_itest week 67, got flute11.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest week 67, got noa06, blue03, curse10, and witch02.
- Voted at la_corda_hush week 74, got taijutsu04.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush week 74,got witch07, heart15, and sugar06.
- Voted at kouga_stills week 120, got justice08.
- Placed at anime_crops week 61, got gum10.
- Placed at la_corda_hush week 73, got wings05, lunar13, and hikikomori17.
- Placed at la_corda_itest week 66, got exorcist16, magic02, and magician18.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 125, got necro13.
- Voted at kkm_itest week 86, got uranus01.
- Submitted at kkm_itest week 86, got seventh09 and disguise15.
- Voted at inuawards week 235, got maou11.
- Voted at sm_icontest week 149, got beast04.
- Voted at title_awards week 30, got cosplay14.
- Submitted at title_awards week 30, got mist10, gum09, and blood06.
- Voted at sesshy_icontest week 132, got pudding07.
- Voted at banner_contest week 90, got digidestined03 and amnesia18.
- Voted at game_abc week Y, got trigger06.
- Exchanged 1 b cert for 1 diamond.
- Exchanged 2 c cert for 2 sapphire.
- Exchanged nobodies13, job09, japan17, noa16, kansai10, seer02 for 2 ruby.
- Exchanged dreams19 and ego05 for 1 amber.
- Exchanged ow08, disney05, and nishiura07 for 3 gunpowder.
- Exchanged boots09, brother01, ceo09, dies04 for 4 newspaper.
- Voted at kkm_challenge Round 26, got knives17. (count11)
- Voted at anime_crops Week 63, got blue09.
- Submitted at anime_crops Week 63, got mist04 and blue01.
- Voted at kouga_stills Week 121, got fanservice20.
- Voted at la_corda_hush Week 75, got painter17.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush Week 75, got rikkaidai02 and hope16.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Weeks 22-23, got bure07 and bure01. (tease01)
- Got princess19 from the Card Shop.
- Voted at banner_contest Week 91, got tree11 and drill16.
- Voted at hc_icontest Week 102, got protect08.
- Voted at la_corda_itest Week 68, got petals01.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest Week 68, got blast12, attack09, gurren03, and cherry06.
- Placed at la_corda_hush Week 74, got viper19, lunar14, and phobia20.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Week 24, got strahl05 and possess07.(count02)
- Voted at shoujoicontest Week 24, got virtue13.
- Voted at title_awards Week 32, got pokedex92.
- Voted at kkm_itest Week 88, got warrior14.
- Submitted at kkm_itest Week 88, got princess01, oresama13, and copy11.
- Voted at talesof_awards Week 127, got rabbit09.
- Got a Santa Bag at Christmas Event 2008.
- Got a Santa Hat at Christmas Event 2008.
- Mastered MAFIA got wife05, wife17, axeman06, axeman17, plan20, job14, prodigy03, and necro19.
- Mastered WIFE got muga18, muga19, heart05, and saturn16.
- Mastered AXEMAN got exorcist14, muga04, horse05, and spirit08.
- Mastered MUGA got exorcist17, cook10, branch15, and saturn07.
- Mastered FROWN got blue05, blue07, black01, and possess18.
- Mastered EXORCIST got blue08, blue11, monkey08, and lunar11.
- Mastered TEASE got blue12, blue13, book12, and branch15.
- Mastered COUNT got mist12, mist09, madamada07, and archer10.
- Mastered BLUE got mist02, mist07, lancelot02, and sword06.
- Leveled up! (13) got an A-cert, nervous06, peace15, broom19, flute11, ow07, howl17, friend09, maverick08, blue18, sketch10, chemist18, drill14, and chosen13.
- Created one aka rocket.
- Created one aoi rocket.
- Got shuusaku19 from Card Shop.
- Got husband03 at the Card Shop.
- Voted at game_abc Week Z, got shuusaku13.
- Voted at kkm_itest Week 89, got muga17.
- Submitted at title_awards Week 33, got petals12, venus06, and souen29.
- Voted at anime_crops Week 64, got exorcist17.
- Got coffee08 at the Card Shop.
- Voted at kkm_challenge Round 27, got painter14.(cook02)
- Voted at la_corda_itest Round 69, got woobie17.
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 135, got madamada13. (kibouhou03)
- Voted at inuawards week 237, got half17.
- Got progress09 at the Card Shop.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush Week 64, got zero16, second15, and albhed09.
- Voted at inuawards Week 226, got beloved18.
- Voted at inuyasha_lims Round 18 Week 01, got duck06, hunter13, and empathy14.
- Voted at anime_crops week 54, got progress18.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest week 58, got virtue05, dynames12, plan10, and sakujo10.
- Placed at la_corda_hush week 65, got peace12 and silver17.
- Got shuusaku09 at the Card Shop.
- Got hyotei10 at the Card Shop.
- Got hyotei11 at the Card Shop.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Weeks 25-26, got betrayal03 and snake19. (cook11)
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 136, got magician14 and chaos16.(mist18)
- Got wings13 at the Card Shop.
- Mastered TREE got revolver17, lancelot14, viper01 and viper09.
- Got flame14 at the Card Shop.
- Deck Pay got artes16, artes07, pokedex07, twin07, staves06, staves11, dust12, and prince16.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 89, got attack15.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 90, got exia01.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 91, got chaos14.
- Voted at brkbck_chllnge week 134, got 8th04.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest week 57, got axe17, hachi15, apple01, and nfu12.
- Voted at kkm_itest week 76, got rain13.
- Exchanged 1 Rank A for kyojyu18, kaleido10, and a Rank C.
- Got friend11 from the Card Shop.
- Got progress14 from the Card Shop.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 107, got beloved17.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 132, got balinese01.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 132, got balinese01.
- Voted at inuawards week 242, got howl10.
- Voted at sm_icontest week 155, got uranus20.
- Voted at anime_crops week 68, got gene05.
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest week 139, got hikikomori16 and sketch20. (iris19)
- Voted at sesshy_icontest week 139, got heist14.
- Voted at la_corda_itest week 73, got puu18.
- Submitted at la_corda_itest week 73, got scherzando13, heart01, betrayal20, and armor07.
- Placed at la_corda_itest week 72, got boots02, fanservice18, and positive10.
- Voted at la_corda_hush week 80, got ceo05.
- Submitted at la_corda_hush week 80, got virtue12, horse06, and sinner13.
- Placed at la_corda_hush week 79, got flame03, pharaoh01, and gay07.
- Voted at kouga_stills week 126, got sannin11.
- Placed at anime_crops week 67, got scatter06.
- Submitted at title_awards week 36, got attack13, kyojyu09, and guard06.
- Voted at kkm_challenge Round 28, got lancelot08. (wings15)
- Placed at shoujoicontest Week 27, got bomb16 and fanservice13.
- Submitted at shoujoicontest Week 28, got shark01 and alien07. (wings07)
- Submitted at sesshy_icontest Week 138, got alien03 and idiot02. (wings04)
- Exchanged 1 Rank A Cert for dog11, pirate20, and gum04.
- Leveled up! (lvl 14), got 1 Rank A Cert, sky14, jewel05, egyptian01, friend04, ceo19, balinese17, apple09, scar09, moon08, kendama10, kyojyu16, mist09, wank09, and shift07.
- Got snake14 at the Card Shop.
- Got slacker11 at the Card Shop.
- Got serial03 at the Card Shop.
- Voted at inuyasha_lims Round 19 week 05, got hat08, 10th11, and phoenix18.
- Voted at talesof_awards week 134, got gay16.
- Submitted at title_awards week 39, got souen43, puzzle03, and ginryuu10.
- Voted at title_awards week 39, got extreme06.
- Placed at title_awards week 38, got wishes10, gekidasa18, and trainer06.
- Placed at kkm_itest week 94, got balinese04 and phoenix04.
- Voted at sm_icontest week 157, got clown06.
- Voted at hc_icontest week 109, got uranus12.
- Voted at inuawards week 244, got 10th17.

Activity logs 1 2 3 || Trade logs 1 2 3 4|| Card Post || Mastered Decks 1 2 3 4 SP || Badges

tcg_exchange, activity logs

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