So my Creative Writing homework (the one I should be doing right now *facepalm*) is to write a personal essay on something we are passionate about. I feel this may be somewhat redundant, but I'm going to do it on writing, why I write and when I started writing and such (because I feel an essay on fandom with just garner confusion *g
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For original fiction, I'm always suddenly having these quick movies that run into my head (no wonder I'm a film major). I daydream a lot and love to develop characters in my head--develop their history and their beliefs which later develop into a story. I find myself needing to release them usually through writing or drawing.
Fanfiction writing is mainly for fun. The drabble request, I really need to set myself down and force myself to do it when it is something I'm less familiar with doing. The ones for myself is more likely when a character or characters really pull my emotional strings really hard--even for characters I don't really like. I wrote a gen. fic centering on Vicki. She's not my favorite character, but I was so depressed from that episode and she was in my head for days. I thought wow, she was a seriously tragic figure the writers created. Terrible family life, the only figure she had was her brother who she loved and envied, she was a drug abuser and she knew her life was a mess and saw nothing in her future--the worse of it though?--She was right and I just had to put it down in words.
I often start things though and just run out of inspiration to ever finish some things unfortunately. >>;
Anyway, I hope that helps a little.
I daydream a lot too. I think that's where my first ideas came from, me daydreaming and wanting to put into words. And YES to developing characters in your head. I do that all the time, but I never get around to putting them to paper :/
FANFICTION IS FUN :D Also, I really need to read this Vicki gen fic. She was so tragic and she reminded me so much of people I knew in high school, which is probably why she resonated so much.
Oh woe. I have so many fics I've started and need to finish ;___;
It's awesome <3
If you want to check out the Vicki fic, it is here on my writing journal. I was so depressed after "Haunted" premiered. I stayed up that night writing it because I had to get it down and finish it before I went to bed or else I wouldn't get to sleep. I really think it was right to kill her character off. Happy endings don't always exist and though it has a supernatural twist, it's real in the fact that those like Vicki don't always make it out and get better. It's really depressing to think about it. I sort of want to do something similar to Ben (though he wasn't as tragic, but he also wasn't there as long).
Glad I can help <3
I support doing the same thing for Ben! BEN! Ben/Anna! :D
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