Fic recs + a meme

Oct 29, 2009 20:54

1. Go, Phillies, go! \o/

2. You've probably already seen this meme 80 times, but kata_ny said she had the perfect word for me, so I'm too curious not to post:

Leave a ONE WORD comment that you think describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.That last part is optional, of ( Read more... )

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, mccoy/chekov, gen, remus/sirius, meme, hurt/comfort, spock/mccoy, mccoy/jocelyn, au, spock/uhura, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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auselysium October 30 2009, 01:22:10 UTC
So happy to see some Phillies love!!! :)

And I always like seeing your recs...I've been loving the HD career fair.


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:07:38 UTC
Too bad our Phillies love wasn't enough to eke out a win last night, eh? But splitting the two games in New York was still pretty good, I thought -- now if only they could win all three at home. *crosses fingers*

Yes, that fest has been producing a lot of good (but looong) fic! I am not following every post, but I do pop in when I see recs and have read some good stuff. The latest art over there is stunning.


auselysium October 31 2009, 03:25:30 UTC
There have been lots of fics too...hard to keep up, but a lot have been good reads. It is always nice to read H/D. :)

I think I know which art you are talking of (looked like pencil - with Harry dreaming of finding time) Just gorgeous!!!

As for the Phillies, I think you're right about coming away with 1 win in NYC. It was crucial! And every post season series they won in the last 2 years, was with losing game two. So if history says anything, we are right on track!! :)


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 15:41:22 UTC
I think I know which art you are talking of (looked like pencil - with Harry dreaming of finding time)

Yes, that one! I can't remember her name at the moment, but I know I've seen that artist's work before, and it's always excellent.

And every post season series they won in the last 2 years, was with losing game two. So if history says anything, we are right on track!! :)

Oh yay, that's good to know! Hope they win tonight (and that the game isn't rained out :-/).


auselysium October 31 2009, 03:26:22 UTC
Oooo...And I loved that Sirius/Remus fic you recced. I didn't even know that fest was going on!


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 15:42:29 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! That fest has been going on throughout October. I'll be honest and say that the general quality of fic probably hasn't been quite as high as that of the H/D career fair, but there have definitely been some good pieces, and they've been (on the whole) much shorter, LOL. So I have actually managed to keep up. :-D


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