Fic recs + a meme

Oct 29, 2009 20:54

1. Go, Phillies, go! \o/

2. You've probably already seen this meme 80 times, but kata_ny said she had the perfect word for me, so I'm too curious not to post:

Leave a ONE WORD comment that you think describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.

That last part is optional, of course. :-)

3. Have some fic recs:

Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, NC-17, AU, minor character death, grieving)
This is an absolutely gorgeous non-magical AU featuring Harry as a member of the British Parliament and Draco as the cafe owner who serves him his daily triple espresso macchiato. I loved pretty much everything about this fic -- the way the author keeps the characters true to their canon selves even without magic, the way she carefully builds out Draco's world and let us get to know him before Harry even enters the picture, and the way she uses warm, believable supporting characters to flesh out the fic. It's lovely.

Fools Rush In by Anonymous (Remus/Sirius, AU, PG-13)
This fic has the most charming stalker!Sirius ever, and the banter between him and Remus is just beautifully done. I also like that the fic had a few surprises that took it beyond its light-hearted beginning.

What You Eat by subterrain (McCoy/Chekov, past Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, AU)
I seem to be on an AU kick today! This one is set at a San Francisco restaurant, with Kirk as the head chef, Spock as sous-chef, Bones as sommelier(!), and Chekov as the newly hired garde manger. I found parts of this painful to read at times -- Bones is rather broken by certain events in his past, and Kirk isn't exactly thriving either. But Chekov is just gorgeous here, exactly what a weary, bitter Bones needs. And the writing is sharp and engaging.

The Opposite of Expediency by ewinfic (Spock/McCoy, NC-17, AU, discussion of rape, torture, and mutilation)
And another AU! This one imagines that Spock's mother died in childbirth, which took his childhood in a different (and heartbreaking) direction. Years later, he asks Bones to remove the scars left on his body. This is amazing hurt/comfort here, and one of my favorite things about it is that to some extent, that hurt/comfort really goes both ways. I loved this Bones so much.

I'll Make it to the Moon if I Have to Crawl by 1297 (McCoy-Uhura friendship, Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, PG-13)
Lovely, lovely story about the friendship between Bones and Uhura, starting at the Academy and running through to their time at the Enterprise. I liked how they give each other a mixture of support and tough love, and the Kirk/McCoy and Spock/Uhura parts of this are just gorgeous.

No Dead End in Sight by northatlantic (McCoy gen, with some McCoy/Jocelyn and pre-Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, minor character death)
This is a mostly gen piece with an interesting premise -- that Bones is just as much of a prodigy as Kirk and Spock are. It traces his life starting with his childhood, continuing through the family heartbreaks that send him to Starfleet, ending in the aftermath of the movie. It's all insightful and beautifully written, but my favorite parts were the scenes with Joanna and (of course) with Jim. ♥

See something you like? Leave a few kind words for the author!

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, mccoy/chekov, gen, remus/sirius, meme, hurt/comfort, spock/mccoy, mccoy/jocelyn, au, spock/uhura, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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