Blah blah blah + poll

Aug 22, 2012 20:58

Ugh, I really hate when I start reading a long fic that seems pretty good and sucks me in, and then it starts to go downhill, but I'm too involved with the story to stop reading, even if I think I'm going to vomit if the author uses any more italics, and if the story line gets any more sickeningly saccharine. How many times can these (grown male) characters cry in 100,000 words? Ugh.

In other news, I seem to have adopted a new fandom: ice hockey RPF. *headdesk* Whyyyyyyy? Never mind that I actually dislike watching hockey and barely know what any of the players look like, much less which teams they play for or what they're like in real life. But it's like original m/m fic with sticks. (Hockey sticks, of course. *g*) I'm going to blame besamislabios and ella_bane for this. ;-)

Have a poll!

Poll Blah blah blah

question, rants

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