Recs and random things

Oct 03, 2009 22:28

1. I did a post the other night over on IJ about my 10 favorite QaF icons (and I threw in three non-QaF ones for kicks ( Read more... )

recs: qaf fic, gen, meme, recs: vl fic, recs: st art, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic, question, threesomes, rants, brian/justin, severus/harry, kirk/gaila/omc, spock/mccoy, recs: hp art, au, classicshorts, spock/uhura, spanking, icons

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Comments 34

foreverbm October 4 2009, 03:01:45 UTC
3. Question for porn writers, because I am curious: when you're writing a sex scene, do you find it hot while you're writing it? Or are you too worried about making the words sound right, dealing with slash pronouns, that sort of thing?

I write a lot of porn as you know and when I write it I am more focused on making sure it sounds right, that what I am having them do is actually possible more than the hotness of it.
There is nothing worse I don't think than reading a porn fic where what they are doing is physically impossible. It takes the realism out of it I believe anyways.

When it's finished and I read it, then I usually find it 'hot', in relation to my Ben/Michael works that is, because if I don't, I worry if anyone else will.

Does that make sense?


secretsolitaire October 4 2009, 19:26:25 UTC
There is nothing worse I don't think than reading a porn fic where what they are doing is physically impossible.

Oh god, I know. I think I've ranted several times here about my least favorite example of this -- someone stimulating someone else's prostate with his tongue. Unless you have a magical extendo-tongue, it ain't gonna happen. That always drags me right out of a fic.

And yes, that makes perfect sense. If you don't push your own buttons, you probably won't push anyone else's. :-)


rhiannonhero October 4 2009, 03:05:55 UTC
Aw, you rec'd my story!!!!! Thank you so much! I'm still crazy fond of that one right now, so I'm totally thrilled. Thank you!

As for writing porn, I usually go through three stages with it:

a) I write the draft and think it is really damn hot while I'm writing it
b) I review/edit it, find it lame and embarrassing, hate on it a bit, and yet force myself through the edits
c) read it over and think it is hot again! Yay!

But sometimes I read it over again a year or two later and think it isn't hot at all. And other times I read it a year or two later and think, "Damn, did I really write that? 'cause it is smokin' hot!!!!" LOL! It just depends. :D


secretsolitaire October 4 2009, 19:42:25 UTC
You're very welcome!

Haha, I like your description of your process. I have gone back to things I wrote for school or work and had the same type of reaction a year or two later -- "hey, that was pretty good!" Or "wow, did I write this tripe?" LOL.


maxwrite October 4 2009, 03:24:53 UTC
Question 3. Huh. I had to think about this one for a minute. I think I have to envision the activity in my head first, actually see it happening, before I can actually write it. I picture it and then try to come up with some beautiful/sexy way to describe what I see. So, I know it's hot (at least hot to me, heh) before I actually try to write it, and then I can focus on all that pesky sentence structure and pronoun business. I do a lot of stopping and starting while writing because of this. I do this a lot with dialogue too; I have to stop and hear it in my head first to make sure it sounds natural, not just for human speech in general, but also for the character that's speaking.


secretsolitaire October 4 2009, 19:49:26 UTC
*nods* That makes sense! No wonder your pr0n is good. ;-)


xie_xie_xie October 4 2009, 04:18:35 UTC
I always find my erotica hot while I'm writing it. :)


secretsolitaire October 4 2009, 20:07:46 UTC
I am glad to hear that, because it's darn hot and it would suck if you were missing out on the fun. ;-)


auselysium October 4 2009, 05:01:09 UTC
Re: Question 3.

There are times when I can get a little hot and bothered writing the smutty parts of my fics. But a lot of times I am so caught up in trying to capture not only the physical act, but also the emotion of it that my brain is too busy for my body to react. I do sometimes go back and reread stuff and think "Damn! I wrote that?? I am a dirty, dirty girl." :)

Will totally check out the VL fic. I haven't read much in that Fandom though I love Chrolli. :)


secretsolitaire October 4 2009, 20:20:39 UTC
I do sometimes go back and reread stuff and think "Damn! I wrote that?? I am a dirty, dirty girl." :)

Hee, that must be nice -- like getting surprise porn written just for you, to your exact specifications! ;-)

Hope you enjoy the VL fic.


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