A mixed bag of recs

Sep 07, 2012 22:49

Have some Friday night recs in a panoply of fandoms and flavors. :-)

Struck by gryffindorj and mindabbles (Teddy/James, NC-17, rimming)
I love the premise of this fic -- Teddy as a photographer who begins to see James differently after he turns his lens on him. It's a beautiful, and very hot, love story.

Head Boy by __hibiscus (Harry/Draco, R/NC-17, underage [18/16], AU)
Delicious AU in which Harry is the head boy seducing a younger Draco. Hnnngh.

Afterglow by oldenuf2nb (Harry/Draco, WS)
So, so beautiful. ♥

After Hours by vividescent (Teddy/Regulus, PG-13, cousin-cest)
Bet you've never seen this pairing before! Ah, the magic of time travel. :-D Very passionate art.

The Artist & His Model by Anonymous (Dean/Draco, NC-17)
Dean is commissioned to paint a portrait of Draco. Dean is beyond gorgeous, and the, er, "deflowering" panel is ridiculously hot.

Harry and Draco on the proper use of a blanket by chibitoaster (Harry/Draco, WS)
*swoon* Such a passionate kiss!

The Boys Who Lived by __hibiscus (Harry/Draco, G)
The summary says it all: Harry's not the only one with scars. Gorgeous.

The Adventure by greensilver (Neville, other characters, WS)
Eeeee! Watch and be filled with Neville love. ♥

going up flying, going home by antumbral (Sidney Crosby/Jonathan Toews, NC-17, mild breathplay, cutting, scarification)
As I've said before, I've somehow started reading hockey fic without actually being a hockey fan. /o\ But this fic was the first one that made me want to watch hockey. It's a novella-length story about the Canadian hockey team at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, and the author made me care not only about the romantic/sexual relationship between the two main characters, but also about the team, the fiercely fought games, the incredible weight of a country's expectations for gold. Don't be put off by the warnings (unless they're a trigger for you, of course); I thought the cutting/scarification aspects were very skillfully handled.

Five Tricks in Five Senses by justinlovesart (Justin/OC's, background Brian/Justin, R)
This story is told in vignettes centered on Justin's encounters with five different tricks. As always, the author weaves telling details and subtle callbacks to canon into every section. A moving and erotic glimpse of Justin post-canon.

Undeniable by coffeethyme4me (Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, PG)
This is a lovely, emotional ficlet written for my prompt of "apology." ♥

The Fall by foxestacado (Sherlock, PG)
A striking and powerful portrait.

We Didn't Start the Fire by fiercynn and scribe @DW (many fandoms, PG-13-ish, brief images of nudity, violence, drug use)
A clever, funny and inspiring love letter to 50 years of fandom. I saw my first fandom in here (Newsies!) -- did you?

The following three stories are my favorites from the latest issue of bb_shousetsu, which is a monthly collection of (usually) m/m original fic. The theme this past month was After-School Special. The following are all m/m.

See You After School by Tsukizubon Saruko (NC-17)
If you want a little down and dirty porn, allow me to point you in this direction. HOT. (Note: The two main characters are students and I don't believe their age is stated, if that will bother you.)

Consequences of the New York City Smoke-Free Air Act of 2002 by Domashita Romero (R-ish)
A sweet getting-together tale with good dialogue and likable characters (both teachers).

Spirit Week by claracaverly (NC-17)
Two teachers get a little over-involved in Spirit Week. Also extremely hot, but has a bit of angst and plot to hang the story around.

Whew. *falls over dead of excessive typing and coding* If you enjoy something, leave a little love for its creator!

harry/draco, recs: qaf fic, gen, teddy/james, recs: wc fic, recs: original fic, recs: sherlock bbc art, peter/neal/elizabeth, crosby/toews, recs: multifandom vid, recs: hockey rpf fic, recs: hp fic, threesomes, brian/justin, recs: hp art, justin/omc, au, dean/draco, teddy/regulus

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