So my Creative Writing homework (the one I should be doing right now *facepalm*) is to write a personal essay on something we are passionate about. I feel this may be somewhat redundant, but I'm going to do it on writing, why I write and when I started writing and such (because I feel an essay on fandom with just garner confusion *g
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Comments 21
I daydream a lot too. I think that's where my first ideas came from, me daydreaming and wanting to put into words. And YES to developing characters in your head. I do that all the time, but I never get around to putting them to paper :/
FANFICTION IS FUN :D Also, I really need to read this Vicki gen fic. She was so tragic and she reminded me so much of people I knew in high school, which is probably why she resonated so much.
Oh woe. I have so many fics I've started and need to finish ;___;
It's awesome <3
If you want to check out the Vicki fic, it is here on my writing journal. I was so depressed after "Haunted" premiered. I stayed up that night writing it because I had to get it down and finish it before I went to bed or else I wouldn't get to sleep. I really think it was right to kill her character off. Happy endings don't always exist and though it has a supernatural twist, it's real in the fact that those like Vicki don't always make it out and get better. It's really depressing to think about it. I sort of want to do something similar to Ben (though he wasn't as tragic, but he also wasn't there as long).
Glad I can help <3
I support doing the same thing for Ben! BEN! Ben/Anna! :D
YES, I LOVE FANMIXES AND FICMIXES FOR THE SAME REASON. I get the urge to put music to fics I write, even original fic. And if I listen to a fanmix, I want to write fic set to the music or a song from that mix.
My original fic tends to be similar to fanfic in terms of genre & themes. I suppose I'm just drawn to the same ideas.
OH GOD BLOCKS. THEY ARE TEH EVIL. Especially when I KNOW what I want to write, I just can't put it words properly.
Because it makes me happy and it gives the little movies inside my head some where to be shown at.
I've always written, I can't remember not writing, literally. I think I must have driven my mother insane as a child before I learned to write, all the voices and movies in my head... yeah, she probably thought I was nuts... of course, I am a little eccentric, but aren't all writers? *looks at M. Night Shyamalan*
Do you write fanfic or original fic as well?
Before SPN I only wrote original, now I write Fanfic... I should probably get back to writing original then maybe all those damn publishers would stop calling and harassing me. *sighs*
When did you first start writing?
On the walls of my mother's womb...? Does that count? I dunno, like I said, I can't remember not writing, so... I guess elementary school? Pre-school? *shrugs*
Where do your ideas come from?
Music, movies, the weather, my surrounds, that little spot just beyond the sun... hell EVERYWHERE!
Do you get inspired my music, like I do sometimes? ( ... )
I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT A NEW SONG LEADING TO A FIC. And I tend to always put music to my fics--there use to be a time where I would pick out and make playlists of songs for my original fic and such. Music just makes me want to write more.
Ah yes. I too have an otherworldy quality to my original fic. I have an exceedingly difficult time writing about normal subjects, I have to always add a supernatural context to it.
And LOL, don't worry! I like to know what people write about tooo!
And I totally understand what you mean by THOSE EVIL BLOCKS. Like, you know what you want to say and you can visualize it in your head, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE THE VOCABULARY FOR IT. AND IT'S JUST SO FRUSTRATING!
Thanks for you commenting! It was awesome to hear other people's thoughts!
But it's the change to characters that really fascinates me.
This is my favorite thing about AUs. And also the most difficult for me too, because it's so EASY to screw up that I start to worry if it's out of character or not.
I also love the what-if scenario in fanfic, and doing stuff that canon would never do/go there. I love to see how things would occur if canon was given full rein. And of course, porn XD
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