Saturday Recs

Oct 24, 2009 14:39

Happiest of birthdays to wook77 and kyasuriin (yesterday), and to kirasha (today)!

I have gotten really lucky with the new kink meme lately -- another of my prompts has been filled! (And as a bonus, "Jim" -- aka his RP counterpart -- responded to my prompt too. *is dorkily pleased*) 'Tis here:

Holding Steady by why_i_oughta (Kirk and McCoy friendship or slash, G)
It doesn't match exactly what I prompted, but it's a very sweet little look at Bones and Jim's friendship, as well as one of my favorite things: Bones taking care of Jim so that Jim can take care of everyone else. ♥

And more from the ST fandom:

Vid: Apple Candy by talitha78 (Kirk/Spock/Uhura and permutations, PG-ish)
I've watched this vid at least four or five times now. It's a gorgeous portrait of desire, of all the many things Jim wants and how badly he wants them. I don't know how the vidder found a song with such perfect lyrics. ♥

And once you've watched the vid, you simply must read the accompanying fic by lunabee34 (rated adult), which captures the tone and feel of the vid beautifully.

More ST fic:

Light That You Shine by rubynye (Gaila/Jim, others, NC-17, mourning)
Jim and Gaila sneak out onto the roof of Starfleet Medical in the aftermath of the events of the movie. As I said in my comment: "It's everything mourning sex should be ... bittersweet, achy, loving, intimate, joyful, life-affirming, all of it mixed up together."

Indigestion and Other Matters of the Heart by mrasaki (Kirk/McCoy, Sulu/Chekov, NC-17)
*grins* This one is so fun. Jim tries to make dinner for Bones, and shenanigans ensue. Funny and sweet and touching, with bonus Sulu/Chekov!

Gay Wizard Seeks Same by Anonymous (Kingsley/Harry, NC-17)
This fic kept me smiling through all 8,000 words -- first at the gentle humor as Harry, Ron, and Hermione attempt to find Harry an appropriate match in the personal ads, and then at the awkward sweetness as Kingsley and Harry's relationship develops. An absolute delight.

Common Woodbrown by Anonymous (Remus/Sirius, R, AU)
There's been some great stuff posted at rs_games, but this one is my hands-down favorite so far. The premise: In 1985, Remus Lupin realizes that Sirius Black is innocent. Now, he just has to prove it. It's also AU in that Remus ends up raising Harry after the Potters' deaths.

I could tell as soon as I started reading that I was in the hands of a talented author; the rich characterizations and the vivid way she brings every setting to life drew me in immediately. This is very much a Remus story (though Sirius and other characters are present in important ways), about the way he learns to understand and more importantly accept himself the way he is. Long and very satisfying.

Stay by Anonymous (Sirius/Draco, NC-17, dub-con, underage [Draco is 16])
I am way late to the party on this one, but I finally read it the other day and was completely sucked in. It's a creative look at the "forced marriage" trope, but what makes it special are the characterizations of Sirius and Draco -- just perfect.

The Bubble Bath by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
Okay, this is unabashed schmoop, but it's so beautifully drawn (and it has such an adorable surprise at the end) that I couldn't resist a rec. ♥

Blossoming by thilia (Rose/Lily, marked as PG-13 but pretty darn NWS)
Nnnnnnnngh, absolutely delicious girl kissing. Rose in particular is just luscious.

All the Roads We Have to Walk by aramley (Roger/Rafa, R)
I haven't been reading much tennis stuff lately, but this fic reminded me of why I love this pairing so much, particularly Rafa with his mix of resilience and youthful optimism. The fic takes place after both men have retired; they meet up again when a movie is made about their rivalry. It's a premise with the potential to be cheesy, but it's handled well, and the time Roger and Rafa spend together in Mallorca makes for some of the most beautiful scenes I've ever read between these two. Mirka and Andy Roddick make lovely cameo appearances too. :-)

Among Some Talk of You and Me by meretricula (Roger/Rafa, others, PG)
This is another future fic, this one set after Roger retires but while Rafa is still playing. The bittersweetness of it really works for me, the sense that nothing is quite the same for Rafa without the rivalry with Roger. And the ending is lovely.

Ted and Blake poster by foreverbm (Ted/Blake, G)
foreverbm has been making posters for various QaF characters and pairings, and kata_ny and I both requested one for Ted/Blake. This is what we got in response -- how sweet are these two? So perfect for each other. ♥

See something you like? Please drop a few words of praise for the writer/artist. :-)

harry/draco, kirk/gaila, recs: qaf graphics, recs: st vid, birthday, kingsley/harry, sulu/chekov, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic, sirius/draco, recs: hp fic, remus/sirius, threesomes, rose/lily, recs: hp art, recs: tennis rps fic, au, kirk/spock/uhura, ted/blake, roger/rafa

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