1. I did a post the other night over on IJ about my
10 favorite QaF icons (and I threw in three non-QaF ones for kicks).
2. When will fanfic writers learn to tell the difference between the following words?
-pour and pore
-discreet and discrete
-phase and faze (OMG THIS DRIVES ME NUTS)
-taut and taunt (no more taunt nipples, please!)
Seriously, if you don't know the difference, find a beta who does.
3. Question for porn writers, because I am curious: when you're writing a sex scene, do you find it hot while you're writing it? Or are you too worried about making the words sound right, dealing with slash pronouns, that sort of thing?
4. Our latest discussion post is up over at
classicshorts! Our short story selection this time is
The Swimmer by John Cheever. (There's a link to the story online at that post.) I really liked this one, so I hope some of you will pop on over and participate in the discussion. :-)
5. Have some recs.
Soul with Soul by
foxestacado (Severus/Harry, PG-13, see link for warnings)
I'm sure Snarry fans have seen this one already, but for anyone else -- go, click! It's Harry and Snape as angels, which sounds cracky but ends up being absolutely magnificent. Their wings alone are epic, and the poses and the roiling sky give this piece a real sense of weight and power.
Severus Saves His Boy by
miyoung_boz (Severus/Harry, R, rentboy Harry, possible dubcon)
Gah, this is sad and atmospheric and absolutely beautiful. I love way the author has rendered the glow of the lanterns in the background, and Harry is just exquisite.
Dr. McCoy + Completed Triptych by
jou (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, G)
The Planet Vulcan and
Terra, which I recced
way back when? These pieces of Spock and Kirk art have been joined by a companion Bones piece, and the artist has put all three of them together an absolutely stunning triptych.
Met by Moonlight by
ninhursag (Kirk/Gaila/OMC)
This fic is a sequel to
another fic, which you should definitely read too, but this one absolutely slayed me. I can't decide who I love most -- Gaila, who is so loving and knows so much about what makes Jim tick; or Jim, whose bravery breaks my heart a little; or the original male character, whose gentle sweetness is exactly what Jim needs. Such a beautiful fic.
Various women-centric ficlets at
where_no_woman (Uhura, Gaila, Amanda, Winona, Christine, Joanna, Jocelyn, etc.)
Looking for well-written fic about strong, interesting women? Check out this post. There's some really beautiful stuff here about just about any female ST character you'd want to read about. A few favorites:
this one about Amanda's death (raw and visceral),
this one about Gaila (with bonus Jim and Pike), and
this other one about Gaila (with bonus Bones). But they're all worth reading.
Swing and a Miss by Anonymous (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, spanking -- scroll down a bit for part one)
The author takes a deliciously cracky premise (corporal punishment is standard in Starfleet, but Jim can't keep up with all the spankings so he enlists Bones to help) and turns it into something that's humorous and hot, yes, but also serious and insightful. I loved this because it hits my spanking kink, obviously, but I was fascinated by the dynamics between Jim and Bones, and by the context that the author imagines for this particular kink.
Nobody to Help Me (But Myself) by
igrockspock (Christine Chapel, Kirk, R, violence, attempted rape)
One of my favorite themes in Star Trek fic is female characters using their skills and wits to save themselves from peril, and this is one of those. Christine is strong and real here as she faces a hell of a scary situation. And Jim has a lovely cameo.
Postal Service by
midnight_city (Kirk/McCoy, R, AU)
I laughed myself silly over this one, which features Bones as a vet and Jim as the mailman that he ogles through his blinds. Sulu and Chekov are priceless as Bones's assistants, and there's a great scene with Spock in a grocery store. Win.
Not Her Body, But Her Life by
igrockspock (Spock/Uhura, Amanda, PG)
This is a thoughtful, subtle story about Spock dealing with the aftermath of Amanda's death, trying to figure out how to remember and pay tribute to a mother he didn't always understand. Insightful and beautifully written.
Human Courtship Practices in Five Easy Steps by
madelf @DW (Spock/McCoy, PG-13)
I bookmarked this to rec months ago, but then failed to do so because I always forget that I have a DW account, LOL. Anyway, this one is tons of fun -- Spock attempts to woo Bones using courtship practices he's seen in human movies. Hilarious.
Lay Down The Load That You Carry by
freakykat (Brian, Michael, background Brian/Justin, PG-15)
This is the first fic in ages to really make me feel the QaF love again (and I mean a fandom sort of love, not "teh love" [blech]). What I loved most here is the friendship between Brian and Michael; the opening scene with them as teenagers is absolutely pitch-perfect. The author really manages to capture the warmth and support that drew the whole gang together on the show.
Here's Looking at You, Kid by
rhiannonhero (Christian/Oliver, adult)
Yeah, remember this fandom that ate my brain a while back? I haven't really been following Christian and Olli's latest adventures, but naturally fic from Rhi is not to be missed. This one is long and plotty and angsty and wonderful. The premise is a common fanfic cliche -- after an illegal blow to the head during a boxing match, Christian wakes up with amnesia -- but the author does amazing things with it, and takes it in a direction that I, at least, didn't expect. Well worth reading if you have any interest at all in Olli and Christian.
Okay, this post took forever. *falls over* As always, please leave some love if you read/see something you enjoy!