Fic recs + a meme

Oct 29, 2009 20:54

1. Go, Phillies, go! \o/

2. You've probably already seen this meme 80 times, but kata_ny said she had the perfect word for me, so I'm too curious not to post:

Leave a ONE WORD comment that you think describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.That last part is optional, of ( Read more... )

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, mccoy/chekov, gen, remus/sirius, meme, hurt/comfort, spock/mccoy, mccoy/jocelyn, au, spock/uhura, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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Comments 25

kari77 October 30 2009, 01:01:31 UTC
Generous is the word that comes to my mind first.


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 01:51:42 UTC
That's a lovely thing to say, thank you!


glass_icarus October 30 2009, 01:14:40 UTC
Pensive. :)


magnetic_pole October 30 2009, 18:22:19 UTC
Ah, that was what I was going to use, too! So now I get a second word (and I hope this comes across as a compliment, because it is in my book): self-contained. M.


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:05:38 UTC
I definitely consider that a compliment, thank you. ♥


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 01:52:02 UTC
*nod nod* That works! Thanks for indulging me. ♥


auselysium October 30 2009, 01:22:10 UTC
So happy to see some Phillies love!!! :)

And I always like seeing your recs...I've been loving the HD career fair.


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:07:38 UTC
Too bad our Phillies love wasn't enough to eke out a win last night, eh? But splitting the two games in New York was still pretty good, I thought -- now if only they could win all three at home. *crosses fingers*

Yes, that fest has been producing a lot of good (but looong) fic! I am not following every post, but I do pop in when I see recs and have read some good stuff. The latest art over there is stunning.


auselysium October 31 2009, 03:25:30 UTC
There have been lots of fics too...hard to keep up, but a lot have been good reads. It is always nice to read H/D. :)

I think I know which art you are talking of (looked like pencil - with Harry dreaming of finding time) Just gorgeous!!!

As for the Phillies, I think you're right about coming away with 1 win in NYC. It was crucial! And every post season series they won in the last 2 years, was with losing game two. So if history says anything, we are right on track!! :)


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 15:41:22 UTC
I think I know which art you are talking of (looked like pencil - with Harry dreaming of finding time)

Yes, that one! I can't remember her name at the moment, but I know I've seen that artist's work before, and it's always excellent.

And every post season series they won in the last 2 years, was with losing game two. So if history says anything, we are right on track!! :)

Oh yay, that's good to know! Hope they win tonight (and that the game isn't rained out :-/).


lionille October 30 2009, 01:22:39 UTC


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:08:37 UTC
I don't usually feel all that intrepid in my day-to-day life, so it's sort of fun to hear that I come across that way here. Being more brave is one of those things I'm working on.

*snuggles you*


ivorysilk October 30 2009, 01:43:49 UTC
I'm adding you, if that's ok, because I love fic recs! :-)


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:10:05 UTC
And I love fic, so I added you back! :-D


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