Blah blah blah + poll

Aug 22, 2012 20:58

Ugh, I really hate when I start reading a long fic that seems pretty good and sucks me in, and then it starts to go downhill, but I'm too involved with the story to stop reading, even if I think I'm going to vomit if the author uses any more italics, and if the story line gets any more sickeningly saccharine. How many times can these (grown male) ( Read more... )

question, rants

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Comments 37

magnetic_pole August 23 2012, 01:13:06 UTC
I always feel as if I should eat out less often, but it's one of the great joys of life... M.


secretsolitaire August 23 2012, 01:19:13 UTC
I don't really eat out that often, but it's so lovely when I do. Some things I realistically can't make for myself, you know? And it's better when someone else cooks. ;-)


passing_through August 23 2012, 01:24:53 UTC
I haaattee it when fics fall apart. It makes me crazy that I've wasted my time and got my hopes up. Totally not fair :(

I had a strong craving for NBA RPF while the finals were going on, lol, but didn't follow through. Right now I'm getting really slashy vibes from Jeffery Donovan of Burn Notice. I haven't looked for any RPF fic, but I'm thinking about it.

I rarely read on AO3 so I don't leave kudos. There was an author on my flist that went on a HUGE rant about how much she hated kudos. The concept really offended her. My family eats out way too often and we've been trying to curb that habit.


secretsolitaire August 23 2012, 02:14:14 UTC
So annoying! Better for a fic to suck from the beginning so I don't even bother. >:-(

Haha, I'm torn between telling you to go for it and telling you to run away screaming before the RPF sucks you in like it has me. I did notice a major uptick in Olympics slash a few weeks ago in the Sports RPF category of AO3, which made me laugh.

Yeah, some authors seem to feel really strongly for or against kudos. I can see both sides; there are times when I am in an unfamiliar fandom where I don't feel comfortable leaving a full-out comment, but hitting the kudos button is something easy I can do. And yet, there have been other times when I could leave a comment but cop out and take the easy way instead.

I have been eating out a bit more often of late, not sure why. I love when someone else cooks, but it tends to be less healthy and more expensive.


gaycrow August 23 2012, 01:29:59 UTC
Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares for Me

I LOVE that song! I could listen to it on a loop for ages.

Spinner, who wrote some great Harry/Snape fan fic, writes hockey fic. I don't know anything about hockey, so I haven't tried them out. Maybe I should! Here's a link to her website:


secretsolitaire August 23 2012, 02:17:54 UTC
I'm listening to a greatest hits album of hers and it's fantastic!

Oooh, thanks for the link. She's got a ton of fic there. I will check it out for sure. Thanks for feeding my obsession. ;-)


asimaiyat August 23 2012, 01:32:28 UTC
Oh I hate when that happens.

And yeah, I have totally gotten into fandoms without watching the source material. We all know it's all about the fetish fuel for me. :)


secretsolitaire August 23 2012, 02:22:57 UTC
Haha, fetish fuel! Good way to put it. I will read just about anything when looking for my favorite kinks, although that usually doesn't lead me into a new fandom (thank god, or I'd have dozens by now *g*).


janice_lester August 23 2012, 01:49:18 UTC
Buzz puts me off, generally. I resisted reading Harry Potter for years after people started raving about it, because I seldom like the things the masses like and because I hate being put in a position where I have to tell someone I didn't like something they recommended to me. I resisted watching Supernatural precisely because it had so much buzz. And then someone ranted about a Supernatural fic on fanficrants--the ranter thought it should have a non-con warning--so I went to check it out. And, yes, it should have had a non-con warning like whoa. But it made me Want to Know More. So I bought season 4 on DVD, and that, as they say, was that...


secretsolitaire August 23 2012, 02:31:55 UTC
I resisted reading Harry Potter for years after people started raving about it

Haha, I did too! Isn't it vexing when the masses turn out to be right? :-)

So you started with Supernatural season 4 instead of 1? Reminds me of how I fell into the Queer as Folk fandom by watching random YouTube clips, getting all my seasons mixed up instead of watching in proper order. I got there in the end...


janice_lester August 23 2012, 04:50:27 UTC
I console myself that getting into HP late meant that I missed out on the worst of that long gap between GOF and OOTP; by the time I read the first four, there was only something like six months' wait for the next book.

Yeah, I started with season 4. As I recall, seasons 2 and 4 were on sale at my local online DVD retailer, and 3 was out of stock. I didn't want to get the first two, love them, and then not be able to get my hands on three. Also, the character who intrigued me in that fic I read didn't seem to appear until season 4, and the blurb for season 4 sounded much more interesting than season 1 anyway (someone gets rescued from Hell? Much cooler than someone getting picked up from university by his brother!). So, I wound up buying and devouring season 4, then ordering the first three and watching those, reporting to ellethill in great excitement over every little discovery. (She, poor thing, had to try to keep focused on what I had watched and not spoil things for me.) By the time that was done I could order season 5 on DVD, so ( ... )


secretsolitaire August 24 2012, 01:43:42 UTC
Sounds like you came to the series right about when I did! I remember borrowing the first book from a British friend who was appalled I hadn't given the series a try. I didn't expect to like it, but I inhaled it and immediately demanded that he lend me the next three at once. :-D

Ah, it makes sense to start with a later season if that's when your character of interest was introduced! Castiel, I assume? (I've read some SPN fic, mostly AU's that can be read as original fic, or filthy stuff that hits my kinks. I love that the kink meme is so active. *g*)

I've tried out a few things since with an expectation that I might become fannish about them, but it's never really taken. I've had that happen a few times too! Sherlock BBC for one. I know what you mean about the waning Trek fandom. Way, WAY too long between movies. :-( I am hoping that the next film will bring back the love for some of my favorite writers (and, sadly, for me -- at some point in the last month or two I seem to have crossed the line into "former flame" instead of " ( ... )


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