Fic recs + a meme

Oct 29, 2009 20:54

1. Go, Phillies, go! \o/

2. You've probably already seen this meme 80 times, but kata_ny said she had the perfect word for me, so I'm too curious not to post:

Leave a ONE WORD comment that you think describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.That last part is optional, of ( Read more... )

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, mccoy/chekov, gen, remus/sirius, meme, hurt/comfort, spock/mccoy, mccoy/jocelyn, au, spock/uhura, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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Comments 25

kata_ny October 30 2009, 07:10:31 UTC

(because of your very own insightful thoughts, views on things that always make me think more)


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:12:46 UTC
That is such a lovely thing to say; thank you. ♥

Also, I hope you're doing okay. *hugs you tightly*


merkuria October 30 2009, 07:10:59 UTC
Oh there is a word for you: reader :)

Speaking of, I don't think I've seen you rec this story (but maybe I missed it) and I was wondering whether you have read it. One of the most beautiful and heartbreaking things in the fandom:

Less than Ideal


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:23:40 UTC
Oh there is a word for you: reader :)

Hahaha, yes, that hits the nail on the head!

And I have indeed read that one -- you're right, absolutely heartbreaking.


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secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:24:00 UTC
Aw. You're welcome!


firehead30 October 30 2009, 13:51:10 UTC

I love it when your posts pop up, either recs or otherwise. I love to read what you are thinking.


secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:25:00 UTC
Thank you so much! And I feel the same about your posts. :-)


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secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 02:26:59 UTC
Oh good, I'm glad you enjoyed that one! And I hear you about long fics -- I have about 30 bookmarked to read, none of them shorter than 20,000 words, ugh. I will never catch up!

"Articulate" is a lovely compliment, especially when I don't always feel that I am. :-P Thanks, hon.


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secretsolitaire October 31 2009, 15:43:17 UTC
Just wait till December when all the holiday fests suddenly start posting. I usually don't catch up on all the holiday stuff until March or April. :-P


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