The 2008 Secret Chlark Santa Exchange has wound down and so now it's time to reveal just who our lovely Santas were.
The Big Reveal: Secret Santas Exposed!
angryscientist created
The Finishing Touch [fanart] for
eklisped butifulyletdown created
Another New Year [fanfiction, nc-17] for
ellyfanfiction butifulyletdown created
All Beginnings Changed [fanfiction, pg-13] for
fehrplay capriciouswind created
Always Where I Need To Be [video] for
lillie_poo_pod electricmonk333 created
icons for
rjchasez ellyfanfiction created
Oleander [fanfiction, pg-13] for
ladydreamer excelaunt created
The Abacus [fanfiction, pg] for
robynadele0406 fehrplay created
A Start of a Beautiful... [fanfiction, pg-13] for
angryscientist g8r_gal created
The Missing Piece [fanfiction, pg-13/teen] for
electricmonk333 ladydreamercreated
Been Waiting to See the Resolution in Your Eyes [fanfiction, g] for
butifulyletdown lilbreck created
The Ravisher [graphics] for
twistedlyn misformazing created
Borrowed Time [video] for
lilbreck monicaop created
Happy Ending [video] for
excelaunt monicaop created
Chlark...Just Charming [video] for
sanadafaye rjchasez created
Begging To Be Touched [fanfiction, nc-17] for
simplytoopretty robynadele0406 created
Time Falls Away[fanfiction, pg] for
capriciouswind sanadafaye created
Making Headlines [graphic] for
tobywolf13 simplytoopretty created
The Heavy Weight of Gravity [fanfiction, pg] for
sugarpromises simplytoopretty created
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy [fanfiction, r/nc-17] for
monicaop sugarpromises created
The (almost) happy ending of Clark and Chloe [desktop and icons] for
g8r_gal tobywolf13 created
Through the Haze (
part 1 &
part 2) [fanfiction, pg-13] for
deludedvision twistedlyn created
Loyalities Lie [fanfiction, pg] for
misformazing lilbreck and I have been thrilled by the results. We hope everyone had a fun time creating and receiving their gifts. And please don't forget to feed our wonderful writers, artists, and vidders with comments!